by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 13, 2016 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
Many years ago when I lived in Canada, I was nick-named, “the Never-Die Preacher.” Some people actually made fun of my messages because they were not the traditional, “get saved, live holy, die and go to heaven” messages. Rather, it was LIVE and heaven will come to you and there is no need to physically die. “Stop Dying!!” I shouted and yet passionately shout to audiences today. Often other ministers and people would assume that I was afraid of death and asked me, “Why are you afraid to die, furthermore, you are so young?” they’d say. I was in my early 20’s in human years and had received a revelation on immortality during my late teens. It was on an early Sunday evening after a big Sunday meal and fellowship, I went up to my room to meditate and recovery from overeating. (I shall never forget my last meal of meats-spaghetti with huge spicy-hot meatballs, steak and deserts) As I laid on my bottom bunk bed, a vision came before me while awake. It was as if I was watching a screen. (It was not due to the super spicy meatballs) I heard things I had never heard, thoughts things I had never thought, saw things I had never seen, and was taken out in the Spirit of the Lord. When the vision was finished, I had had a paradigm shift. I did not have all the language to utter what I had witnessed or heard, but I knew without a doubt the physical body did not have to die. I knew that one could become so filled with...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 17, 2016 | Uncategorized |
It can be very easy to misunderstand one’s motives or be misunderstood sometimes. Someone asked me if I was afraid due to the political climate and Trump’s win of the Electoral votes. They felt that because I have been very expressive on Facebook and my website, I must have some fears. I think that many Christian Believers are used to their Pastors, Evangelists and Prophets carrying on with “church” as usual, instead of addressing relevant issues. Unfortunately, we are in a time where most would rather be lukewarm, take a Stand For Nothing and choose a “safe position.” That’s never been me and I don’t see it becoming me anytime soon. I explained to the person asking me, that I am an observer. I am in this world and not of this world. I do not foresee a Trump White House having any profound affect on me, however, I am concerned for many others who may not be as empowered and aware of the Christ-self as I am. Being born and raised in the South, racism and bigotry is nothing new and one learns to expect it. On the other hand, how can one that’s filled with the true Love of the Father stay silent or still why the threat of fascism, oppression, violence, and hate increase daily? How can one keep silent when laws are being prepared to further undermine liberty and humanity? “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” (Edmund Burke) Sadly, we live in a time when many of those who claim to know God pretend to not...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 31, 2016 | Uncategorized |
Ancient Bloodlines rule this nation and most. “All this energy issues from Christ: God raised him from death and set him on a throne in deep heaven, in charge of running the universe, everything from galaxies to governments, no name and no power exempt from his rule. And not just for the time being, but forever. He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church. The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ’s body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence.” Ephesians 1:20-23 Message Bible CRIMINALS & FREAKY CLOWN SHOW Looking in the natural, the fear-based world appears to be falling apart. Our country is more divided than ever, or at least people are showing how they really have felt. The system gave you a choice between Crooked Hillary and the Freaky Clown-Trump to vote for as your president. This ongoing saga, like a made for TV novela (soap opera) has been filled with twists and turns, and suspense around every corner. Crooked Killary allegedly, yet has dead bodies turning up of those who might be a threat. She has given us the 33k Deleted EmailGate Scandal. (Did everyone forget about George Bush & Cheney 22 Million Emails Lost ?) The Freaky Clown-Donald Trump, the most animated of this show has given us everything negative one can think of and the finale so far, he will ‘go down’ (no pun intended) in history for, the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 29, 2016 | Uncategorized |
Labeled, cataloged and nicely filed away for later identification is the way our society works. Male, female, black, white, brown, tall, short, old, young, fat, skinny, rich or poor. I have never liked labels, stereotypes and have a hard time fitting in to them. I find them to be sometimes divisive, limiting and can create biases. In reality, we are multi-dimensional beings, without limitations. Master Jesus (Yahushuah) gave us the example of living a multi-dimensional life on earth. He boldly stated that he was in heaven at the same time he was on earth. This is why he could teach the deep mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven, work miracles, prophesy and also address the political and social injustices of his day. “And no man has gone up to Heaven except he who went down from Heaven: The Son of Man – he who is in Heaven.” John 3:13 Aramaic Translation Master Jesus is my Pattern. The Holy Spirit within is able and willing to address every issue of humans and beyond. Why limit Him?? Why put yourself in a box that someone else’s puny mind has created for you? I AM Who I AM. The Supreme Being we call God is Unlimited and His name cannot be limited to the English language. Over the years, I have been so disturbed by the unnecessary ignorance in Christianity regarding the name or word “God.” Why do we expect people in Arabia to use the English word “God” to identify the Almighty? God in Spanish is Dios. God in Russian is Bog. God in Lakota Sioux (American Indian language) is Wakan...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 13, 2016 | DNA & Science |
It was the late 1990’s when the letters “D-N-A” started to get my attention. Many investigative films and TV shows were being made showing how crimes could be easily solved through DNA evidence. I must admit, I actually did not even know what DNA really was, besides something inside my body. One day while researching, Spirit started to download information beyond my conscious awareness and what I had previous studied. That download of revelation knowledge lasted several years. During that time I remember sitting in the airport in Manila, Philippines waiting to fly home after a very successful month of ministry throughout the Island. Spirit downloaded instructions for our first DNA Conference – year 2003 and told me to call it “Divine Nature Activated.” It was to happen during Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Many of the people that had come to my conferences or where I was speaking was used to me speaking messages that challenged the box mentality, but they were not sure about what human DNA had to do with spirituality, Jesus, or the Bible. In that conference I shared that scientists were only able to decipher 3% of the human genome, leaving 97% undecipherable. What scientist relegated as “junk DNA,” I told the audience in year 2003 and have been telling everyone since, “the junk DNA is God waiting to be activated within mankind.” I also shared some comparison of the amazing amount of info in the 3%. The Book of Genesis is the Book of Genetics in the Torah (Bible), giving us the DNA blueprint for humans, animals and all life form on planet Earth....
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