The Next Market Crash | Atam.Org

The Next Market Crash?

The Next Market Crash?

“We are on the verge of a Banking Revolution. The heavens are prophesying a repeat of what was, it will be a reversal for those who know how to “follow the money.” This Financial Revolution will lead to Debt Freedom & Abundance.” John Lewis 1/8/18

For the past several years, I have been warning about the great changes in the area of finance that would come when the planet Uranus moves into Taurus. This happened May 15, 2018. Uranus will stay mostly in Taurus for 7 years, until April 26, 2026. In our Youtube Video – Uranus Transit into Taurus, connecting science with spirituality; we discuss this and explain how this will affect us on every levels.

OCTOBER 10, 2018

Most people are not aware of how significant October 10, 2018 was. The Stock Market Crashed, the DOW drop a historic 831 points. The news reported that billionaires lost lots of money. (What about the 99% of us?) It created great panic and many are yet unsettled and wondering what will happen next and when. Trump blamed the Federal Reserve and said the Central Bank was “out of control.” Was he really shocked or was this October 10th date planned…at least 30 years ago?

I have announced for years, nothing on earth can happen before the heavens first announce it. “The heavens declare…” Psalms 19:1 “Thy will be done on earth as it is in the heavens.” Matthew 6:10 Another way of saying the same things is, “As above, so below.” Those who are the overlords of this present world system, people like the Rothschild’s who manipulate the financial world; they don’t make any moves without consulting the heavens. “Millionaires don’t use astrology, but billionaires do.” J. P. Morgan

Some time ago G. John Wenkman submitted an article about a specific magazine cover. Over 30 years ago, the ECONOMIST magazine announced the coming Market crash that will cause a Global Reset. This crash will revolutionize the Banking System and do away with “paper money,” it will be replaced possibly with “cryptocurrency” as I stated 1/8/18 Year of the Dog article, toward the end of the article. The metals (gold and silver) will also rally again.

The gods of this world live by an unspoken rule. They can not and will not make any major plans or create events that will impact humanity; without first warning them. The events could be elections, war, stock market crash, pandemics, man-made natural disaster, etc. All of these events are carefully orchestrated, sometimes planned over a hundred years in advance. Their warning come through symbols, arts, media, and movies. I suppose this relieves them of guilt, or a sense of responsibility. Yahushua (Jesus) told us to watch the signs. If you don’t watch the signs, you wont know where to exit.

The Economist Magazine is owned by the Rothschild. They showed you as plain as day when they would began to Crash the economy again, that will be bigger than 1929 crash. They revealed their plan, even giving us the date 30 years in advance. They gave us a dates and showed you what the next world currency would look like. Take a close look at the images. This magazine comes from January 9, 1988. It boldly states, “Get Ready For A World Currency.”


Looking closer, we are told what year this will happen. At the bottom of the gold colored coin is 2018. (This means the plan would go into the final stages in 2018.) Yes, in 1988 they warned us that 2018 would be the year to begin implementing a World Currency, by crashing the present economy. It is not coincidence that it happens to be the year that Uranus moved into Taurus. Why? It was over 80 years ago the Uranus transit into Taurus that preceded the 1929 Crash and Great Depression.

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Now look even closer at the image above. You see word “TEN” and number “10,” at the bottom you will see 2018. This is October 10, 2018 (10/10/2018), the day the DOW lost 831 points. Do you think this was coincidence? You might wonder why am I just now sharing this after the fact. Plus, others have become aware and are reported the October 10th event also. As profound and exciting as it is, that’s only part of it.

In my video produced in April 2018 – Uranus Transit Taurus, around 16 minutes I start to make mention of a period of time when the Sun moves into Scorpio 2018 as being extremely intense and will led to the methodical castration of the old guards of the financial world and the end of fiat currency. (We did not see the public beginnings of major shake-up in the Financial world in May as I expected, but we did see the natural disasters I predicted on the days mentioned).


We must learn to read the sign language of symbols that the overlords (Illuminati) use, who are adept in this type of communication. Here is one of the things I feel is a really profound part of the mystery or puzzle on the cover of the 1988 magazine. In the 30 year old magazine cover, I can see many clues and signs that would take us down many rabbit trails, but there is one that tells when the next phase(s) of the Market crash will be. They gave us a clue that confirms what Eye shared in the video about when the Sun moves into Scorpio, things would get very tensed..

