Paranormal, Little People & Alien Life

Paranormal, Little People & Alien Life

It’s been quite a while since I wrote or commented directly on “Extraterrestrial” or “Alien Life,” besides sharing some of the abundance of information given in the Bible occasionally. This is a subject that I have been intrigued with since a child. There has always been a knowing within me that there has to be others out there. I suppose this innate knowledge was cultivated by my love for reading ‘Enquirer Magazines’ growing up. I clearly remember being in my early teens years standing in the middle of the floor on a Sunday night stunned watching the news. There had been many minor accidents on Union Ave. (Memphis, TN) that evening during good weather. People were excitedly reporting that a UFO flew over, swooping down quite close to traffic. This caused a series of accidents, as startled people took their eyes off the road to look at the craft. I have had many sightings, especially, as a young adult and nearly always while in the presence of other people. Unfortunately, it is taught in Christianity that all these beings are demonic. Just as with the human race, there are some evil people and some some good; so it is with many of the alien races. We have a problem with their appearance and demonize them. Consider, some of these being are thousands and possibly hundreds of thousands of years old-based in Earth solar cycle. Also, consider, the 1st rank of the angelic look like serpents/dragons-they are the closest to the Throne Room. They are the Seraphim. Being able to discern will be necessary to avoid deception or entertaining angels...
Mystic Journey 2017 – Sukkot Prophetic Conference

Mystic Journey 2017 – Sukkot Prophetic Conference

Shalom People of the Most High God, Age To Age Ministries Int’l is hosting the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Prophetic Conference October 6-8, 2017 for the first time in a long time.  We are doing this in a familiar place SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA.  – Ramada Hotel (National City) Ballroom.  700 National City Blvd. – Hotel is about 5 miles from the airport. This will be a Mystic Journey and highly Prophetic, as Prophets, Prophetess and prophetic people are converging from various parts –  I will be teaching on the metaphysical and esoteric aspects of Sukkot and unraveling the ancient symbols. Our mandate is to explain this Mystic Journey, set you on the Journey or assist you in getting further on the Journey.  There will be several speakers and Prophetic  Personal Ministry, Healing, deliverance if needed, throughout the 5-7 meetings. THERE IS LIMITED SEATING – IF YOU PLAN TO BE THERE BOOK YOUR HOTEL ROOM UNDER- AGE TO AGE MINISTRIES INT’L BLOCK- IF THE BLOCK ROOMS ARE FILLED – ASK TO SPEAK TO HALEY OR EMAIL US IMMEDIATELY. IF YOU ARE ATTENDING: ONCE YOU HAVE MADE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS –  EMAIL US YOUR INFO (name, address, phone##) IMMEDIATELY TO RESERVE SEATING.  AS STATED SEATING CAPACITY IS LIMITED. Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Don’t Get STD’s – Spiritual Transmitted Diseases (demons)

Don’t Get STD’s – Spiritual Transmitted Diseases (demons)

Not long ago, I was invited to a Prayer Meeting at a Church. I normally enjoy the corporate prayers of the righteous agreeing on one thing, shouting out declarations with intense emotions and Spirit-filled. I have always loved communing with the Creator since my adolescent years and I must say that I commune – pray daily. However, I must also confess that I don’t pray nearly as much as I would like to in focused, uninterrupted, fervent, devil binding, totally caught up in/with Him types of prayer. I pray as I drive, wash dishes, laundry, shop, shower, watch a movie and also totally un-distracted alone time with Him. The Prayer Meeting was going well and the Holy Spirit was moving, at least for me, as we prayed earnestly to be the Christ example, prayed for suffering people in the church, etc. Then a young woman decided now was the time to pray for our nation and Israel. “Israel first, the Jew first, then the gentile,” she shouted, with tears in her eyes and a quivering voice. My pacing the floor bare feet as energy (spirit) increases is normally how I like to pray during these types of prayer meetings came to a standstill. Netanyahu the psychopathic mass murder, whom I prefer to call Satanyahu was exalted to sainthood and prayer was offered for him to be empowered to totally crush the evil Palestinian terrorists and take their land. After some time, the frail blond young woman prayed for the “installed” President Trump. To my shock and surprise, she led the prayer with great fervor that ALL the LIES about...
Prophet Daniel the Dragon Slayer – Part 9

Prophet Daniel the Dragon Slayer – Part 9

(This is the last article of our Dragon series, at least for now. Please SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM of the page and click the links to start your Dragon Journey from the beginning.) I believe that every subject or question humans have can be found in the compiled books we call Bible, even the most bizarre and fantastic ones. Humans are basically the same as we have been for thousands of years. However, to solve some of the riddles or determine if the Bible addresses some of the bizarre subjects; one might have to study the words from the original languages of the Bible. It is no coincidence that we are dealing with this subject on “dragons” at this time. This morning, while in the Waiting Room/area for my sons yearly “Well Child Check-up,” my attention was drawn to the TV that was on CNN. They were showing the MOAB weapon (bomb) that was dropped on Afghanistan yesterday. As the reporter talked about the intricate levels of caves, complex tunnels and mazes that were destroyed; my over active imagination or visions kicked into gear. Had they discovered another family of giants, Nephilim or other world creatures they want to keep out of the public’s view? I thought. The last time I had those thoughts, flashes about that region was in the early 2000’s. I posted them on a webpage and stated it would be reported and validated by foreign news. Months later, it was leaked and other whistle-blowers have come forth since, reporting a red-haired giants was killed by US forces after several were attacked and killed by the...
Dragon In The Matrix – Part 7

Dragon In The Matrix – Part 7

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 (For a clearer understanding of what we are sharing, scroll to the end of the article for previous messages in this Dragon series Parts 1- 6) I think most of you are familiar with the movie, “The Matrix.” It yet remains one of my favorite films (trilogy) of all times, if not my favorite. For those of you who may be new to our work, we often show how Hollywood uses Predictive Programming in movies. The Matrix story-line goes somewhat like this: Humanity was on the verge of becoming free and the matrix that had controlled humans was about to be destroyed. Ancient systems of control don’t give up easily and there is always heavy sacrifice and loss of life; when humans protest successfully against the system. In the film, an awakening was taking place, accurately describing what’s happening on the planet now. I am sure that if asked, who was the most important character in the movie, most would say, NEO. Neo was a Messiah figure that was awakened to save the world and he was also very important. In the second installment, “Matrix Reloaded,” it is revealed which character was most important. This is not to take anything from Neo’s role, but it is a powerful lesson and ancient principle that rings truth for today. The world system (matrix) is crumbling before our eyes. Look here in our nation. People expected their favorite Liar that they voted for to save them and be different. Thus...