Draco the Dragon Constellation Part 3

Draco the Dragon Constellation Part 3

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 (You will want to read Dragons Around The Throne – Part 1 and Dragon In the Throne Room Part 2 – before starting this message for a better understanding.) Over the past two articles, I have posed the question of why would the Creator God have an angelic being called a Seraphim (fiery flying serpent – dragons) closest to His throne. “As above, so it is below.” Kings and royals have used the dragon symbolism for thousands of years and until this very day. Europe, Asia, Africa and into the Americas, the dragon symbol can be found and associated with royalties or king-priest. The dragon is the symbol you are greeted with when entering the city of London. What does it say? The Dragon of London has “Domine dirige nos” (O Lord guide us) written underneath. Making the Dragon as a god to guide them, with the specific term “Lord” associated with the image of a Dragon. The red dragon represent Great Britain, the only nation that uses the red dragon as it’s emblem. We don’t have time here to show how that fits in to Revelation chapter 12, “great red dragon prophecy.” The Queen has a huge stature of a red dragon next to her throne, called “the Queens beast.” The royals possess ancient hidden knowledge past down from the angels, sons of God. They understand the power of symbolism. This human size image of a dragon below was used in the Queen’s Coronation in 1953....
Dragons In The Throne Rooms   Part 2

Dragons In The Throne Rooms Part 2

“I will open my mouth… I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.” Matthew 13:35 In our last message “DRAGONS AROUND THE THRONE-Part 1,” we realized that the beings we call angels are EBE’s – Extraterrestrial Biological Entities. They are a genetic organism with a more advanced body than humans and of course more highly intelligent; more technologically and spiritually advanced. It is important to understand that much of what we have been taught in the 21st century regarding the angelic and spirit world is not accurate. Throughout the Bible and other holy books, there are records of angels, messengers visiting humans and interacting within the 3 dimensional reality of Earth. Their appearances vary from being human-like to zoo-morphic. While the Bible gives us a limited introduction to the angelic world, the Book of Enoch and many other ancient books greatly expands on this subject. God is often referred to as the “Lord (Yahweh) of hosts,” leading an innumerable company of beings/creatures spanning throughout the universe. They are in charge of everything one could think of over the trillions of planets inhabited by them, even our solar system. Scriptures record that these beings called angels, sons of God, messengers, guides and even called Gods can eat, drink, engage in sex and experience emotions positive and negative; just as humans. The Seraphim are the highest class of the Angelic Elohim Races mentioned in the Bible. These flying serpentine Dragons are always associated with fire, the glory of God, and the holiness of God. Within every myth, legend or folklore, is concealed truth of...
And Jesus Said Unto Paul of Ryan….

And Jesus Said Unto Paul of Ryan….

A woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came up behind Jesus and touched his clothes in hope of a cure. Jesus turned to her and said: “Fear not. Because of your faith, you are now healed.” Then spoke Pious Paul of Ryan: “But teacher, is that wise? When you cure her, she learns dependency. Then the poor won’t take care of themselves, knowing that you’ll always bail them out! You must teach them personal responsibility!” They were interrupted by 10 lepers who stood at a distance and shouted, “Jesus, have pity on us.” “NO!” shouted Pious Paul. “Jesus! You don’t have time. We have a cocktail party fund-raiser in the temple. And don’t worry about them — they’ve already got health care access.” Jesus turned to Pious Paul, puzzled. “Why, they can pray for a cure,” Pious Paul explained. “I call that universal health care access.” Jesus turned to the 10 lepers. “Rise and go,” he told them. “Your faith has made you well.” Then he turned back to Pious Paul, saying, “Let me tell you the story of the good Samaritan. “A man was attacked by robbers who stripped him of clothes, beat him and left him half dead. A minister passed down this same road, and when he saw the injured man, he crossed to the other side and hurried on. So did a rich man who claimed to serve God. But then a despised Samaritan came by and took pity on the injured man. He bandaged his wounds and put the man on his own donkey and paid an innkeeper to nurse him to...
Illegitimate Ruler & Kim Clement Prophecy

Illegitimate Ruler & Kim Clement Prophecy

I was taught in Church long ago and have heard throughout the years, that every king, president, ruler or government is put in place by the Almighty. “Promotion comes from God.” “The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord and he turns it.” “God sets one up and pulls another down.” These are some of the Scripture verses widely used to justify that theology. In the distant past, I have repeated the same thing, as I was told. As we grow in Grace and in the Knowledge of the Christ and His thinking (consciousness), we learn to let go of “childish” thinking, beliefs and behaviors. We realize some things we were taught were not true. In fact, there were many kings that were not anointed or chosen by God. Did God really raise up an openly wicked, bigot, vile, sex predator, perverted, arrogant person to lead this so called, “Christian” nation and the world…the man that most Christians support? Was this God’s choice or the people’s choice? We understand the Sovereignty of God in all things, but we also understand the measure of “free will” and “choice” the Father allows His people. Isn’t it possible that God will allow Illegitimate Rulers (kings, presidents, etc) that He did not choose, but the people who should have known better chose?? Could there be 500 billion reasons why someone manipulated the election for Trump to win and none of them was God? Could it be that Trump is only a mirror image of what’s in the hearts of most of those that claim to know JESUS? In the...
Vision of Terror Attack…March 2017?

Vision of Terror Attack…March 2017?

“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes someone’s life, that person’s life will be taken because of their sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for their blood.” “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.” Ezekiel 33:6-7 This is the type of message I am always reluctant to share. For nearly two-decades Eye have used this forum, our website to openly and accurately announce events shown to me that would affect our nation, sometimes a specific region, city or other nations. Over the years, we have sometimes given the month, date and approximate time according too that specific time zone the event (natural disaster, air crash, terrorist attack, etc) would be taking place. As Eye often say and have demonstrated over the years, prophesy is not given to Only show us what shall be, but to give us the opportunity To Change, Limit, or sometime Prevent it. Prayer with faith is yet powerful. VISION On the morning, January 10th between 5:30 am – 6:00 am, the hand of the Yahweh was upon me, as I was taken out in the Spirit of Yahweh. I don’t know what city I was in and usually when I have these types of visions I am in them experiencing the emotions, drama and sometime the physical impact of the event, but it does not mean that I will be in it when it occurs or near...