The Path of Initiation

The Path of Initiation

The Path of Initiation is a revelation I received in 2001 from the life of Samson.   I had plans for it becoming a book but never got around to it…yet.  Furthermore, it was yet somewhat unsafe to mention astro-theology or allude to it in many of the circles where I was invited to speak.  Since the Sun has been in Scorpio and yet is; we have mentioned the Samson connection in previous writings over the past few weeks.  In this scheme of events called life, we are presented with many choices and there are many paths that all lead somewhere, even if it’s to a dead end. However, for the disciple that’s seeking true Enlightenment, there is only one path. The Path of Initiation is the Path that goes within, veering off to yet many smaller paths deeper into oneself.  An Involution must precede each Evolution of consciousness. “The Path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.”  Proverbs 4:18 The New Testament Greek word for “mystery” is musterion, which means to shut the mouth (sshhh), silence imposed by Initiation. Jesus (Yahushua) often spoke to the multitudes in parables, however, to the inner circle He showed them the Path of Initiation into the mysteries of the Kingdom. Matt. 13:11 The Path of Initiation, which is oftentimes humiliating, is to determine if one is qualified to receive the rite of passage. This brings into mind the questioning of one’s character, which must be tried. Words like, Integrity, Courage, Loyalty, Commitment, Faith, Obedience, Sacrifice, and Love must become the garments of the one seeking Initiation.   Question:...
Shmitah Part 2

Shmitah Part 2

Shmitah is the Sabbatical year that comes every seven years.  It is literally a Sabbath for the land,  Yahweh instructed the original Hebrew people to allow their fields to lay fallow for a year with the promise of supernatural abundance the following years.  The Shmitah was designed to honor Mother Earth, thus, activating her geological technology;  which in return would honor humans by yielding her abundance.   However, the mystery of  the Shmitah goes much deeper, having prophetic implications on every aspect of human life, as does all of the Sabbaths or Feast days on the Biblical Calendar.  At the time of this posting, it is Elul 26, 5774 on the Biblical Calendar – (September 21, 2014).  September 24th @ sunset, which is September 25 Biblical Calendar begins Shmitah.  (This also begins Rosh Hashanah – New Year- Feast of Trumpets) –  Part 1 of this message can be found here ~~ SHMITAH Part 1 Shmitah means Release; to fall, collapse, shaking.  Within the definition of this word we can already see the power of the Shmitah. Before we go deeper, lets look at what happened during ancient times when the people observed the Shmitah.  Our Shmitah begins September 25, 2014 (Elul 29) and ends September 13, 2015 (Elul 29). Shmitah was called the Year of Release for several purposes, here are some of them.  The last day of the Shmitah, Elul 29 on the Hebrew Calendar was a time for DEBT CANCELLATION.  All the accounts were dismissed and everyone was given a fresh start.  This happened every seven years.  This RESET eliminated cycles of poverty by Releasing all debt, it also did not allow the creditor to take advantage of the debtor or leave...
Virgo – Centaurus Suffering – Part 3

Virgo – Centaurus Suffering – Part 3

  Centaurus a decan of Virgo.  The Sun is in Virgo from August 23 – September 22. Virgo the Pregnant Virgin has 3 decan (faces, expressions), which are sub-constellations that makes up her complete Zodiac house.   In each of the series of this message we will be showing you the star map that makes up the complete house of Virgo.     People often wonder, how did we get these ancient images of humans, animals, creatures and objects that make up the constellations, and are recognized globally. After the creation of the human, the angels taught them the secrets of the stars. The shapes and images reflected what humans had seen on the earth. Of course, some of the creatures like Centaurus is considered only a mythological creature that never existed by most.  As above, so below.  Whatever image we see in the heavens must have had a literal counterpart on earth at one time or maybe now.   This ancient knowledge is being restore and taught to us by the angels again. In our last article, COMA SPEAKS, We pointed out that Coma was the first decan of Virgo. The Zodiac sign of Virgo the Virgin itself, is the celestial declaration of the Christ child being born of a virgin. It is also layered with many other prophetic clues of the 21st century generation of Christ (Messiahs) being birth into existence in a supernatural way. Read MESSAGE FROM VIRGO to get a clearer understand. In Virgo part 2, the man-child has been born, this is portrayed as Coma is holding the Desired One. He is destined to rule. Draco...
10:10:10 Initiation

10:10:10 Initiation

October 6, 2010 Greetings fellow Galactic Brethren, what an extraordinary time you have chosen to manifest in. We are rapidly approaching the next Code that unlocks yet another phase of our Being and destiny. Many of these Codes are set forth in numbers that interact with the consciousness on the planet as well as the vibratory frequencies of the body human. Most of the numeric codes are accompanied with astronomical events as a double witness to the portals being opened as energy from the heavens assist in our evolution and ascension. These Universal Laws and the understanding of them is what will release you from the limitations of the body human into the body of Light that you really are. October 10, 2010 serves as an important date for all humanity. A gateway is opening filled with possibilities for those that dare to enter. Due to the vast amount of people on the planet operating on the Gregorian Calendar; mass consciousness has help to create this Gateway, vortex; a door that has to open in the heavens. 10:10:10 Prepare yourself for the next big Shift in Consciousness with the Initiation of 10:10:10. October 10, 2010. 10:10:10 is your access code to the next level of your initiation into deeper levels of Spirit. Does this mean that you will feel a dramatic change? Not necessarily, but you can. The very truth of who we are is ascending and expanding from the depths of our being as each shift takes place. Soon this human costume will not be able to contain the Light within, it will be swallowed up into Life...