Illegitimate Ruler & Kim Clement Prophecy

Illegitimate Ruler & Kim Clement Prophecy

I was taught in Church long ago and have heard throughout the years, that every king, president, ruler or government is put in place by the Almighty. “Promotion comes from God.” “The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he turns it.” “God sets one up and pulls another down.” These are some of the Scripture verses widely used to justify that theology. In the distant past, I have repeated the same thing, as I was told. As we grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of the Christ and His thinking (consciousness), we learn to let go of “childish” thinking, beliefs and behaviors. We realize some things we were taught were not true. In fact, there were many kings that were not anointed or chosen by God. Did God really raise up an openly wicked, bigot, vile, sex predator, perverted, arrogant person to lead this so called, “Christian” nation and the world…the man that most Christians support? Was this God’s choice or the people’s choice? We understand the Sovereignty of God in all things, but we also understand the measure of “free will” and “choice” the Father allows His people. Isn’t it possible that God will allow Illegitimate Rulers (kings, presidents, etc) that He did not choose, but the people who should have known better chose?? Could there be 500 billion reasons why someone manipulated the election for Trump to win and none of them was God? Could it be that Trump is only a mirror image of what’s in the hearts of most of those that claim to know JESUS? In the...
Year of the Cock – 2017

Year of the Cock – 2017

It’s 2017! Oh my God, didn’t 2016 do a number on most of us? Does anyone else feel they were sliced, diced, battered, salted and put in the oven turned on high by life events? Thank God the timer went off and we were taken out and declared, “Well Done.” Did you notice how fast people, and celebrities were leaving the planet (dying) as the year came to an end? But you are yet here. You have a purpose for yet being here, when so many around you were taken. I normally would have this portion of the New Year 2017 message out by now, but I was waiting to see if President Obama would have a delayed exit of the White House before the transition, due to some… event. Nevertheless, whether the transition is delayed, or not I will share some more thoughts and prophetic insights regarding 2017. In October, Eye already spoke into this year in our message called, “YEAR 5777 – PROPHETIC” WHAT WAS UP WITH 2016???!! Looking back before looking ahead. I managed to piss more people off unintentionally and intentionally with Truth and Facts than ever before. Of course, I must admit, I was less patient than normal, and sometime enjoyed telling arrogant people off. I am sure I was probably the only one feeling all the tension, pressure and automatically reacting. 🙂 But why was 2016 so messed-up for so many of us? Sometimes I forget what I preach and prophesy about. From late 2015-2016, Eye spoke about Saturn’s movements would expose what’s in our heart. I found out my tolerance level for...
Overcomer’s Conference 2015 – Get It.

Overcomer’s Conference 2015 – Get It.

Some of you have emailed us and even written asking about Ministry Products not realizing we do have a STORE on this website, in the top right hand corner, just before the SEARCH icon.  Feel free to browse and order powerful teachings/preaching messages from meetings and conferences.  Today we are posting our New Years’ – OVERCOMER Conference – 2015 from Minneapolis, MN.  It was a Celebration.   Is your Praise/Worship Cerebral or Celebratory??  Is your Spirituality Exciting and FUN or Dead & Boring?  Hopefully it is celebratory as you will find in the messages of this powerful series. We have decided to include some Prophetic Worship/Praise, Testimonial & Ministry in this series.  Usually we just share a message.  Warning!  This is highly contagious and you might have a real Pentecostal experience.  I believe the message of the Kingdom should not be in word only, but demonstration of the Spirit and power.  When a Living Revealed Word is delivered, it should affect our lives in some way.  Without the anointing, the words of life appeal to the intellect and become dead letter words.   We are suggesting a very small donation of Only $11:11 for the series – because everyone need this anointing in your home, car, office. Eye feel Spirit will cause  an awakening & open some portals (11 11) on your behalf.    Get ready for Portals to open in you and for you.  You will hear and feel the anointing on this series of messages, choruses birth by Spirit, also the revelation of the Spirit.  God gave many confirmations and miracles during these meetings. The MP3 Files  can be burned onto  CDs. ...
Sistine Chapel Virtual Tour

Sistine Chapel Virtual Tour

Come join us on a tour of the Sistine Chapel this Sunday morning. We can appreciate the art, even though the characters looked nothing like Michaelangelo’s wonderful rendition. Turn up your volume and experience this 3 minutes guided tour. If you’d like to take your time to tour and experience the choir more after the 3 minutes tour, click the link below the video. Stay as long as you’d like and experience the choir. (Use your mouse to navigate, left click hold while moving around the Chapel). I’m feeling this, I need to take it slow, give me more – Please click the link below: PRAYER REQUEST: I had a dream/vision last night 2/21/15 – Eye saw a VOLCANO ERUPTION -soon. Eye saw, it appeared as a dormant volcano that woke up, it appeared near a city/town. Eye was taken there, but I don’t know for sure if it was in USA. Eye saw stones, rocks and ash fall on the town/city. I was running with the people to bring them to safety, it will happen in daylight hours. [Eye saw that prayer/meditation can limit the impact of this eruption.] Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Sky Full of Stars – Kelli’ Blog

Sky Full of Stars – Kelli’ Blog

We have a treat for you all from Kelli’s Blog – (Awake & Ascending) Sky Full of Stars.  You will want to Bookmark this blog and visit it frequently or as often as possible for inspiration.   Kelli is one of my “spiritual daughters”  that has a deep hunger for All of Him to be manifested in her, as her and through her.  She’s an inspiration, woman of great faith, intelligence, love and compassions.  It has been wonderful observing her spiritual growth over the past few years and hearing of her extraordinary spiritual encounters. Check out Kelli’s Blog and leave Comments or Prayer Request here ~~  SKY FULL OF STARS Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...