Libra – Crown Part 4

Libra – Crown Part 4

The Sun is in Libra, the Scales of Justice.    The heavens are filled with strange images and names that all tell stories of the human experience on Earth and other parts of the universe. These images and names are found throughout the Bible, though hidden if one has no knowledge of the heavens or does not research Biblical words in their original languages. If you have not studied LIBRA Part 1, LIBRA – CRUX Part 2, or LIBRA – LUPUS Part 3, you might want to do that to get a better understanding, as we interpret the messages of the heavens. Each Zodiac sign has (3) decans, called faces (phases); they are the sub-constellations of the 12 Zodiac signs, which are assigned to the 12 months. In all, there are 48 of the ancient constellations. The ancient priests and mystics of the Bible understood the secrets of the Zodiac and it was reflected in the Tabernacle and Solomon’s Temple – they represented the 48 boards. “God determines the number of the stars and calls them each by their name.” Psalms 147:4 The names of the stars, constellations and Zodiac that we have shared in these writings and others, are not some New Age theology, as some people ignorantly refer to it. Our modern astronomers confirm that the names of these stars have not changed in at least 6000 years. Why? Because the Creator named them and this sacred information was passed down to humans of this recent creation by the angels.   (Recently some astronomers have started to rename some of the stars and give the names new definitions.  However, the record...
Kingdom Prophecy For the GLBT Community -Pt 5

Kingdom Prophecy For the GLBT Community -Pt 5

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” 1 Peter 3:15-16 Call me old fashion, but I think there is an answer for everything or every question about human life in the Bible. When a person buys a Mercedes, it comes with a manual, to help the owner understand this wonderful advance technology. The most highly advanced technology on the planet is the body human and we have been given a Manual to help us while we are here. It the B.I.B.L.E = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. In order to thresh out the gross error and deception that yet remains in Christianity, we must take a closer look at it’s most controversial subjects. We realize that even with Scripture proof, science, history and astrology confirming truth; the ego of many will not allow them to change their minds. Fear and religious pride are the strongholds that keep the masses in mental bondage. The opening message to the Church (called out ones) in the New Testament was very simple. It was and yet is, Repent, change your mind; then you will see God’s all inclusive Kingdom is here right now. STRAIGHT TALK The heavens are always declaring what is to be before it becomes. Those who operate in the shadows behind the scene are aware of this science and use it to their advantage. They also...
The Mystery Of Age

The Mystery Of Age

 NOVEMBER 22, 2011 What is age? Is it not an illusion? Based on photos you will see below, we know that to be true. Age is a state of mind. It is only a number attached to a visual concept or document. However, since we are yet somewhat attached to the 3-dimensional world of illusions; we must address it. As long as we acknowledge a certain set of numbers (age), we hold that frequency and give it power to manifest with all the expectations of that set of numbers (age). We not only hold that frequency, but we give others permission to verbally or non verbally assign and catalog that frequency to their limited ideas and expectations. In other words, you will be reminded of how you are suppose to think, act, dress, believe and live; based on mass consciousness traditional interpretation of that particular set of numbers you hold so proudly. You may be discriminated against for being too young or too old. Begin to detach mentally and verbally as much as possible from your set of numbers and see the big picture of who you really are. This will give you permission to be what is called, child-like, elderly, middle-age and anything in between when necessary; with the ability to communicate appropriately at all levels. Take the limit of a set of numbers off. In reality, you are ageless, immortal and eternal. You were never born, so you can never die-you have always existed. This is the I AM, you. In yesterday’s blog, dealing with the 3-D physical form (illusion), we told you that we would prove...
Shift Dates – Prophetic Calendar 2011

Shift Dates – Prophetic Calendar 2011

Most of the time we hear stories about people experiences of being taken to “heaven” or into space to receive revelations and I have had those also. However, in September 2010 I was taken on a Vision Journey which I am yet not sure if I was not taken bodily. It felt like I was physically taken. I was taken deep within the Earth into a classroom of accelerated learning of sorts. This is the easiest way I can describe it. (We shared some of the experience in our “10:10:10 Initiation” Publication) I met with beings who were human looking-but non human, most would call them angels, but they had no wings. I was told many things and shown time up til year 2055 and taken unto the year 2055. Many of the technologies I saw, I have no words to describe, it is beyond my vocabulary. I was told that I would be able to share in part the experiences and things I was shown over a period of time as I am prompted. One of the things revealed was the Calendar year of 2011. I was given what was called, “SHIFT DATES.” In our February Publication we were given permission to release them. We were also shown some of the events that would be happening on and around those dates as we have posted and been confirmed through the fulfillment of events. These Shift Dates will ultimately Shift humanity and the planet into the 5th dimension. Each set of dates there are cosmic events taking place that not even astronomers are aware of or can interpret, they...
10:10:10 Initiation

10:10:10 Initiation

October 6, 2010 Greetings fellow Galactic Brethren, what an extraordinary time you have chosen to manifest in. We are rapidly approaching the next Code that unlocks yet another phase of our Being and destiny. Many of these Codes are set forth in numbers that interact with the consciousness on the planet as well as the vibratory frequencies of the body human. Most of the numeric codes are accompanied with astronomical events as a double witness to the portals being opened as energy from the heavens assist in our evolution and ascension. These Universal Laws and the understanding of them is what will release you from the limitations of the body human into the body of Light that you really are. October 10, 2010 serves as an important date for all humanity. A gateway is opening filled with possibilities for those that dare to enter. Due to the vast amount of people on the planet operating on the Gregorian Calendar; mass consciousness has help to create this Gateway, vortex; a door that has to open in the heavens. 10:10:10 Prepare yourself for the next big Shift in Consciousness with the Initiation of 10:10:10. October 10, 2010. 10:10:10 is your access code to the next level of your initiation into deeper levels of Spirit. Does this mean that you will feel a dramatic change? Not necessarily, but you can. The very truth of who we are is ascending and expanding from the depths of our being as each shift takes place. Soon this human costume will not be able to contain the Light within, it will be swallowed up into Life...