5778  Prophetic Review

5778 Prophetic Review

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! By the time most of you read this article, it will be Rosh Hashanah (New Year 5779) – also called the Feast of Trumpets. As most of you that have known us know, we celebrate and observe the biblical holidays; including the weekly sabbaths. Normally, we would have a prophetic messages showing what shall be over the next 12 months and beyond. I am not for sure if I will do that this year. We are coming into a very unusual year, and a very unique time of many paradoxes and promises. If we do not post our prophecies here and what Spirit has revealed, we will share them with our on-line private class that starts October 29, 2018. Either way, we will be sharing things not posted here with our RISING MYSTICS MASTER CLASS People frequently ask why I don’t write as frequently as before or make more videos. It’s the illusion of time I am yet somewhat controlled by. I am blessed to home school my (2) sons, grades 3 & 6 – they have never gone to a public school building. Plus, as a full-time single parent over the last 4-5 years, I am yet trying to learn to bend time, redeem the time or prolong the time to get everything done in a day. Hats off to all you committed single parents, especially, you dads. THIS IS A PROPHETIC REVIEW Prophecy is sometime a double-edge sword and we are in a period of time where mass consciousness is accelerating positive or negative thoughts extremely fast. It is mass consciousness that create or...