Uranus Transit Into Taurus May 2018 | Atam.Org

Uranus Transit Into Taurus May 2018

Uranus Transit Into Taurus May 2018

One of the biggest celestial events of May 2018 is the planet Uranus, which means heaven, sky. It will move out of Aries where it has been for 7 years, into the sign of Taurus. It will remain there until April 2026, 7 years. Uranus or Heaven will be setting the stage of what will be happening over the next 7 years in Taurus influencing the Earth.

Father created the heavens to be ruled by 12 main houses, they are also called mansions. These mansions cover about a 30 degrees arc of space each in the universe. Each is sliced out like a large pizza in this wheel with in a wheel. Each mansion has 3 smaller mansions or sub-constellations (shapes of human, animals, beast or objects).. The 12 Big Mansions or Houses of the Zodiac have at least one govern (ruler). The Rulers are the 9 planets of our Solar System, in this highly organized government of the second heaven.

“And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule (govern) the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars (constellations) also.” Genesis 1:16

The Sun of Righteousness moves throughout this Zodiac (circle of animals and shapes of men) Wheel during the 12 months of the year. For example, today April 20, the Sun has moved into Taurus and is 1 degree in the Mansion (house, tabernacle) of Taurus. The Sun of Righteousness will remain mostly in Taurus, going through its many rooms for about 30 days. Each room represents a day someone was born between April 19/20 – May 20, and the energetic effects materializing on the planet and affecting all life.

“In the heavens God has set a tabernacle (dwelling places, houses, mansions) for the Sun. It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other;” Psalms 19:4-6

Did Yahshua not say, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” John 14

Each of these 12 Mansions of the Heavens affect and represent one of the 12 parts of human life individually and corporately. The House of Taurus governs the realm of Finance, Wealth, Economy, Security, Gains, Loss. Taurus is an Earth sign…It is concerned with the Material world and all the resources in and on Earth. Taurus ruling planet is Venus.

With Uranus transit into Taurus, everything in the material will get shaken up and changed over the next 7 years, as wealth is transferred into new hands. Watch and experience the video below. Agree with us regarding specific watch dates listed – Share the video with others.

In this video, we share some of the prophetic insight into what will be happening
over the next 7 years – Starting in May 2018 – specific Watch Dates -as well as to what the heavens are telling us about our personal life.

Share this teaching video with others: ~~Uranus Transit into Taurus- May 15, 2018 -April 26, 2026

Order of Melchizedek

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