Technology To See Multidimensional Beings

Technology To See Multidimensional Beings

What do you see around you? You are in your living room, office, kitchen, car or outside somewhere. What do you see? Is that all you see? Look closely, is all that you think you see all that is truly there? What if there’s more, much more? What if there is unbelievable activity of past, present and future taking place all around you? What if somehow you could see some of the invisible activity around you in various forms; silhouettes, shadows, lights, orbs, or actual images, would you like to?

Quantum physics tell us that the human body is 99.9999% empty space or energy and that there is less that 1% of us that’s really matter or appears as solid. This is also true for the planet and everything on it and also the universe.

In all this open space there are unseen worlds closely layered one on top of the other. These worlds are called “planes” or “dimensions.” They are all existing simultaneously in the same space, side by side and what would appear as on top of each other. In these worlds are other humans, those we think of as dead, animals, creatures, angelic orbs, angels, aliens, demons, gods, nature and material things. Each of these worlds vibrate at a specific frequency, thus, making it difficult to see, hear, smell, taste or touch the many worlds existing all around us, if we’re not on that frequency. (It kinda like a dog, whose hearing is designed to hear at a pitch or frequency outside what is normal for humans.) The frequency barriers tightly lock up and set apart each world, universe, multi-verse or plane of reality with its own signature frequency. To further explain, for example, if Earth’s frequency and the inhabitants of it is vibrating at 7.5 Mhz, we probably wont be able to see a world occupying our same space that may be vibrating at 10.2 Mhz, even though it is right in front of it.

Yahshua (Jesus) taught this, “Change your mind (brain wave pattern which is determined by what you are thinking), the kingdom of heaven is at hand (in your reach, at the tips of your finger).” Matthew 4:17 “Except a person is born-again, he can not SEE the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
“For in Him are All things, visible and invisible, are held together.” Colossians 1:16-17

In just these passages of Scripture alone, we can understand and innerstand that the Bible teaches quantum physics. Clearly, Yahshua taught the 5 sense realm (sight, touch, etc) could not experience another plane of existence or dimension operating in my space until my signature brain and body frequency is changed to match the frequency the kingdom of God vibrates on. “The kingdom of God is not out there in the sky, or over there in Palestine, you can’t see it while you are vibrating on your signature or mass consciousness frequency, but it is within you and all around you.” Luke 17:21 OMV

When we experience what we call the supernatural or paranormal, it is because our vibratory frequency has been raised or lowered. What I mean by this is, there are many planes of existence vibrating at a higher faster frequency than ours, but there are also many planes vibrating at a lower slower frequency than ours. These can be considered as other worlds, other Earths, duplicates of this one, a mirror image of everything here. Due to the choices made by some of the people on other Earths’ existing in alternate realities, it may be operating on a lower or higher frequency than ours. This is the same for all the planets and the universe/multiverses.

“God spoke to our fathers through the prophets. But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the worlds. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word.” Hebrews 1:1-3

When someone’s frequency is raised or lower they are allowed to peer into different realms or dimensions. We are allowed to feel, sense, taste, smell or hear what is in other dimensions. The goal should be to always ascend higher into less dense existences and frequencies. However, there may be times when it is necessary to descend in order to correct, adjust or close specific doors or pathways.


Sometimes a traumatic injury can trigger a change in the set vibrational frequency for this planet’s space and your body. A head injury, heart injury, near death experience, death experience, extreme emotional or mental break and sometimes drugs will reset a persons brain wave, heart rhythm wave or bio-rhythm wave, thus, allowing them to experience things outside the signature frequency of this planet’s space or normal body frequency. The brain is electric, the heart is electric, the body is electric and one glitch in the hardware can open the window for other programs (frequencies) to operate.

There are many stories of people who have been in an accident, injured or had surgery and afterwards developed what is called “psychic abilities.” They found themselves being visited by angels, aliens, hearing voices, seeing into other realms, became religious/spiritual and are filled with a passion to help others. What happened? They are now accessing information from higher dimensions, there’s been a rip or tear in the vibrational fabric they had been confined to. In Christian terminology, they are seeing or hearing in the Spirit, accessing the Spirit-realm.

Unfortunately, there are a few others that have a traumatic experience and when they come through it, their abilities appear to be darker. Depression, darkness, hopelessness, fear and addictions seem plague them. A tear in their vibrational fabric seems to have open the door for nightmares and tormenting spirits/entities. In Christian terminology, a window or door has been open to the demonic realm. There is hope. The tear can be fixed, the door or window can be closed and their vibrational frequency can be reset and even raised higher than before. “You must be born-again.”

