

(This message/testimonial below was originally shared March 13, 2013 in an article on the old website. ) When I saw the article posted below called, “Shape-Shifting Jesus,” my heart leap for joy. Around the year 2000, before this published work in the article, I’d preach on this subject many times. It was not that acceptable to refer to Jesus as a “Shape-Shifter.” I am sure many would have a problem with it even today. I hosted the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Conference in Seattle, WA 2004 called, “Shape-Shifters.” I taught and preach on the ability we have to literally shapeshift and proclaimed that Jesus was a Shape-Shifter. There were some that suggested and complained my language was a bit too “New Agey.” SHAPESHIFT – The ability to literally transform ones body, to take on another completely different form or shape. What happened in Matthew chapter 17? While Jesus and (3) of his apostles were praying on the mountain top, something supernatural happened in that prayer meeting. Jesus was Transfigured, he changed his physical form/figure into a body of brilliant white light and even his clothing, right in front of his apostles. He told them not to tell anyone. “And as they were going down the mountain, Jesus commanded them, “Do not tell anyone what you have seen until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” Matthew 17:9 AMP After his literal resurrection from the dead, he shape-shifted many times. Mary thought he was the Gardener, because he changed his form. “When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there; but she did...
Uranus Transit Into Taurus May 2018

Uranus Transit Into Taurus May 2018

One of the biggest celestial events of May 2018 is the planet Uranus, which means heaven, sky. It will move out of Aries where it has been for 7 years, into the sign of Taurus. It will remain there until April 2026, 7 years. Uranus or Heaven will be setting the stage of what will be happening over the next 7 years in Taurus influencing the Earth. Father created the heavens to be ruled by 12 main houses, they are also called mansions. These mansions cover about a 30 degrees arc of space each in the universe. Each is sliced out like a large pizza in this wheel with in a wheel. Each mansion has 3 smaller mansions or sub-constellations (shapes of human, animals, beast or objects).. The 12 Big Mansions or Houses of the Zodiac have at least one govern (ruler). The Rulers are the 9 planets of our Solar System, in this highly organized government of the second heaven. “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule (govern) the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars (constellations) also.” Genesis 1:16 The Sun of Righteousness moves throughout this Zodiac (circle of animals and shapes of men) Wheel during the 12 months of the year. For example, today April 20, the Sun has moved into Taurus and is 1 degree in the Mansion (house, tabernacle) of Taurus. The Sun of Righteousness will remain mostly in Taurus, going through its many rooms for about 30 days. Each room represents a day someone was born between April 19/20 – May 20, and...
Sun Simulator & New Planetary Bodies

Sun Simulator & New Planetary Bodies

The technology and science you see being used today that claims to be the result of recent breakthroughs in science is at least 40 years old. There have been discoveries on the planet left by ancient civilizations that were very technologically advanced, that we benefit from today. There is also reverse engineered technology from crashed space crafts (UFO’s), as well as an exchange of technology from various alien races visiting the planet. We, the people do not get to see, enjoy and benefit from the technology that would liberate humanity…yet. For many years I have spoken that the Chemtrails we see in the sky are not placed there just to make us sick, but they are concealing something they don’t want us to see along with changing the planet at the same time. This is where we go deeper into the rabbit hole and I am thought to be making up conspiracy theories by some. The Chemtrails serve multiple purposes; apart from making people sick. I don’t claim to know all of them, but one has been recently confirmed, that I have long stated. #1) I have felt for some time that there is a massive Geoengineering Program taking place and our planet is being terraformed. All the major and western nations are in agreement. Why? A short quick answer. As we have been stating for many years, the elite are preparing the planet to be ruled by the losing side (fallen angels/aliens). They need the atmosphere to be changed in order to live here. They and their human and hybrid counterparts on Earth are too arrogant to accept...
The Death of Christianity in the US – by Miguel De La Torre

The Death of Christianity in the US – by Miguel De La Torre

It’s Passion Week. Many think of the death, burial and resurrection of Yahshua during this time of the year. I am thinking of the message Yahshua (Jesus) brought and how it’s being massacred by many to whom it was entrusted. The conscience of many have become seared and wonder, “what’s the big deal,” accepting that all is well, as they carry on. Fortunately, more true prophetic voices are sounding the alarms, desperately trying to wake up this religious culture. I read this message below that echoes what I have been hearing, seeing and saying. Christianity in this nation is dying, but the Christ Consciousness is being resurrected. May it bring more light and awaken a hunger for the “old path, wherein is the good Way.” ‘This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Jeremiah 6:16 Miguel De La Torre Message: “Christianity has died in the hands of Evangelicals. Evangelicalism ceased being a religious faith tradition following Jesus’ teachings concerning justice for the betterment of humanity when it made a Faustian bargain for the sake of political influence. The beauty of the gospel message — of love, of peace and of fraternity — has been murdered by the ambitions of Trumpish flimflammers who have sold their souls for expediency. No greater proof is needed of the death of Christianity than the rush to defend a child molester in order to maintain a majority in...
Mystical Correlation Between Clasped Hands & the Vagus Nerve

Mystical Correlation Between Clasped Hands & the Vagus Nerve

This will probably turn into a series of teachings on mystical techniques and hand expressions that trigger the spirit world and literally stimulate chemical responses in your body and brain that can produce healing. Learn about this awesome science, practice it with intent and heighten your spiritual awareness. Click on the video link below: Mystical Correlation Between Clasped Hands & the Vagus Nerve We are almost finish with laying the foundational teachings for the Mazzaroth from a Messianic – Kingdom Perspective. Below are video messages from Book Two Parts 1 & 2 of the heavens. On our Youtube Channel Book One is also there. We will be ending with Book Three by the weekend. Learn and grow from our teachings @ the University of Divine Science of the Heavens. Links below. MAZZAROTH BOOK TWO PART 1 – Capricorn Aquarius MAZZAROTH BOOK TWO PART 2 – Pisces Aries Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...