Modern civilization only associates Scorpio with the giant Scorpion constellation as one of the fixed Zodiac signs forming the great Cosmic Cross in space. Or, as the Bible calls them, the 4 Creatures or Cherubim (Man, Ox, Lion, Eagle/Phoenix), that are 90 degrees apart in the heavens. Looking at the modern planisphere (map of the heavens), there is no Eagle seen near Scorpio. However, on the ancient planisphere, there is seen the constellation of the Eagle/Phoenix. Some cultures saw the constellation as an Eagle, others saw it as a Phoenix, the immortal bird. This ancient Eagle Zodiac symbol, which was removed from star maps is favored by the Illuminati, Rothschild and others who consider themselves to be enlightened. (Near the Taurus sector of the heavens, there is another small constellation called Phoenix). Why would this knowledge be omitted from modern star maps?

Look even closer at the image again:


I feel the image is showing us that the next phase of the crash will probably be while the Sun is in Scorpio (ancient sign also for the Phoenix/Eagle). Sun moves into Scorpio October 23 – November 21. Uranus moved into Taurus May 15, Scorpio is 180 degrees directly opposite of Taurus. The energy will be manifesting to shake-up the concepts of conventional money, and the plans of the overlords to use this energy is already in place.

If I am correct, the tremors of this next coming event should be felt in the last week of October (as Sun moves into Scorpio). Increase movements, spikes and volatility should bring us toward the middle of November, where we will probably see another big Crash. This is a repeat of 1929 in many ways, the heavens are shouting the same message –

SHAKY DOW PLUNGES OVER 500 POINTS – OCTOBER 23 (The Sun moved into Scorpio today)

In 1935, Uranus was in Taurus and Jupiter was in Scorpio when the Banking Act & Social Security Act came into effect. Jupiter is in Scorpio again, as Uranus is in Taurus and it’s been over 80 years; things must change.

Watch Dates for Major Movement: November 9-13 2018 – Further Major Movements will be as the Sun moves into Taurus and Gemini (May & June) 2019.

On the 1988 cover, the Phoenix is sitting on a pile of fiat currency that’s going up in flames. Your money is worthless. As the Phoenix is reborn, so will the Financial System be over the next 7 years. The gold coin around the Phoenix neck is showing us, we must return to real currency (gold/silver), or something actually backed by it. It is also telling us that the Global Currency will be Cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Altcoins, etc) – Did you know that there is a Crypto coin called, Phoenixcoin, another one called, Red Pulse Phoenix, and another one called, NIX? (I am not suggesting anyone should invest in these little known Altcoins, just connecting dots with the image on the magazine. )

The secret language of symbols can be tricky. In the middle of the coin around the Phoenix neck is the circle with a diagonal line drawn through it. Normally that would mean, No Sign or No Symbol regarding something. I believe this symbol can be interpreted many ways, here’s a few.

1). Circle is a global symbol for God, who has no beginning or end. A diagonal line would mean “NO God!” The overlords that run this world system actually think they are the only gods. Are they suggesting that when the Global Reset takes place there wont be a need for God anymore?

2). The Diameter symbol in MicroSoft Windows is defined as U+2300⌀ diameter sign (HTML ⌀). It is also a URL Escape Code. Are they secretly stating that there is “NO Escape?”

3). The numbers 8960 in the IRS Codes (Form) deals with Net Investment, Income Tax Individuals, Estates, and Trusts. Is there some secret message there. Should people make sure their Trusts are secure, solid and done properly? Are they warning of a “bail in” that would cause the banks to confiscate investments, etc?

4) The circle with the diagonal line through it can simply mean, “NO!”

Get Ready for a World Currency, a Global Reset. I am not stating that it will fully happen by November, however, I feel that events will bring us to the next phase of what they have planned. Be aware, be prepared.

RISING MYSTIC MASTER CLASS STARTS OCTOBER 29, 2018, as the Sun moves 7 degrees into Scorpio. Yaay! Get Enrolled Immediately.

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Order of Melchizedek

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