Reconciling the Unseen World | Atam.Org

Reconciling the Unseen World

Reconciling the Unseen World

Quite a number of years ago, I was conducting a conference on Vancouver Island in British Colombia, Canada. It was one of my mystical conferences, during the time when it was not safe to use the term, “Christian Mystic.” During my fervent Spirit-led prayer declaration, I summoned principalities and those on the Other Side (departed ones) to come into the meeting to hear and learn the mysteries and secrets of the Kingdom of God. I did not consciously plan to say this over the microphone; although, under my breath or mentally, I often did this before speaking and there had been many sightings in the meetings during those days. They would appear as various colored orbs, streaks of light and sometimes people testified of seeing silhouettes or visions of humanoid or angelic beings in the gatherings. (Normally in religious/spiritual meetings the speaker, or the one leading in prayer would bind and rebuke principalities and I also do the same, when I felt it was appropriate).

The prayer that had been so intense with unknown tongues, shouts of agreement and many other wonderful emotions from the packed building came almost to an immediate silence. I remember peeping through my teary eyes to see the expressions of shock and awe on some of the audience faces, as I suddenly ended the prayer. Now my original message would have to change to explain what I meant by calling in those in the unseen world to come, listen and learn. That phase of many months of traveling to the Island for a weekend of meetings that had produced many verifiable physical miracles, prophetic signs, and insightful revelation knowledge was to soon come to an end. However, it would lead to another phase with the remnant that wanted more. Most of the people were not comfortable with going beyond their comfort zone of the supernatural they were familiar with. That night I delivered this message called, “Reconciling the Unseen World.”

Many of you have heard much about the eternal Plan of the Father to Reconcile the world and how none will be lost and this is true. “It was God [personally present] in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself, not counting up and holding against [men] their trespasses [but cancelling them], and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration to favor).” 2 Corinthians 5:19 (AMPC) There is no such thing as loss, or waste in the universe, it is only the transforming of energy that appears to show loss. All that have lived in this 3-dimensional reality and All that will live in this reality will be balanced and brought back into harmony with Universal Consciousness after the lessons are learned in this material realm and in what you call the spirit realm.

While most evangelicals have been consumed with the idea of saving the lost, or seeing All as saved, or reconciled; little thought has been given regarding the status of those (saved or reconciled) on the Other Side. It has been perceived that those who laid down the physical form on this side and fell asleep are awakened on the Other Side to some sort of perfection (completion/spiritual maturity). This is not necessarily true. “As a tree falls, so shall it lie.” Ecclesiastes 11:3 – “They can not come to perfection without us.” Hebrews 11:40 This means that whatever state of consciousness one has when he/she experiences what is called death, that is the state of consciousness he/she awakens in the Unseen World.


The spirit (etheric energy), that produces frequency, thought formation, and consciousness is separated from the physical form of energy at what is called death. The accumulated knowledge of this spirit goes back to the Creator (God), but not in the sense of a Being in a far away galaxy. It goes into another dimension not seen with the physical eyes, but not far from the physical eye.

However, this etheric energy called spirit cannot really express itself without the denser form of energy that has emotions, impulses, imagination and will; this is called the soul. Soul is at a higher frequency than the physical form, called body. The spirit and soul of those in the Unseen World are very real and they are anxious to interact with the world they once knew. By discarding the physical form, it is almost impossible for some of them to penetrate our dense sense of reality.

The physical form has not really been lost, but transformed by a state of what is seen as decomposition (breaking down and reducing the form for another use), which in turn could serve as compost for the earth to assist in the growth of plant life. (This is a progressive green concept for burial.) This form of energy now provides nourishment for insects and animals, which may become clothing, furniture or food. This is the seemingly endless cycle of physical energy maintaining the balance on the physical plane.

The Unseen World is depending on the more highly evolved enlightened ones on the planet to reconcile them. I used the term “Unseen World” in a broad way; I will bring clarification to this.

