by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 22, 2019 | Uncategorized |
Hanukkah – The Feast of Illumination starts today. “Receive the Light from the Holy Spirit during this time. Allow the Christ light to explode within your consciousness, bringing you to a state of transcendence, to the point of divorcing yourself from the you that you have known and experienced. It is in this state, the darkness from within or without is transformed. You will know what to do. You will know where to go, as you enter into the stillness of My Light Presence. Do not rush or feel pressured to give answers or make commitments you may not be able to keep. Go within and seek counsel and your path will be directed by Spirit. Allow the illumination of My Spirit to dispel all shadows, doubts and fears. (For many reading this prophetic word): Eye hear the Spirit of the Almighty saying, ‘You are moving from the season of disappointments to a season of appointments. Elevation and promotions are in the atmosphere. Eye will cause the spotlight to shine upon you… Eye hear honor and favor. There’s a lot of people that’s about to be recognized for their efforts and secret labors of love. You have sown much but seen little, that’s about to change says the Lord.” Eye want to share a revelation on the Feast on Illumination that was given to me in year 2000. You will be blessed with the history and prophetic insight. (Message Originally Written & Spoken on November 26, 2000) As darkness and confusion seem to hover over the world system and those that are a part of it, we move...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 11, 2019 | Uncategorized |
(This message has been slightly edited, update for today’s relevance. It was originally written 11:11:11) WAKE UP!!! THE UNIVERSE IS SHOUTING!!! WAKE UP!! 11:11:11 is the activation code for AWAKENING. Numbers as you should know by now are not just given to us for no reason. The 4th Book of the Bible is called Numbers, because in there is hidden the deep treasures of Divine Numerology. Everything in the universe revolves around numbers and there are a clear messages once we learn how to read them. Jesus said the hairs of your head are even numbered. Did you realize that each strand of hair is coded with information about your life and can be prophetically read. For example, hair number 27, 111 or 698 comes out of a place in you acting as an antennae or connection to the invisible realm. For example, that sacred place is yet there, where hair #333 came from, even if you become bald. The yearly 11:11 date or 11:11:11 sequence (date) serves as a reminder – is the vibratory activation code for higher consciousness. 11:11 is the activation code for AWAKENING to the next level of consciousness. Many of us have been receiving telepathic messages for some time now that draws our attention to the clock at precisely 11:11 and even waking out of sleep at that time. It is not coincidence, this is divinely directed as a ‘Wake Up Call‘ on all levels, including the cellular level. Before we get further into this, lets give the Bible reading skeptics some Scriptures from the Bible. When was the first time eleven (11) was...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 21, 2019 | Uncategorized |
At first glance of this article, Frequent Ringing In Ears Is a Sign Of Higher Spiritual Awareness, I so resonated with it, expecting it would share and confirm some things I already knew. There are so many subtle ways Spirit communicates with us. It’s a wonderful article. Perhaps, over 15 years ago, I noticed the high pitched ringing in my ears. At first I thought and questioned, is this blood pressure related, or tinnitus? Deep within I knew it was something more. The odd high pitch ringing continued intermittently or just randomly, sometimes a bit disturbing, but never frightening. There is barely a day that go by that I don’t notice it at some point, some times louder than other times. After moving to Arizona, I’d notice it more usually at night or early morning when it was quiet, I could heard faint music and static along with the high pitch. It was like from a radio station trying to pick up the signal, but very faint. I was the only one in the house that could hear it. There was no radio in the room and many times I was lying down when I first started hearing beyond the high pitch. One night I actually went through the house unplugging TV’s, computers, everything electrical and turning the AC off. I could yet hear this faint music that seem to become less faint in my bedroom. After thoroughly investigating where the faint music and noise was coming from and realizing it was not anywhere in my house or from another house, it was evident that I was tuning in...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jun 23, 2019 | DNA & Science, Uncategorized |
DNA is the blueprint for life, it is also called the Book of Life. This double helix material coiled in our cells is over 6 ft long and filled with information about literally everything. It is the most complex data storage piece of technology in the universe. Human DNA is so complex that scientist say that only one gram of this genetic material can store up to 1 Zettabytes of information. 1 Zettabytes is equivalent to 1 trillion Gigabytes, which would require millions of laptops storage data, for one gram of DNA. How awesome and wonderfully are we made. Science has been able to only successfully map 3% of the human genome, there is 97% yet unknown and alien to them. Out of the 3% they have discovered an elaborate system of codes and switches which are controlled by the highly complex language of DNA. This language is based on 4 letter, ACGT (adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine). These are the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand. The metaphysical or spiritual bases for ACGT are YHWH. This is the complex coded name of the Creator. Just as ACGT base letters are used in many combinations to create protein, chemical and everything needed to build a body, grow limbs and cause it to function, so it is with the multifaceted many names in one of God. The DNA ladder has Codons that ascend up and down, they are the messengers/angels as on Jacob’s Ladder. Codon simply means, Code On. There are thousands or millions of code or switches to turn thing on and off in the body. For example, a...
by Order Of Melchizedek | May 28, 2019 | Astrology, Eye See |
Twice a year I post a list of prophetic words, predictions of things Eye See or feel will be happening globally. This is usually at the beginning of the Gregorian new year, January and the beginning of the Biblical new year Tishrei. About midway, I usually follow-up with what has happened and what we might yet need to be praying about and sending light into. In this article, we will look from January to May 28, 2019 to judge the words of the prophecies. [Before we do this, it has come to my attention that a good number of you are wasting your Monday evenings on things that don’t really edify you, that don’t educate you or enlighten you, things like mindless TV programming, games, or just all alone. I have created an on line private class on Monday evenings, usually, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Pacific Standard Time. It is called Rising Mystics Master Class. It is like no class you have ever participated in, we not only teach the deep mystical truths of the Kingdom, but demonstrate the supernatural and prophetic in a LIVE global class. We just finished our 31st consecutive week of gatherings, using the Zoom Platform. We gather from at least 8 nations for an awesome time of Spirit-led teaching and Body ministry. Those who can’t stay up due to time zone or work, watch the recorded class the following day. If you want to learn more, send an email to: ] Nothing is allowed to happen on the planet before Yahweh reveals the event to his servants the prophet, seers. Things...
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