Parable of the Bamboo

Parable of the Bamboo

Everything in the universe seems to be based on the Seed Principle.  Have you learned to plant a dream? Have you ever had a dream, or goals that you made and you were committed to in the beginning, but somewhere along the line you lost that commitment to it? If a dream has been truly planted, it must be nurtured and kept in the environment where it can grow.  It does not matter what the dream is; spiritual, physical, financial, relationship, etc.   Be inspired by this short video clip of what can happen when the art of patience and faith is exemplified. You may have waited long for the manifestation, but once it comes, it might just grow faster than you ever could have believed. Your life can literally change over night.  Don’t be afraid to dream Big. Dream on, dream until your dreams comes true.       In this parable of the Chinese Bamboo, we realize that some species of  Bamboo does not take 5 years to grow.  Is your dream worth the wait?   Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
Aquarius – Pisces Australis Part 2

Aquarius – Pisces Australis Part 2

In the Tropical Zodiac, the Sun has moved into the house of Aquarius as of January 20 – February 18. AQUARIUS is the Water-Man (Water Bearer), he is pouring out Living Waters. This signifies a time of refreshing, outpouring of Spirit, abundance, technology and wisdom in the Earth. Align yourself with the heavens to receive. Part 1 here: AQUARIUS   We will touch on some sensitive and sexual issues in this messages.  If you are new to our ministry, you will probably need to put on your mystical mind to grasp the message.   The heavens, Bible and mythology all agree.  Let’s go deeper and find prophetic truth.  Christian mysticism is alive and well. AQUARIUS IN MYTHOLOGY There is nothing new under the Sun.  If we look hard enough, we can find parallels to everything we are encountering in this 21st century, it is already laid out in the heavens, mythology and holy Scripture.  The Greek mythology (borrowed from African mythology) behind how Aquarius came to be may be offensive or uncomfortable to some, however, if we look beyond that which we may not fully understand and see the hidden prophetic messages; events in our society will make further sense.  According to the movements of the heavens, science, and holy Scripture; we are exiting the Age of Pisces ruled by religious ideology and are moving into  the Age of Aquarius.   In this transitional period, there is a clash of old paradigms with the new.  There is absolutely NOTHING happening on the planet that can not be explained through the divine science of the heavens.  The heavens declare (prophesy, foretell, forth tell, number out) events that will eventually bring...
Aquarius – Part 1

Aquarius – Part 1

According to the Tropical Zodiac, the Sun has now moved into the Zodiac sign house of AQUARIUS the Water-Man (Water Bearer). This signifies a time of refreshing, outpouring of Spirit, financial abundance and wisdom in the Earth. Aquarius is a masculine sign. It’s element is WIND and is ruled by the planet Uranus. From January 20 – February 18 the Sun will remain in AQUARIUS. Aquarius is the 11th sign on the Zodiac map. It is a fixed sign; one of the 4 (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius) that forms the Cosmic Cross placed 90 degrees apart in the heavens. In the center of this Cosmic Cross or Grand Cross as it is sometimes called, is a throne. It is the constellation of Cepheus, the King with scepter held high sitting on the throne. The Books of Ezekiel and Revelation records this heavenly vision. The 4 beast, creatures or Cherubs around the throne are the 4 Zodiac signs 90 degrees apart with the face of a Man (Aquarius), face of an Ox (Taurus the Bull), face of a Lion (Leo) and face of an Eagle (Scorpio – the phoenix/eagle was recorded on ancient maps). So we come to understand that the prophets that were inspired to write books that became the Bible understood astrology and made astrological prophecies. This Zodiac sign is heavily layered with many prophetic messages as they all are. At this point, we will explore this from a Biblical or Christian view point, before we look at the mythology and some of the other deeper messages. As we go deeper, do not confuse the messages. We will...
Capricornus – Sagitta,  Aquila, Delphinus

Capricornus – Sagitta, Aquila, Delphinus

We have come to the end of the year.  The Sun is in Capricornus from December 22-January 19.   In this message will we share insight from the (3) decan or sub-constellations of Capricorn.  We normally spend an article on each of the sub-constellations, due to time restraints, we will give a quick overview of the houses of Capricorn.  Also, looking at the image above, you will notice something very unique about Capricorn.  All of its (3) sub-constellations are very close together in the heavens;  Sagitta, Aquila the Eagle and Delphinus the Dolphin.    “He counts the stars and calls them all by name.”    Psalms 147:4 If you have not studied CAPRICORN Part 1, you might want to do so before going further. Capricorn is the 10th Zodiac sign of the great wheel within the wheel above our heads, ruled by Saturn.  Capricorn the Sea-goat is symbolic of the struggle of all mankind to be fully transformed into the image of the Son.  However, this complete transformation can only come out of a life of complete surrender and submission to the Almighty.  The sub-constellations of Capricorn reminds us of the pain and pleasures of transformation. “Therefore brethren by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies a living sacrifice unto God, holy and acceptable; which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. “   Romans 12:1-2 SAGITTA the ARROW – (1) Sagitta the Arrow constellation is rising from December 22 – December 31.  Sagitta the Arrow constellation lies within the Milky Way just above Aquila.  It is made up of...


“I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: things that we have heard and known and that our ancestors related to us.  We will not hide them from our children. We will tell the next generation about the LORD’s power and great deeds and the miraculous things he has done.”    Psalms 78:2-4 Hallelujah!!! Isn’t that a powerful verse?  We are not going to keep it to our self, we are going to share it with our children and the next generation.  It’s too good to keep to yourself and there are too many people that don’t know what our Father has done and can do.  This is your year to let the world know that God is good and that He is not the author of all the chaos in the outer world. PROPHETIC INSIGHT FROM VARIOUS ANGLES FOR 2016 A rare astronomical and astrological event is taking place from December 25 – January 5, 2016.  All the planets are going Direct, moving Forward.  In the heavens the planets sometimes appear to be stalling or in retrograde, going backwards; but it is very unusual for all the planets to be moving forward or direct at the same time.  It is as if our solar system has conspired to synchronize and move forward through the universe.  There is a lot of momentum building to launch us forward into whatever we desire to achieve this year.   This is a time of Great Acceleration of all things both positive and negative.  Every emotion and thought is being push forward to the surface to be...