As in the natural, so it is with the spirit Unseen world. On this plane of existence, there are over 7 billion people in many states of mind. Some highly enlightened and considered spiritual, some with a desire for spirituality, but seem to be stuck in old paradigms, and others that are clueless to why they are here and the important things of life.


On the Other Side there are those who are considered Masters, they overcame much or all of the Ego (carnal mind) on this side and continued to learn and develop on the Other Side. These are those that teach some of the newly arrived beings that cross from here to there. Not only do they teach those, but also they teach us. They are called “angels” or “messengers” in the Bible. A contemporary term for them is “guides” it is the same thing. “Are not the angels ministering spirits sent out to minister (serve, train, protect, guide, teach) those who inherit salvation? – Hebrews 1:14 “The angel of the LORD encamps (hangs out around) those that reverence Him.” Psalms 34:7

Throughout the Bible there was interaction with the Unseen World by those on this side, they brought messages to the prophets, worked miracles, and protected those they were assigned to. They are often called “the angel of the LORD.” In the book of Revelation, while John was on the Isle of Patmos, the beings called angels identified themselves as once being human, but was allowed to penetrate the dense 3-dimensional realm to give detail prophetic messages. Two of the angels (messengers-guides) said, “Don’t worship me, I am a fellow servant and brethren, a prophet like you (human), sent to show you these things, Worship God.” Revelation 19:10, 22:6, 9

It is these Great Souls, sons and daughters of Universal Intelligence that gather before the Creator to receive instruction in the Cosmic Mystery Schools to perform their work from the Unseen World that affects the Seen Worlds. In this Unseen Realm, both human and angelic (extraterrestrial being) gather to learn and plan for the goodwill and welfare of this planet and others. “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD.” Job 1:6 These sons ascend from every race, religion, culture, and civilization on this planet and other planets. They present themselves before the Creator in this Celestial School for training by what could be called “Master Souls.”

This is the great ‘cloud of witnesses’ (spiritual giants/masters) cheering us on and challenging us to exchange old paradigms for the new. With great anticipation, they watch and help as much as we allow. They may manifest as light beings, animals, human or angelic beings, appearing and disappearing at will. Sometimes they are the stranger that appears out of the blue to help (change a flat tire, lead someone out of burning building, speak a word of hope, etc). “Be careful how you treat strangers, many have entertained angels/guides unawares.” They realize they cannot experience total completeness until our frequency match theirs, then the wall of dimensionality will crumble. The Unseen World becomes the Seen and the Seen becomes Unseen, All is One.

[We are not denying the existence of Angelic Races, the word “angel” is used interchangeably in the Bible. However, I do believe that many of the beings identified as “angels” in the translation could also be those from Pre-Adamite civilizations on this planet and possibly many other planets that crossed over through physical death, or were able to take their bodies to the Other Side (ie, Enoch, Melchizedek and those they taught). The innumerable company of angels, messengers, guides should not be limited to have originated from our planet only. The Creator has always been creating and has a plan for UNIVERSAL Reconciliation].

Adam, Enoch and many others were taught by the angels according to historical text. The teachers/masters can only appear when the student is willing and ready. Are you willing and ready to enter the Cosmic School of Higher Learning? Due to lack of interest in universal eternal truth, you have the privileged of individual specialized tutoring under the administration of the Holy Spirit and a great company of angels.


Then, there are those that fell asleep while stuck in various stages of traditional paradigms and awoke on the Other Side the same way. These souls are depending on the enlightened ones from the Seen or the Unseen World to teach them.

Because the Unseen World exists all around about us, it is very easy to call in those from the Other Side. Although, you may not always see, hear, or feel them; they are there. In gatherings where a corporate expression of the Christ is being released, they are always anxious to partake by learning and teaching. Oftentimes, thoughts that we thought was ours actually originated from the Unseen World and was projected into our consciousness.

