Mystic Journey 2017 – Sukkot Prophetic Conference

Mystic Journey 2017 – Sukkot Prophetic Conference

Shalom People of the Most High God, Age To Age Ministries Int’l is hosting the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Prophetic Conference October 6-8, 2017 for the first time in a long time.  We are doing this in a familiar place SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA.  – Ramada Hotel (National City) Ballroom.  700 National City Blvd. – Hotel is about 5 miles from the airport. This will be a Mystic Journey and highly Prophetic, as Prophets, Prophetess and prophetic people are converging from various parts –  I will be teaching on the metaphysical and esoteric aspects of Sukkot and unraveling the ancient symbols. Our mandate is to explain this Mystic Journey, set you on the Journey or assist you in getting further on the Journey.  There will be several speakers and Prophetic  Personal Ministry, Healing, deliverance if needed, throughout the 5-7 meetings. THERE IS LIMITED SEATING – IF YOU PLAN TO BE THERE BOOK YOUR HOTEL ROOM UNDER- AGE TO AGE MINISTRIES INT’L BLOCK- IF THE BLOCK ROOMS ARE FILLED – ASK TO SPEAK TO HALEY OR EMAIL US IMMEDIATELY. IF YOU ARE ATTENDING: ONCE YOU HAVE MADE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS –  EMAIL US YOUR INFO (name, address, phone##) IMMEDIATELY TO RESERVE SEATING.  AS STATED SEATING CAPACITY IS LIMITED. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
The Greatest Deception In Christianity…

The Greatest Deception In Christianity…

Visualize this: Yahushua (Jesus) has just left the Temple. It was not like one of those Sabbath, Weekly or Sunday services that ended with extreme joy, shouting, dancing and lots of excitement. It was not even one of the supernatural kind of meetings, where the lame walked, dead raised, demons exorcised or lots of people repented. Those types of things were common as he preached and demonstrated the unlimited power of God. However, on that specific day, he gave the people a reality check. It was a message targeted for the preachers, teachers and religious/political leaders and their denominations. What were the ancient denominational type of groups called 2000 years ago in Judea? Pharisees – they were similar to many of the arrogant Charismatic & Pentecostal Evangelicals today. They are “Fair you see” = Pharisee. They believed in the full gospel, the supernatural and talk about love a lot- they thought that they were alright. Saducees – they were similar to the ‘traditionally’ dead Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran (other non-Spirit-filled Churches) Evangelicals today. They are “Sad you see”= Saducee. They were like the many believers in Christ that don’t believe in the supernatural, baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongue, miracles. Many of them hold high moral standards that their leaders often publicly trip over-Moral Majority Fundamental. Legalism will always trip you up. Herodians– they were Religious only when it was necessary (election season, etc) and definitely not spiritual. They were hungry for status and power. They were similar to the corrupt Zionist (Christian/Jews) movement of today. In Jesus’ (Yahushua’s) day, they were very anti-Christ and only interested in...
Prophetic Update – Spring 2017

Prophetic Update – Spring 2017

“Also of the sons of Issachar men of understanding, that knew all times to order what Israel should do, two hundred principal men: and all the rest of the tribe followed their counsel.” 1 Chronicles 12:32 Douay-Rheims Bible “Then the king said to the wise men who understood the times– for it was the custom of the king so to speak before all who knew law and justice..” Esther 1:13 KJV “But Jesus replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘The weather will be fair, for the sky is red;’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times!” Matthew 16:3 Can we actually discern the signs of the times? Do we have the ability to see and know by the Spirit events of the future? Does the Holy Spirit yet reveal times, dates and seasons major events will be taking place on the planet, or in our nation that could affect us all? Is the Creator actually concerned or even aware of political, social or religious issues and challenges we face today? The answer to all those questions is a resounding, “YES!” For decades Eye have posted prophetic words of events that would be happening in our nation, cities, and other nations. Sometimes Eye have given the exact dates and time within several hours ranged, months or weeks before the event took place. Spirit reveals for several reasons: If it is something negative or devastating, it is revealed to give us a chance to pray...
Trump’s Tremendous Sermon on the Mount

Trump’s Tremendous Sermon on the Mount

Is it possible I am having a change of heart about Trump? For those of you who think I only post negative things about Trump, by the way, which were all true; here’s something different. I am sure all my super-sensitive conservative readers will be very proud of me, I can feel your smiles already. “The Lord is my shepherd. OK? Totally. Big league. He is a tremendous shepherd. The best. No comparison. I know more than most people about herding sheep. And that’s why I won the election in a landslide and it’s why my company is doing very very well. Because He said, “I’m with you, Donald. You will never want.” So we were on this green pasture by the still waters and He said, “Lie down.” I said, “Lie down?” He said, “Lie down.” And He made me lie down. Right there in the pasture. So I lie down. People are so surprised that I lie down — “Oh, he’s lying down.” But He’s my shepherd. Great shepherd. Not just good. Great. It was right there that I thought, “This is going to be a tremendous golf course. Terrific greens. Plenty of water. And it is. Everybody who plays it comes away saying, “That is the greatest course in the entire world.” Everybody. So He was saying to me, Blessed are the deal-makers for theirs is the kingdom. Big time. Blessed are they who scorn: for they shall be comfortable. Blessed is machismo for it wins again and again. Blessed are they who are persecuted by the dishonest press for they shall continue down the paths...
Are You Awake Yet??!!

Are You Awake Yet??!!

I once was sort of complaining to a friend of mine about the messages I receive, that many times disturb people. She told me, “It’s hard to wake someone up without disturbing them.” But shouldn’t we respect the sleep of others? That unconscious, unaware, oblivious, tranquil looking state that most are snuggled, cozy and satisfied in…should it be disturbed? Eyes closed, snoring, detached from reality, motionless between two worlds, as the smell of smoke fills the house from the unseen fire silently growing and burning…shouldn’t they be disturbed? Or, do we out of respect for their privacy allow them to breath in the fumes from the smoke, putting them in yet a deeper peaceful sleep…a sleep that they will never awaken from in this world? Hear this word: EYE WATCH THEM SLEEP Eye sit and watch, sometimes from a distance and sometimes close up, People sleeping, some snoring; tossing and turning – but can’t wake themselves up- Eye stand and watch, sometimes from a distance and sometimes near, People motionless, passionless sleeping-some having nightmares, filled with fear. In the disappointment, the yelling, and a plethora of noisy sounds, Yet sleeping, selfishly enjoying the illusions all around- In the chaos, pain, injustice, screaming and fleeting breaths of despair, Yet sleeping, comforted and cozy, covered without a care. Eyes tightly shut to blot out the light of reality you’ve convinced yourself is not real, Escape from a sense of humanity, by creating and believing a false gospel- Eyes closed so tight – assured to remain in an eternal night, Accepting and defending ‘Alternative Facts’ to substitute wrong for right. Sleeping! As...