TribeOscope is a new word given to me by Spirit. TribeOscope is a prophetic empowerment tool and Christian alternative to secular astrology; however, it transcends religion. TribeOscope is a chart of the 12 ancient Hebrew tribes, led by the 12 sons of Jacob and how they correspond to the 12 Zodiac signs in divine astrology. In this book Eye unlock the codes and predict general charateristic traits and potential abilities, as well as future events, based on your birth date and month. Eye also crack the astrological codes hidden in the definitions of the 12 sons of Jacob and the prophetic blessings pronounced over them by Jacob and Moses. This is the first book of it kind that boldly reveals the astrological connection hidden in the Bible. Eye also dispel the error and fear that’s been taught regarding this subject. TribeOscope was first published in 2005, and is based on Bible facts, science, ancient Hebrew custom, gematria (biblical numerology) and intuition (spiritual gifts), which all bear witness. TribeOscope is multi-dimension and can be used as a manual for understanding the prophetic times. It has been used to acquire secret information, traits, and potentials; positive and negative about a spouse, lover, business partner, kids and yourself. Learn how to deal with those in your life in a more loving and wise way, by understanding what the heavens have declared (prophesied) about them. “The heaven declare (prophesy)”. Psalms 19:1

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