“To me is given grace and the boundless riches of Christ to enlighten all men and make plain to them that God provided salvation for all men and to reveal God’s purpose and mystery through the complicated wisdom of God, to make it known to the angelic realm, rulers, authorities and principalities in the heavenly sphere.” Ephesians 3:8-10 (Amplified Version) Meditate on this verse a while, take a long Selah……

This is a very important overlooked truth, stating the authority, job and expectation for those of us who are enlightened to proclaim truth with intent; not only to flesh and blood beings. Those of us who know who we are have been commissioned also to preach to the angelic beings and principal rulers, whether they be of light or darkness. We have the authority to do this.

Many of those in the unseen angelic state have something to offer, but many are also learning from those of us who might be more enlightened, as Apostle Paul stated. These souls sometimes become what are called guardian angels, guides or just observers (watchers).

On occasion, they communicate through a breeze of wind, dreams, visions, impressions, thought transference, or moving objects. They may manifest as a presence, silhouettes, spots or flickers of light seen from the corner of the eye mostly. Or, they may sometime affect electrical things (interference, light flickering in a room, distorted radio waves, street lights on/off)in their effort to give you a message. Don’t be afraid to speak to them. Ask the questions in faith and love. Who are you? Why are you here? Expect an answer that may come in the form of a thought, impression, a dream or writing may appear on something.


Finally, there are those that fell asleep clueless and may have been somewhat tormented and rebellious, many times they awake in the same hellish, tormented state not knowing they have passed on. Or, they awake with peace, but yet clueless, stuck and desperately needing ministry. They can roam around for many years (time-based on our reality) before they become an evolving soul. This is why in virtually all religions there are rituals for the dead; prayers, incense burning, and candle burning, even in the New Testament; “baptism for the dead.” I Corinthians 15:29 This first century Christian ritual is no longer practiced by modern Christianity, because it would be in conflict with an ‘eternal hell’ fear-based theology used to convert people. However, to the Mormons, this a a very important teaching/ritual.

It is these clueless souls that are out of balance that sometimes wreck havoc for those in this world. Their attachment to the physical plane is so strong and the sense of crossing too soon (sudden death-accident, suicide, murder victim), or unfinished business allows them to manifest and sometimes haunt the living. They are territorial and enjoy hanging around favorite places where they had a large concentration of energy (home, work, vehicle, people or things that were very important to them during their physical life, these are like magnets). In many cases, they linger around the place of their death if it was an accident, suicide or murder. The energy that is emitted at death can often get stuck around that location. Many of these souls are often confused with demons due to some of their actions.

They sometimes manifest as shadows, odors, silhouettes, noises, voices, cold air, (doorbell ringing, telephone ringing, knocking, poltergeist-TV, radio, computer monitor). You can release them to the Light. Let them know that the work of Yahushua provided reconciliation for them. Command them to be reconciled to God. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation. This is the working of the Spirit through us to balance the energies of the troubled tormented stuck clueless souls and bring them into harmony with All that is. This work does not always happen at once; however, if one is skilled or filled with faith it can. There are no set procedures of “how to.” In my experience, each case has been different and the knowing what to do came intuitively.

After Jesus’ crucifixion, he descended to the lowest frequency of the Unseen World to minister to the souls of those considered unrighteous. He released them from old paradigms and traditional thought (mental hell) and raised their vibratory frequencies to the highest experience of Grace. This gave them the ability to come to the frequency of the Father. He led the captive ones to the state of grace, releasing the soul (emotions, will) energy from the entrapped memories that would keep them tied to the physical plane and lower vibrations.

“When Jesus ascended on high (to a higher frequency beyond what we normally see and hear), he led captivity captive (souls entrapped in lower vibrations-sometimes called hell consciousness) and gave gifts (extended grace, the ability to advance forward) to even the rebellious (out of balance). He first descended to the lowest frequency and ascended to the highest frequency to present them before the Father. Christ fills all realms, heaven, earth and the lower parts (hell).”
Ephesians 4:7-10, Psalms 68:18


“He that has ears to hear, let him hear.” Yahushua often made that statement after teaching something very profound that reached beyond the traditional paradigm and limited understanding of his listeners. Not only did Christ reconcile the spirits and souls of men/women to Creator, but He also provided reconciliation to the principalities (dark forces called demonic realm). “And God purposed that through His Son ALL THINGS should be completely reconciled back to Himself, whether on earth or in the heavenlies (unseen world), He has made peace through the blood of the cross.” Colossians 1:20 (Ampv)

From the Divine Perspective, nothing is wrong, there is nothing called sin, nor its’ effects. The Creator is not battling what is perceived as evil or the devil. The work of the Cross brought Reconciliation (divine balance, adjustment, harmony, and unity) with ALL things. Keep in mind, that is from the Divine Perspective of “It Is Finished.”

