Solar Eclipse, Super Moon & Spring Equinox

Solar Eclipse, Super Moon & Spring Equinox

The powerful phenomenal celestial events happening on March 20, 2015 were preceded by a powerful  X2.2 class Solar flare  March 11, 2015.  The energy from that corona mass ejection has prepared the planet for the portals that are about to open and many other things.  Our atmosphere is yet saturated with  radiation and mysterious intelligent particles ejected from deep within the Sun.  This solar and celestial intelligence is interacting with everything on the planet at very subtle levels.


Due to time restraints, we want to just glaze over March 20, 2015  events – The signs in the heavens are shouting many messages.  March 20, 2015 , there will be a Super Moon.  This will be the 3rd one of the year, there will be 3 more later this year (August, September, October).   A Super Moon is when the Moon  is much closer and looks larger than normal but because it will be a New Moon, it will not be visible as a Super Moon.    March 20, 2015 is also the Spring Equinox and there will be a Total Solar Eclipse.  We have (3) major celestial events happening on the same day – Total Solar Eclipse, Spring Equinox and a Super Moon.

In this rare event, the Total Solar Eclipse at the North Pole will happen simultaneously, as the Vernal Equinox takes place and the New Moon comes closer to Earth.  The Eclipse will only be seen in Europe, as darkness creeps across western Europe; foreshadowing an end of a long era for Europe.  The Eclipsing Sun will be in the Zodiac sign house of Pisces on the cusp of Aries, the New Super Moon will also be in the house of Pisces.  The energy from this phenomenal event will literally force portals open.

As with all celestial events, portals open, but major portals or very significant portals open when we have rare celestial events like the March 20, 2015 events.  Literal portals  over the northern hemisphere will open – some of these portals can be considered as wormholes, by which multi-dimensional entities  and beings from far away places will have easier faster access to the planet.

On the other hand, the opening of these ancient portals with the positioning of the Sun, Moon and other objects is very powerful; especially for those who are on the Path and seeking to know more.  We are being upgraded, these upgrades happens at various points in our evolution of consciousness, based on our growth and ability to receive.  The change is happening here a little and there a little, due to the frailty of the human form in the 3 dimensional world.   Most  of us are not yet equipped emotionally, physically nor spiritually to manifest the fullness of Divine Light 24/7, it would destroy the physical form.  Nevertheless, we are being transformed.  The physical form of this present version of our self is vanishing and the new creation self is emerging.

Absorb the energy with visualization of the mysterious particles from the Sun and celestial energy is changing you.   See yourself becoming the Light that you are and always was and will be.    Visualize doors, portals are being opened in your brain and mind as Light flows through engulfing your entire being.  See the light energy interacting with your DNA, upgrading it with message codes that will change from mortal to immortal.


The event of March 20 is called the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning and End.   The Sun will be eclipsing and equinox at 29-30 degrees of Pisces.  Pisces is the Omega Zodiac sign house, the last of the 12.    However, during these event, the Sun will be moving into 1 degrees of  the Zodiac house of Aries.  Aries is the Alpha or first of the Zodiac.  The Sun will be moving from a Water element (Pisces)  to a Fire element (Aries). 

Spirit is saying that we are at the ending of a cycle as a planet and the beginning of a new one.  This can be seen on every level of our collective consciousness.  The Beginning is Near!!!  We are coming full circle and being given an awesome chance to start again.    It is all about the choices we make as a planetary society that will determine how the planet will be impacted in the years to come.  Those who choose not to change their thinking for the good will not see and experience the realities of the new day all around them.  They will remain in the Omega consciousness of seeing the end that  seems unending.

  On  individual levels  you are moving from instability (waters of Pisces) to more stability (fire of Aries).   The instability in Relationships, Finances, Health issues and Spiritual challenges are coming to an end.  Some of you will be drawn to old ideas, dreams and projects that were set aside years ago, they will be picked up again.   This is a season when people that have been out of your life or those you have not had communication with for a while will reconnect.       As you move from instability, the fiery passion  of Aries will ignite you and motivate you for new beginnings, fresh insight for old ideas and projects.  This is a time for major changes in your life.  It is a time to start things and complete them.  The universe is assisting you with the energy to stay motivated.   

This is also a very emotional period.   If you are  empathic, you may have experience deep emotions or mood swings over the past few days-that’s normal.    These 3 major events happening simultaneously are forcing transition on the planet,  this stirs up a lot of emotions that can be felt by empaths.     Be sure to separate your emotions from those of others you may be carrying.  Allow peace to prevail.

What an awesome time to be alive to see the signs in the heavens reminding up to keep looking up because our redemption draws near.


With the amount of energy being exerted from the heavens onto the Earth, we will most like see some Earthquakes, Volcano eruptions or Storms within the next 7 days.  

6.4 Earthquake hits Northern Chile – 3/24/15

Volcanoes in Mexico & Chile Explosive Eruption – 3/25/15   (Several Volcanoes are erupting in this time frame-New Zealand,  Aleutians, etc)

Eye see with the Equinox and Eclipse taking place on the cusp of Aries –  There Will Soon Be An EXTREME Fire season causing much destruction of property and loss of life.  There will be several Major Fires around the country.  

2015 Most Devastating Fire Season Since 1960 –

(Another sign will manifest as some type of explosion-Eye can see the explosions that appears as a tanker and or a building exploding – between March 19-27) 

March 26, 2015 – Explosion, massive fire reported in Manhattan’s East Village

Beginning of the sign:  EXPLOSIONS ROCK INDIANAPOLIS – March 19, 2015 –  Underground Explosions in Indianapolis

Eye heard in the realm of the Spirit a meteorologist using the term “Strange Wind” –  it might even be used in printed media.  Eye see a “strange wind” blowing across the nation and around the world.   In our nation it might manifest as unusual/different types of Storms – Tornadoes.   The formations of these coming storm systems will not be ordinary or what we are used to seeing. 

Events happening this coming weekend –  Secret meetings,  Political and Financial moves  done during this time will manifest as World Events when the Sun moves in to Leo.       July 23-27 are high energy dates for manifestation, devastation and revelations.  Headline news should be interesting.

Everything is changing on the planet and what appears as chaos and destruction, transforms into creation and life.    Choose Life.


Read another recent Prophetic Writings with things to Pray about:  They Shall Prophesy

Check out our E-book, TribeOscope- Christian Alternative to Secular Astrology



Order of Melchizedek

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  1. Realm of the Prophetic & 2015 Prophecies in Review | Atam.Org - […] (Another sign will manifest as some type of explosion-Eye can see the explosions that appears as a tanker and…

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