Spiritual encounters are another way we move beyond the set vibrational frequency of our being and planetary space. A genuine born-again encounter with the Creator creates a tear into 3 dimensional vibrational fabric, allowing those who pursue spirituality to experience frequent encounters with the many worlds existing all around us and in us. Fasting, prayer, singing, meditation, loving and speaking living words are all keys to accessing the many powerful positive planes of existence. Spiritual encounters reset the Parietal Lobe and Olfactory systems of the brain, allowing one to use all the senses at a higher frequency, the frequencies of other dimensions or planes of existence.


Based on the way we are designed, most of us must have a traumatic physical or emotional experience, or a spiritual born-again experience in order to see and access other dimensions, called the Spirit realm. There are some exceptions (don’t misconstrue this with the religious salvation doctrine). In the Southern part of the United States, where this version of me was born and raise, what is now being accepted as quantum science and scientific language was frequently spoken in my home in everyday southern non-scientific terms. As a matter of fact, it was probably common in much of my community. Here’s a story I witnessed as a child. My mother had 5 brothers and 2 sisters, it was a large family filled with drama, excitement and supernatural events; which my maternal grandmother seemed to be the root of.

My mixed race grandmother seemed to have come from a line of Shamans (medicine men and women) on her Native America side and felt she inherited certain abilities and her daughters also. Without going into lots of details and bizarre true stories, one story stands out. It was my aunt Bea, she was the youngest and tallest of her sisters that all look very similar to each other. She often watched my cousins and I, while our parents worked or went out. (She had to have been in her in her early early 20’s during those years.) Aunt Bea was very beautiful, darker in complexion than her sisters, jet black long extremely thick hair, huge almond shaped eyes that remained partially open while she slept and high cheek bones.

At home, in a store, walking down the street, in the middle of a conversation; Aunt Bea out of the blue would become animated and would interrupt, “did you see that” “did you hear that” or start talking out loud to someone no one else could see. (I often joked, my family put the “c” in crazy. Sounds like somebody on drugs or schizophrenic. That was not the case. From my knowledge as an adult, I never knew her to have drunk anything stronger than an occasional beer much later in life during a family gathering). However, the things she saw and heard seemed to immediately happen. I remember while she was playing with my cousins and I a few times, abruptly she said, “look at the ambulance, one of the neighbors will get sick,” while pointing directly in front of her. Another time, with lots of emotions she said, “look at that hearse, someone in that house will die,” while pointing at a house. Within a day or so the sirens were heard and an ambulance took the neighbor away, or a funeral was being planned. She constantly pointed at ghosts, spirits and people walking through the house or wherever, giving detailed description. I was too afraid to disobey her, even when she fell asleep, her partially closed eyes seemed to follow us, if we tiptoed to another room.

My grandmother said she could see and hear things clearly that others could not because she was born with veils covering her eyes that had to be pulled off. According to my grandmothers’ belief and the belief of many in the South, that means the child would have natural abilities to see into other realms, or see the future. Wait What???

As a child I was fascinated by stories like this and didn’t question them. Storytelling time by my grandmother was equivalent to kids today watching science fiction, fantasy, and adventure films. When I got older, I thought the story about the veils was just superstition, folklore or something to keep the kids from misbehaving; although, I could not deny the events my aunt foretold…But a baby born with veils over her face, can’t be, I thought. It was much later in life as I reflected on some of the strange stories I heard growing up, then I decided to research. It happens to be an occasional medical phenomenon that does happens, where the membrane is stuck to the baby’s face or head – it is called ‘veil birth’ or ‘caulbearer.’ Again, I found out my grandmother with very little education wasn’t just making things up. So there are sometimes physical signs given to show that a person is vibrating on a higher frequency. A person born with these signs may have the ability to easily transcend the signature dimensional barriers, seeing or hearing clearly in other worlds.

Indigenous cultures around the world seem to interpret a ‘veil birth’ the exact same way, believing the child to be special, and to possess psychic abilities. To be clear, one does not have to be born veiled in order to see or hear in other dimensions or know past or future events. The ability is within all of us and we are in a time where the veil of limitations to our signature frequency is being ripped and we will easily access other dimensions. Proof of this is more people are seeing tiny lights flash or orbs out of the corner of their eye, some see shadows or quick glimpse of figures.


Many years ago, I predicted that technology would be created to see into other dimensions, to capture on still pictures and to even film motion, activity; like making a video of what’s happening in other worlds. That is now happening. I often encourage people to take pictures when I am ministering in some places and there is a high level of energy (anointing). Flashes of lights, orbs of various colors and entities have been seen beside me. The purpose for sharing these true stories are to increase your faith and expectation; also, to demonstrate the reality of other dimensions. Glory to the Most High.