The being, entity or energy called Satan has been reconciled and all that is called demonic. (To be clear, Salvation and Reconciliation are Not the same works of the Cross, they are different.) However, many of these entities don’t know that they have been reconciled, and must be taught; just as many of the evolving and clueless souls. [To further make this clear, salvation/enlightenment, reconciliation has been given to every person on the planet, but all are not aware of it, until we tell them the Good News. When they hear and believe the Good News their lives change]. Read Ephesians 3:8-10, Colossians 1 again.

Also in the days of Jesus the demons often cried out “why are you coming to torment us?” They as humans have become enemies and alienated in their thinking, assuming that the Creator is angry. God is always LOVE. Mark 5:7 They did not know that he came to put an end to their work through reconciliation (bring them back into harmony and unity with the Divine). Colossians 2:20 Most of humanity are not aware of this either. They think God is a terrorist.

Reconciliation is different from what is termed “salvation” in the Bible. Humans experience what is called salvation and reconciliation. Principalities and the demonic realm experience reconciliation. The element and symbol of fire is used to portray the means of this process – Holy Ghost Fire or hell fire.


As old ways of thinking and processing information continue to change and Collective Consciousness evolve on the planet, the awareness and need to interact with the Unseen World will increase. This will release humanity from the bondage of fear into the liberty of Be-ing All things.

The Principalities and ruling demons are waiting to hear the word of reconciliation from the enlightened ones that will reprogram, balance their energy and give them new assignments; so they will not feel the need to bring imbalance and disturbance in the earth plane. However, this can only happen when humans are released from fear and ignorance of the spirit world. At this point, the demonic realm becomes servants to the enlightened ones accelerating Divine Purpose in the universe. Then, they are no longer seen as demons, rather, they have been transformed into messengers of the Divine. No longer foes, but friends to the family of humanity. When Jacob saw his twin brother, whom he had perceived as the enemy, he said, “I have seen your face, it is as though I had seen the face of God, and you were pleased with me.” Genesis 33:10

The Christ Consciousness that brings reconciliation will boldly summon and draw in the energies of those in the Unseen World. The Clueless Souls will hear us proclaim the “good news” and be brought into harmony with the Creator. Thus, releasing them from their torments and rapturing them to a higher frequency of Grace and expression of Light.

The Evolving Souls will learn the lessons necessary from us and the Master Souls as we also learn and the wall of dimensionality crumbles. As we continue to move from duality to Oneness (Singularity), the Christ Mind will permeate the universe with reconciliation and life for all species.

Jesus demonstrated the uniting or reconciliation of All realm, heaven, earth and hell (the lowest vibration) through His life, death and resurrection. This is the Divine Balance in man and the universe, ultimate reconciliation of All Things.

There are many souls and angels in the Unseen World waiting to contact and assist you on your inward journey; the Ego, fear, unbelief and old mindsets keep them out of your sight. Once you realize that nothing can harm you and that you are one with the ALL; the universe and all realms will bow before you.

There are spirits, angels sent to teach you, healers, prophets and many others anxious to work with you and through you in every walk of life (business, technology, music, arts, law, ecology, sports, etc). During your meditation time ask the Father to show you your angels/guides. Give them permission to manifest, speak to you, through you, and write through you. Listen carefully, accelerate your sensitivity, expect and believe your experience. The veil of separation between here and there really only exist in your mind.

I release the paranormal, the supernatural to start happening all around you-EXPECT IT! Have frequent paranormal encounters.

Order of Melchizedek

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