This Prophetic Message was originally Written/Published on March 8, 2018. It generated many Extremely Negative Comments. Spirit told me to remove it because it was not for that time. He told me to schedule it to be re-released on March 8, 2025, not knowing who would be President. I had forgotten the re-release date and was shocked as I just discovered it.
Will Stormy Daniels bring the storm? Did you ever think you’d see the day that a sitting American president would be sued by a Porn Star (sex worker)? Not to mention all the weekly and sometimes daily high-drama that we have been subjected to as a nation and the world for the past more than a year. Is this some type of “national social experiment?” Is it a well planned Psyops? Did we enter the Twilight Zone?
(Realizing we yet have a large Evangelical following of our work, messages, etc. My intent is to create awareness, and wake people up, so they can prepare. There’s a Storm Coming… There are various forms or expressions of the prophetic, this is only one possibly.)
Trying to discern what’s reported in the media with a prophetic Eye, I am reminded of a scene and line from Batman – the Dark Knight Rises 2012 film, “There’s a Storm Coming…” For the sake of time, I am going to share many things in hints, codes, questions and riddles; without explaining in details. The Holy Spirit within you can connect the dots, draw the parallels and prophetic implications. See with your Eye and hear with your Ear.
The setting for the Batman film is in Gotham City. Gotham is the literal nickname for New York City, given about 130 years ago. The name became popularized in the early 19th century and used in D C Comics. Gotham was seen as a very dark city, on the brink of destruction, filled with criminals, and villains. Gotham is an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning “Goat’s Town.” This was somehow perceived as the character of the majority of people (hard, destructive, disrespectful, arrogant and deceitful). No offense to the many wonderful people (sheep) that engage our work and happens to be in or from New York City. (In England there is a town called Gotham).
We have been long time aware of “predictive programming” used by the owners of Hollywood and the Film Industry and have commented on it. They are always providing us with subtle prophetic messages, positive and negative by way of film. Pay close attention to these characters in the film listed below from “Dark Knight” & “Dark Knight Rises” and see if you can draw any parallels to people (groups) we see in the news, or politics today. I am only highlighting several main characters.
SELINA KYLE – A Sex Worker – Prostitute and Dominatrix that loves cats. In Dark Knight Rises, she is a lesbian, with bisexual tendencies. She evolves to become a very successful Cat Burglar, dressed in a cat costume. She becomes CAT WOMAN, flirting with and teasing Bruce Wayne, predicting the end of his empire and the decadent wealthy overlords. She later further evolves to become a crime-fighter and protector of the east end of Gotham City. During the Charity Masquerade Ball, Selina Kyle whispers into billionaire Playboy Bruce Wayne’s ear. (Who does she represent in the news today that want to punish a powerful New York (Gotham) billionaire Playboy for taking advantage of others?)
Dialogue between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle:
Selina Kyle: You think this can last? There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.
Bruce Wayne: You sound like you’re looking forward to it.
Selina Kyle: I’m adaptable.
BRUCE WAYNE – A Gotham City (New York) billionaire Socialite, Playboy, deeply wounded and not committed to anyone. He is also Batman, self proclaimed dictated Protector of Gotham from the “underworld of criminals” (Swamp, Deep State). In the film “Dark Knight,” Bruce Wayne the billionaire has a girlfriend. What is her occupation and where is she from? She is a Model, Ballerina, from Moscow, Russia. (Bruce Wayne later makes off with the whole female Russian Ballerina Team on a Cruise Ship vacation.) During a dinner with his Russian girlfriend Natasha and District Attorneys Rachel Dawes and Harvey Dent, it is revealed that Bruce Wayne aka Batman would be forced to Retire and be Replaced. The is the scene @ the Ocelot Restaurant. (Who does the billionaire powerful man deeply in bed with Russia represent today?)
HARVEY DENT – the new District Attorney is the high morals, almost religious, seemingly pure red blooded American Patriot that would die to save his country. He locked up so many criminals, but it was later revealed that he was corrupt, and imprisoned many that should have been free. He said, “You either die a hero or either you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” He was called Gotham’s “White Knight.” (Dark Knight Rises reveals the Criminal Justice system was corrupt and broken as well as Law Enforcement).
It turns out Dent, was schizophrenic, unstable and had a disturbing dark side that a tragedy exposed. He was very self-righteous and hypocritical. He lived to become the murderous villain he spoke about, he was renamed “Two-Face.” Due to an acid attack, half of his face was burned off, while the other side remained untouched. He was the heads and tail of his father’s metaphoric coin. (What group of people does this remind us of today?)
BANE – the Pain Killer, a revolutionist, masked terrorist was on a mission to destroy the Stock Market, Gotham and make the rich suffer. He hated the decadence of the wealthy and economical slavery imposed on humanity by the wealthy. He hated the corruption in Law Enforcement and decided to destroy the system alone with 12 million people in a nuclear attack. On his way to fulfilling his mission, Batman is lead into a trap, the Attorney General and Chief of Police are exposed for their crimes and corruption, he kills the Mayor, initiates anarchy, blows up the bridge and traps Gotham City Police underground and sets off a nuclear bomb to destroy Gotham city.
It turns out that the mastermind behind Banes madness was his sister, MIRANDA. She wanted to fulfill the Apocalyptic vision of their father Ra’s al Ghul, leader of the League of Shadow. Ra’s al Ghul means, head of the demon. They felt that an Endtime Apocalyptic event was the only thing that would bring change. (Does not Christianity, Islam and Judaism all share this same desire and belief?)
Miranda – Have you heard of the Miranda warning: “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.”