I went through a period of 10 years or more where it was sort of common for entities, orbs, lights to manifest around me and could be filmed. Of course this was before cell phone camera technology was available. However, I used to have several still photo others had taken of me while praying, preaching or just being, where clearly other entities were seen. This was not water spots, dust or light reflections. There were actually times when they made their presence so known, I could actually see them or feel them touching me. I’d tell someone to start taking pictures in my direction and they would show up. Those photos may be lost through many years of traveling and living in many places during my missionary days-or packed somewhere in my garage.

When I was about 19 years old, I asked my then Pastor, James Salton, if I could lock myself in the Church for about 7 days/nights to fast and pray. He gladly gave me permission to, he was a man of fasting and prayer and also a Seer. He had completed a few 40-days and nights of fasting over the years with water only, once while working construction. He’d bring me water and check on me every few days. It was about the 5th day he came in, I was near the altar pacing and praying. He stopped, stared and said, “I have never seen that many lights around one person,” and immediately began to prophesy to me. He left and came back with a camera, he said most of them are still there as he took pictures. Later he showed me photos of me surrounded by what today is known as orbs. On that occasion, I did not see them or notice them, until the film was developed.


I had posted in a now defunct website photos in the past taken from various cameras in meetings where large and small orbs of different colors were captured on film. After hours of scouring the internet and trying to find images and content from my old website, whose hosting platform does not exist anymore, I was able to recover some images.

Around June, the rivers and lakes are all thawed, the snow is gone (most time), as the people enjoy the short Spring/Summer for a few months in northern Canada. I was invited yearly to speak in the remote northern communities about 5-6 hours north of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada by the LeTendre family, who hosted an annual Camp Meetings in the Wilderness, under a Tent with the capacity to seat several hundred people. I have to admit, I yet love Tent Revival, the sawdust, loud music, Holy Ghost dancing all night, people coming to Christ and don’t forget the miracles.

For years many multi-dimensional supernatural events had happened as I ministered to the Cree First Nations people in the northern regions of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario. (I use the terms Indian, Native American and First Nations interchangeably, since many of our readers are unfamiliar with the term First Nations). The supernatural is expected in those remote regions because it is a common occurrence for the people. I think that’s probably one of the reasons I fitted so well among First Nations tribes from Mexico, US and Canada.

I believe it was the second night of the Camp Meeting, Natives were gathering from the far northern parts and even some from northern British Colombia tribes throughout the week. As I was in the shower preparing to go to the meeting, the bathroom became filled with the presence of many. Literally, the small bathroom and shower felt so crowded, it felt like my body was touching other bodies.

They identified themselves as ‘the Elders.’ They began to talk to me while I was yet in the shower. A rip in the fabric of dimensionality had taken place without an effort on my part. Those from the other side were now on this side. My vibratory frequency had heighten or something and I was able to consciously communicate with people in another dimension, while taking a shower…and it seemed normal. One of the things they told me was that they would be coming into the meeting where I was speaking at tonight. It was sort of like their way of honoring me for coming a great distance to serve and share spiritual truth over the many years with the Cree Nation.

After my shower/conference with the Elders, I told my friend, Marcel LeTendre, son of the hosting Pastor to make sure to take pictures tonight. I did not go into the details of my conference with the Elders, but I told him they had invaded his bathroom and they were coming to the meeting and to expect something different.

Near the end of the extended testimony, singing praise and worship time, I felt them slowly filling the Tent. I looked around but could not see anything. I was anxiously waiting to be called up while I sat in the back. Finally, I am up there singing, preaching, I can’t see anything, but I know they are there. It was a wonderful powerful service, but not too much out of the ordinary. Immediately afterward, Marcel and others showed me their cameras and photos, plus, others testified of seeing with eyes opens orbs floating around and different color lights flashing as I ministered. There it was captured on more than one camera. It was not dust, moisture or light reflections. Some of the images showed a cloudy mist (glory cloud) like substance near the front where I was and at sometimes over parts of the audience. There was great excitement as young people stood around the front comparing images and sharing what they saw.

Someone decided to randomly start taking more photos hoping to capture the Elders or glory cloud, but nothing unusual could be seen after the meeting was over, not even one Orb. It was discovered that there was blue sparkly dust on the back and top of my head at the end of the meeting. It was supernatural ‘sapphire dust,’ I had experienced ‘gold dust’ multiple times, but this was my first and only so far to experience beautiful sapphire dust. Thank you Elders, I yet honor you. Here are several of the photos I was able to find from the Bear Walk Camp Grounds – Camp Meetings close to Red Earth Creek, Alberta, Canada about 8 years or so ago. There was poor lighting under the Tent, but the photos have not been edited in any way. They literally filled the Tent, manifesting in many colors. Call your angels, summon the Cloud of Witness or your ancestors.




