Angelic Visitations

Angelic Visitations

AUGUST 1, 2005 [THIS PROPHETIC PAGE HAS BEEN UPDATE-WE HAVE ONLY ADDED DATED FULFILLED PROPHECIES IN GREEN FONT]. Since my childhood I have had Angelic visitations and have been given specific information regarding world events, authority in the area of weather/elements and other things. The last general public Prophetic Publication on September 1, 2004 was when I spoke about the Earthquakes happening in my State of Washington, West Coast and Pacific Rim after Sept. 15-October 2004- and spoke at a gathering that Mt St. Helens Volcano should erupt on October 4, 2004. This was weeks before any seismic activity was detected. (All of these signs did come to pass – Thousands of Earthquake swarms began on the eve of Yom Kippur-9/24/04 and the Volcano blew October 1 & 4, 2004 – “There is a God that reveals secrets.” God in His wisdom created us all uniquely, the Holy Spirit administrating the “gifts of the Spirit” as He wills, therefore, we should expect and appreciate the diverse manifestations of Spirit. This information is not meant to create fear or a sense of doom; it is shared to create Awareness and Intercession. I believe that if enough positive people come together in prayer/meditation- that what has been created by the Ego, fears and negativity of mass consciousness can be uncreated, thus, reversing the outcome, softening the impact, or at least delaying it. We see in the Bible when the Prophets spoke; if people prayed, repented and fast the prophecy was delayed or did not come to pass. (ie Moses, Jonah, Isaiah). This is what Apostle Paul meant when he said, “prophecies...
Go To Hell !!!

Go To Hell !!!

“Go to hell” is a phrase used normally when someone is very angry and don’t want to see that person again. It is also used by Christians when the target of their evangelism rejects their presentation of a Loving Being called God, our Creator (Father). However, He seems to be a psychopath with a split personality and can easily become a sadist or terrorist, torturing you with literal fire forever and ever for just one little mistake (sin). I have heard this word “Hell” since I was a child and read it in the Bible. Due to my strict Baptist upbringing and deep respect for my elders, I would not even use this word in front of adults. Instead, I would say “the place down there,” or “where the devil lives.” Actually, I was well into my late teen years before I remember using this word even in a religious discussion in front of my family. Something about this place called “Hell” seemed to strike fear in my heart. As a child, whenever I had misbehaved and my explanation was not believable, my grandmother would remind me that “all liars will go to Hell.” On several occasions, my explanation did change immediately, because I did not want to die and go to Hell. In the South among some of the Baptist Churches, it was a yearly routine to have revival meetings. All the sinners (those that had not been baptized) had to sit on the front row to hear a message of fire and brimstone night after night, coupled with John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world,...