Are there any comparisons here in reading this predictive programming? Long before Stormy Daniels crossed over to do “straight porn,” she did Only Lesbian Porn. She says her lawsuit against Donald Trump Stands for Everyone Trump Has Conned. While we acknowledge it is unlikely that it will have any legally affects, since he is a ‘sitting president,’ it does bring to mind the Russian Dossier about the Russian prostitutes, golden showers and many other things. I read a few days ago that there were 3500 lawsuits against Trump, while he was campaigning to become president. Since he has become president, he has been sued 100 times. This is Unprecedented for any President or world leader.
Meanwhile in Evangelical La La Land, their leaders seeing the hand writing on the wall, are coaching their people to be blind, deaf and dumb or dumber. The deceptive messages are, “love covers a multiple of sin.” (True, it does.) Therefore, as a good Christians, close your eyes to evil in high places, don’t expect them to be examples, to keep their word or tell the truth, Christian leaders suggest. “Close your ears to anyone talking about world events, you are not of this world.” they say. “Don’t say a word, only pray about it, just extend mercy and grace. Nothing to see here, just carry on and act like you don’t live in this world and God will bless you,” they say. While they lull you off to sleep, a Category 5 Hurricane is brewing just off the shores. You can’t hear the warning sounds to take cover because you are too busy trying to cover up evil.
Yes, we should pray for the leaders, show mercy and be gracious, but God never told us to be blind, deaf and dumb, did He? What about the Scripture, “He that covers his sins shall not prosper, but whosoever confesses and forsakes his sin shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13
Is it judging unrighteously to discuss the events in our world and have options or insight? Are some folks afraid to address real human issues, because they are afraid their secret sins might also get exposed? Shouldn’t we want to be transparent, so we can overcome?
Should not the Evangelicals be praying that their president just be honest, confess and ask for forgiveness; instead of asking God to help him further conceal his sins? Did they forget that, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Shouldn’t the religious advisors to this Administration be advising Trump to Stop the Storm, by asking the American public to forgive him? Where are their prophets or prophetic people? Why have they been so quite?
STORMY DANIELS – Daniel means God is my Judge or Judgement of my God. (Judgement is good, it only means that we are given the opportunity to make a different choice. Sometimes it takes negative events to help us to change, but it’s all good.) When I saw her name in the headlines 2 days ago, Eye heard, “A Storm is Coming, a storm of judgement to the White House, government and to this nation…etc. etc.”
This is mostly what we have warned of many times before. We will see anarchy, extreme riots, economic collapse, and eventually bombs explode on American soil. The hypocritical Harvey Dent’s (White Knights – White Hats – misguided patriots) of today will show their “Two Face,” and as Cat Woman whispered and implied, many of the greedy and rich will suffer great lost. There will be a system collapse. Become adaptable.
SERIAL BOMBER IN AUSTIN TEXAS EXPLODES HIMSELF – March 21, 2018 (This is only a prelude for what Eye See)
As a last ditch effort to remain in power, the evil ones will most likely threaten and implement a form of “civil war” aka “race wars.” These power hungry religious devils don’t want to be seen as failures and the hypocrites they are. They will go to any extreme to keep the billionaire Playboy in power. Many Evangelical religious people (leaders) are already on board with this, have discussed it in private meetings. They see the outcome as “collateral damage,” necessary causalities of what they see as spiritual warfare. See Year of the Dog – Everything is moving into place according to the word of the Lord. Spirit reveals so that some things can be changed or delayed. Watch and Pray.
Clues in the soundtrack from 2012. The Sound Track was produced by WATCHTOWER Music. Doesn’t the Jehovah Witness hand out Watch Tower magazines, about 42,000,000 copies per month? It is the most widely circulated magazine in the world.
When people from the Jehovah’s Witness organization come to my home, I always surprise them. I tell them, “I am Jehovah’s Witness.” Then, I begin to explain and witness about the living God, and we talk about His Kingdom.
What does the Watch Tower magazine talk about? The end of the age and the beginning of a new age. It’s about the Kingdom of God being established on Earth after a Dark Knight ends. Here again, we see the theme running throughout this tragedy is announcing the end of the old and the beginning of the new, God’s Kingdom.
I will only list a few that got my attention. Tracks 1, 5, 10, 15
A – A STORM IS COMING — – (How prophetic)
B – UNDERGROUND ARMY — – (Are you apart of that army?)
C- FEAR WILL FIND YOU — -(The things you fear most will happen-walk in love)
D – RISE — – (Arise out of the dark night and shine, your light has come…)
The billionaire Playboy finally is humbled and learns his weaknesses, after being broken by Bane and thrown into the Pit. He lost his billions, respect, his companies and is in hell, being visited by Ra’s al Ghul in a vision. Gotham goes through months of civil unrest, anarchy, widespread violence, crashed economy and Gotham is reduced to look like a 3rd world occupied nation. Law enforcement has been crippled and mercenaries, extremist ruled; they become judge and jury for the elite and those whom they deemed corrupt, or opposed their new world order.
Batman returns for one day, just in time to divert the nuclear blast from Gotham. He learns that the one he trusted most was the mastermind. Two women, Selina and Miranda had entrapped him and taken advantage of his weakness for women. Due to his vulnerability for attractive women, Gotham was compromised and suffered greatly. Batman is removed from the scene and presumed dead. Gotham (America) survives, law and order is restored with great changes, as the people begin to rebuild. (Revival)
There’s A Storm Coming. Are you preparing spiritually, emotionally, economically?
“When the enemy comes in, like a Flood the Spirit of the Lord (Yahweh) will raise up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19
Order of Melchizedek
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