(Orbs Among Glory Cloud Mist)

Mist orbs

Make it a habit to take random photos, especially if you sense something, hear or feel something. You might be able to capture activity taking place on another frequency. Watch the video below to see where science is headed.


Order of Melchizedek


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  1. I was really blessed with this message I need more of the spiritual education for quantum leap in life.

  2. I am submitting this comment only because I was without hope until I read this article. I don’t know exactly when I began experiencing the ability to capture these….entities on film. All I know is that they are not positive in nature. They are not friendly and they do not wish good fortune on me or my loved ones. They affect my loved ones who live with me and sometimes I feel like they are acutely aware of them but do not know what to do or how to handle them. I feel like prayer does work. But it is temporary. I’ve had two paranormal agencies here in Florida who wanted to investigate my residence and asked me to send them everything I had. But once I showed them everything I had then they called me back saying that they deal with ghosts and they believe what I have in my home is demonic and they cannot help me. But one demonologist I spoke with told me that he believes whatever is with me has been with me for a long time. I’ve been attacked a few times and they do not like being filmed. It also seems to give them power. Reflections are the key here. The more reflections there are, the easier it is to see them. I went to school for I.T Security and I am not a fool. I have been screwed up my entire life and plagued with drug addiction to opiates. However, it was methamphetamine that truly opened the gateway for me. I never used it multiple days in a row and never stayed awake for more than two days. However, now if I ever try to use it I am immediately aware of these beings just as they are aware of me. The attacks can feel like a type of static electricity and sometimes leave behind visible water or liquid of some sort. Please get in touch with me and tell me what I must do. I am tired of living like this and I am currently sober and the gateway never fully closes. Ever. Sometimes if I try to film them on video recording. The light that comes from these beings is too bright to allow me to see fully what is beyond the light. But I have captured them on still shots….at the expense of more than one device. Yes, they just break. They turn off and never turn back on. But I was able to save a few. What does this say about where I am to go when I die? I am not sure. But I know that they are afraid of the Lord Jesus Christ and it seems to keep them at bay temporarily….most of them, anyway. Be careful and good luck. Email me if you have any questions or a way to help me.


    • Demonic fallen angels- the only protection that works is that s.Repent to Jesus all of your past & present sins to wipe your slate clean with God ask Jesus to Forgive you and he will take the blame from you before Father God & you will not be judged .Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your savior.Then you will be given authority by Jesus to conquer these demons attacking you.All the power is from Jesus blood on the cross.Its a supernatural power and the demons will bow to the blood of Jesus if you are saved you can speak it over them but the key is :You must first know Jesus ask him in your heart & ask for forgiveness believe he is gods son & died for you. Accept Gods free gift of love to us that we may have total freedom to live again and put our past behind us.Then don’t let the devil try to bring back your past ever again.It is now gone washed over & sanctified under the blood of Jesus. Demons tremble when you speak the blood of Jesus over them and command them to leave .They will obey.Then refill your home with worship music read your holy bible fill up your spiritual house with good things that the demons cannot find an empty house with no God when they try to come back to re enter.They will see the house & your heart is swept clean & full of Gods love,word & spirit

    • I can too. It’s changed everything I know and believe and how I live. I can’t tell ppl because they think I’m crazy …. I have been able to see acasual energy sense 2018 and it’s stronger and more physically present by the day. Orb shadows and light flashes are now full bodied beings coming through walls and on everything I see all around me . I am wondering if I’m not also seeing astral realm !!! Is Magick and mis direction to keep me unfocused and lower vibration… I see to the extent that I see angels in sky and then I see the shadow being playing with energy to make the angel image and then past that I see the extra terrestrials that peer through watching. I also need help living this way is hard. I’m not fearful but I’m concerned that I am not dealing with positive things

  3. I can too. It’s changed everything I know and believe and how I live. I can’t tell ppl because they think I’m crazy …. I have been able to see acasual energy sense 2018 and it’s stronger and more physically present by the day. Orb shadows and light flashes are now full bodied beings coming through walls and on everything I see all around me . I am wondering if I’m not also seeing astral realm !!! Is Magick and mis direction to keep me unfocused and lower vibration… I see to the extent that I see angels in sky and then I see the shadow being playing with energy to make the angel image and then past that I see the extra terrestrials that peer through watching. I also need help living this way is hard. I’m not fearful but I’m concerned that I am not dealing with positive things


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