by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 23, 2015 | Uncategorized |
Earlier this year, or late last year; I was contacted by a young man who had been following our website blogs. He told me that he lived in the Valley and wanted to meet. After a while we eventually met and had a wonderful time of fellowship. Nick was well on his way in his transition from religion to true spirituality. We met several more times this year and he shared with me that he had been inspired to write a blog and shared some of his articles. Nick attends Arizona State University, he’s an avid student of the Word and an excellent writer. After reading some of his work, I was thoroughly impressed how he also was able to connected the metaphysical to the theological aspects of the Word. Nick calls it Meta-Theology – The Jesus Groove. Be blessed and inspired by Nick’s message as he describes the excruciating kindness of God manifested through Jesus. Enter Zoned Out here~~~ Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 15, 2015 | Eye See, Uncategorized |
“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.” Proverbs 4:18 In this day of Light and enlightenment everything is being made clear and soon we will no longer see through a glass darkly, but face to face clearly. On the path to Truth, we uncover every stone and revisit and re-examine what has been looked at a hundred times if necessary, to get that nugget of truth to further unlock our consciousness to proceed to the next level of freedom. For the past several years, watching the world events, especially, in the Middle East; I have had to question some things I thought was true. I have come to find out and remember, we know in part and there is so much more to be revealed. Prophetic scriptures are layered with truth that uncovers itself as we evolve in consciousness. Even though we are reading a book translated by faulty humans, words in ink on paper; there is yet the Spirit beneath that letter that shouts to everyone that has an Ear to hear it. It brightly glitters and beacons those who have an Eye to see it. I have always been fascinated by Bible prophecy, since my Mum ordered my first 7th Day Adventist Home Bible study material for me. I was somewhere between 8-10 human years old. After my personal Christ encounter toward my late teen years, the fascination was revived. Gog and Magog, the end-time prophecy of Prophet Ezekiel – Chapters 38-39 has been taught on by all the prophecy teacher, including me. Several years ago, while looking...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 16, 2015 | DNA & Science, Eye See |
We have been sharing some prophetic insight about what’s going to happen with the GOP – Republican Party lately. Father is so faithful to not allow my words to fall to the ground. Did you see the Headline News today? “George HW Bush, 91, falls at Maine home, breaks bone in neck.” First of all, the George HW Bush you are seeing projected on your TV or computer screen Is NOT the ‘real’ President George HW Bush. That is one of his clones or an artificially intelligent (AI) bodies that houses the consciousness of Mr. Bush. In 2012, Eye was instructed to release a prophetic death decree/declaration and Mr. Bush died or that clone. In was reported with the obituary in the German news and later retracted. In February 2015 @ the New Years – Overcomers Conference in Minneapolis, MN – Eye was moved to release a prophetic declaration against the current clone/artificial body of George HW Bush and commanded it to malfunction. This was recorded, as the Church joined in the prophetic declarations over many things that night. Here is the word, Eye published March 10, 2015 on our website: “GEORGE H. W. BUSH SR WILL DIE AGAIN… OR SOMEONE CLOSE TO THE FAMILY WILL BECOME INCOMPACITATED. Some of you are wondering if that’s another one of my uncheck typos again. “Die Again.” No it is not. The person you see masquerading as George Bush Sr is a clone. George H W Bush Sr died December 2012 according to the word of the Lord released by me. Eye prophesy again and command this clone to malfunction, fail and be removed. LET THIS BE A...
by Order Of Melchizedek | May 25, 2015 | Uncategorized |
Shalom!!! Eye will be guest speaker on the Soul Speak Radio show on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 @ 4:00 pm PST, 5:00 pm MST, 6:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm EST…check your country’s time zone. Set your clocks, we need your energy to participate in this LIVE interview/broadcast. Eye believe there will be a powerful release into the atmosphere. Lynn Means is the host of this radio show. Eye am expecting a release of Spirit to create instant Paradigm Shifts as people are released from error, traditional limited thinking and false religious ideas about God and the Bible; into a Present Truth Reality. Invite others to the show. Come expecting to receive from Spirit and be empowered. Lynn has asked me to speak on the Metaphysics of the Brain during the first half hour. The second half hour we will delve into Divine Astrology. Log in and experience the power: or call in @ 1-929-477-3860 Order of Melchizedek Sharing is...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Apr 22, 2015 | Aliens & UFO's, DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
Floating cities being seen in our time…? Are you excited to be alive? Are you excited to not only be alive but AWAKE??!!! We are in an awesome time in history, where what has been called science fiction is becoming fact. We live in a universe that exist within many universes or the multi-verse. In this uniquely Intelligently designed construct of visible and invisible realities, we find innumerable worlds without end. The Bible and other ancient and holy text verify that there are other dimensions and planes of existence existing in the space all around us. The seemingly empty space and in our very space is teaming with life and many life forms. Everything that is happening, will happen and has happening is in the eternal moment of Now. I recall many years ago while living in Seattle, I was pacing across the floor praying, as I normally do when I pray during my devotion time. Mind you, this was many years before I started to read what some physicists theorize. With my Eye open, I saw this huge calendar let down before me. Without going into lots of detail and trying to find scientific or common words to explain what Eye saw, the focus was drawn to that particular day on the calendar. Eye was able to see glimpses of everything happening that very day, what was going to happen and had happened. It was like a montage of movie clips at extremely high speed rolling. The overall message that I got from the experience was, there is only 360-365 days based on our lunar/solar cycle and that literally...
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