Sukkot 2017 Testimonies & Thankfulness

Sukkot 2017 Testimonies & Thankfulness

It’s been over a month now since we celebrated Sukkot – the Feast of Tabernacles, “Mystic Journey” – in San Diego, California. What a blessed time we had, as we experienced the power, presence and anointing of God in all the meetings. Shortly after returning home, I started to receive phone calls, and emails from people testifying what the Father had done for them in the meetings. Finally, one day while listening to someone’s encounter, I felt that others that follow our ministry needed to hear about some of the miraculous and inspiring things happening. We would like to share with you a few testimonials from real people just like you that the Most High engaged in various ways during the meetings. Allow your faith to arise and believe that your need can be met, as you hear/read and hopefully experience the stories of others. #1) It was Saturday night October 7, 2017. As I got up to lead in a bit of worship before my message, the word of the Lord began to come to me in specific accurate words of knowledge for some of the people in the congregation. The Holy Spirit supernaturally located and spoke of a miraculous healing He wanted to perform. Part of the word of knowledge was about a man with an extreme “Leaky Gut Syndrome” and further description of the symptoms. A well-dressed man on the front row whom I did not know immediately responded…many other things were spoken prophetically; which he confirmed was true. This man happened to have been a physician that has a Practice in Tijuana, Mexico. Here is...
New Moon in Scorpio Nov. 18, 2017

New Moon in Scorpio Nov. 18, 2017

POWER! POWER! POWER!! “God appointed the stars and he calls them all by their names.” Psalms 147:4 Yes, we can discern the times and seasons. Yes, we can read and interpret the language and messages of the heavens and speak accurately into what they are saying. This ancient prophetic science is being restored back to the Body of Christ. Experience and enjoy this video. Divine Astrology for today. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Don’t Touch Me…

Don’t Touch Me…

Warning! This article will probably offend someone. What’s new?!! Doesn’t many of the articles on this website? Ok, this is a sensitive subject for many people, especially those who have had the unpleasant experience of being raped, sexually assaulted, pressured or violated in anyway sexually. This goes for both male and female. My intent is not to minimize, question, or make light of any serious offense as such. May you continue to be healed, if you have not been yet from that experience and use it to empower others. The heavens have been prophesying for some time now that we are in a time where everything will be shaken and uncovered. The political corruption and sex scandals as reflected in the TV series “House of Cards” mildly reflect the depth of the corruption of this present Administration, DC and sex craved politicians and those in the Entertainment Industry. Hurricane Harvey Weinstein introduced -uncovered the Category 4 level of Sexual Harassment, Perversion and Rape that the Political and Entertainment Industries are plagued with. Just as Hurricane Harvey in August expanded and waffled back and forth in the Gulf States, we have seen the Harvey Weinstein allegations expand to include many others. This is manifesting in the Political & Entertainment Industry with Kevin Spacey and others. We have never seen these many sexual allegations at the same time, accounts of rape, multiple rapes, Kevin Spacey attempts to rape multiple men, and over 300 women, (not counting the growing number of men), claiming sexual misconduct from multiple political and entertainment figures. Unfortunately, there is the religious storm of accusations coming that we...
New Age

New Age

[THIS MESSAGE WAS INITIALLY POSTED AROUND 2002 IN OUR OLD WEBSITE] It was many years ago, while living in Canada, I was invited to speak in Washington State; that was when I first heard the term “new age” with a negative connotation. I remember after speaking, some of the leaders approached me with a serious countenance saying, “Son, this sounds like the new age doctrine.” In my youthful naivety, boldness and excitement I declared; “this is a new age.” In retrospect, I consider myself blessed beyond measure for obeying the call to be a Missionary in those days that led me to the remote regions of northern Canada, Mexico and the First Nations (Indian) Reservations throughout the USA. Those areas were somewhat distant from the confusion that was and is being experienced in much of the Body of Christ today. In those areas there was no Christian TV, Radio or Book Store and very few Churches. Therefore, I was divinely protected from being formed into the image of a limited religious expression of what many perceive as being Christ-like. During the many years that I was isolated from the so called Body of Christ at large and from what some would call “civilization,” I learned to hear the Voice that spoke me into Being. Again, years later after I had moved to Seattle and was working with a local Church, I became a “New Ager suspect.” Someone from the Church reported to the leadership that I had “new age” music on my voice mail greeting. My out going greeting on my voice mail was accompanied with instrumental music from...
September 23 –  Jesus is Coming…

September 23 – Jesus is Coming…

People have been asking me when I would write or speak about the September 23, 2017 event, since it is a huge prophetic celestial event. After checking with the Spirit, I realized there was no rush; plus, I could not fit it into my schedule until now. Before talking about the coming of Jesus September 23 event, I want to share a little testimony. In 1999, there was an unusual sign in the heavens, which in my opinion was the first phase of an Astrological fulfillment of Revelation Chapter 12 of the Sun clothed Woman. It was nearly the exact configuration of stars. It was September 11, 1999 – Rosh Hashanah -New Year- Feast of Trumpets. I was invited to a special event as speaker that was held outside, under the stars. People had become aware of me through my accurate Astro-Prophetic work and many postings I had on the internet, that did come to pass, as Spirit foretold. There was a group of Jews, Mormons, Christians, New Agers, people from various Native American Indian tribes, and people that practice Nature Religions represented. I was brought in by limousine and a bed of rose petals paved my way to the place where I was to address the eager crowd. (That was probably my first time in a limousine and surely my first time to do the ‘rose petal walk.’) There I was under the stars with my guitar slung behind me and my bible opened to Revelation Chapter 12, as the heavens were coming into alignment. There was no PA system, so I had to yell to make sure...