Welcome To Year 0 | Atam.Org

Welcome To Year 0

Welcome To Year 0

I have always been drawn to end of days, sci-fi and investigative films. I suppose it is the uncertainty, unbelievable, and unknown that provokes mental stimulation that I find entertaining and actually believable. For people who do not believe the Bible or other holy books, those who control the media have been preparing us psychologically for events we are seeing manifest in what we call our real world. It is almost as if life is imitating art (film).

We all had views of how we thought our world would end. When I speak of the end of the world, I don’t mean the planet blowing up. I mean the end of our way of life on this beautiful planet, Earth. I mean the end of an age or epoch. For many it has not yet dawn on them that the world, the world we had created has ended. It is gone within a twinkling of an eye, yet you are still here. Actually, the moment the virus was released in 2019 – Wuhan, China; the end began.

It was not until the morning of March 18, 2020 that it finally dawned on me, although, I had stated it. It was the “stillness,” it was so eerie I actually went outside looking around in awe. There were no birds, people, noise of vehicles or machines. The stillness and quiet was so loud, it took me a few moments to adjust to it. I began to ask others on the house, “Can you hear that, can you feel that?” I bathed in the silence, stillness, did some Sun-gazing and came to a place of total acceptance. It was as if again, a new time-line had started, or alternate reality; as I felt after the election of 2016. Everything was going to be different, new and interesting.


Just because Year 0 does not appear on your calendar, does not mean it doesn’t exist. Year 0 is a mixture of things for me, the good, bad, and the ugly. The ending and the beginning at the same time. Of course, all things are as we perceive it to be. However, we can not deny it is a resetting of things.

Over 2000 years ago the calendars were RESET due to human consciousness and actions causing system failure. The end of an era, the end of the world was coming as the prophets had predicted. The heavens and all the signs agreed that a new consciousness had to fill the planet. According to the science of heavens, roughly every 2000 years there is what is called the Precession of the Equinox, a new zodiac sign announces the new age. It was Pisces. Yahshua (Jesus) appeared and ushered in a new age (the Piscean Age), but it did not happen at once. It was Year 0 and filled with much turmoil.

Here we are over 2000 years later, it is a new age. We’ve been talking about it and singing about it. It is the Age of Aquarius. We are now at RESET. Welcome to Year 0. Of course, your calendars and everyone will say it is 2020 and it is.

Another illustration is when Noah and his family came out of the Ark, it was Year 0. The world that had existed was gone, washed away in the flood. The calendar was RESET. Humanity was being given another chance to restart, just as we are.


The whole planet is in Lock-down. “Has anything like this ever happened in your time or the time of your ancestors? Tell your children about it; they will tell their children, who in turn will tell the next generation.” Joel 1:2-3

I think for most people, they don’t yet understand the power it takes to literally lock-down the planet. I was talking to friend in South and Central Asia, they were not aware that America was also in Lock-down. They were actually shocked that it could happen here.

Will this be for a few more weeks or several more months? Of course, some are hoping by Passover/Easter we be back to normal. There is no more normal. It could be months.


First of all, I am convinced the Coronavirus aka CoVid-19 is real and was created by our government and released for multiple purposes. (I am not sure how safe it will be to state that in the near future or now). It is not a hoax. Spirit revealed it to us in August 2017 and told us who would release it and what it would do. I have encountered many patriotic individuals trying to get me to recant my statement and telling me I must hate America for speaking truth. I refer them to Amos 3:8 “When Yahweh speaks, who can but prophesy?”

Year 0 is just beginning and it will carry with it a lot of residue from the previous paradigm. Here is a list of things that just wont be the same even when we seem to go back to them. Due to the psychological aspect of “social distancing” and being unplugged from what was the norm for an extended period-we will view people and things differently. Furthermore, the way we do everything must change. Social distances makes an excellent divide and conquer strategy. Watch the leaders as they play “good cop, bad cop” roles. (Trump want you in church in Easter but others want you at home). LOL!

1) Americans Love Shopping: When the stores open again, shopping might appear the same for a while, then reality will kick in. You will notice some of the products are not there anymore and wont be for a very long time. Covid-19 was released in China, perhaps to decimate the Chinese economy. It would make no sense for China to destroy their own economy, would it? Remember the “America First” slogan?? China and Iran are both accusing the USA of unleashing a bio-weapon on them to destroy their economy and government. In December, China declined to use the USD. When did the first case of Covid-19 get reported? December. Iran rejected the USD some time ago.

Since most of our products are Made In China or come from China – The Retailers will no longer be able to provide you clothing, merchandise and even food at a reasonable price from China in several months from now. What will the Walmart’s and other stores look like inside by the end of Summer, early Fall?
For fear of contamination, China’s economy has come to a halt. Furthermore, how motivated will China be to go back to business as usual?

What does this project that will happen to most small business?

2) The Housing Market is About To Crash: In our January 2020 article, we warned of what would happen to the housing market this year. The outrageous prices for homes will be no more. It must be Reset. Unfortunately, that will mean that many people will be upside down in their mortgage loans. (The possibly good news is there might be an event where All Debt will be wiped out).

The revaluing of homes and the cost to buy or rent might not happen immediately, but it is coming. Everything has to be Reset.

3) Money: For many years we have told you about the fiat money, worthless paper money is on it’s way out. The Covid-19 event is being used for multiple purposes as we have stated from the beginning. One of the purposes is the RESET the economy, not only for America, but for the world.

Let me remind you, we are in a Planetary Lock-down. The governments of the whole world, friends and foes have agreed to this lock-down, because they know that Money is changing and we are moving to a global currency. They understand the power of Digital Currency (cryptocurrency). When they first announced that Covid-19 could be passed on through money – I was elated. I knew that was a clue for Digital Currency and the new gold-backed USTN (United States Treasury Note). Coronavirus Stimulus Financial Services Committee Creates New Digital Dollar Thanks to Speaker Pelosi & Chairwoman Maxine Waters. Ethereum is about to blow up.

I totally believe in a transfer of wealth that’s taking place before our eye. Gold is on the rise again as I predicted for 2020. There could be a revaluation of the Zim Notes and Dinar soon. With all this new money and real money possibly soon flooding the nation, what will we buy with it since production has been greatly disrupted? Will there be new cars, vehicles available for 2021? Don’t we get lots of our parts from China? Or, maybe the focus will be on, should be on rebuilding a new society in to a new world?

(Just keeping it real: It appears as if we have evolved into a Socialist Nation for the moment – All Americans are now depending on a check from the government in April. This may not be the only one. I am sure this must be difficult for many Americans and Christians that’s used to shaming the poor for having to depend on checks from the government. Isn’t it funny how fast life can change?)

4) Religion vs Spirituality: The Church age as we knew it is gone. Of course, some will try to revive it and function out of yesterday’s paradigm.

I like to joke about how the Republican Evangelicals warned us for decades that the Democrats would ban us from going to Church, institute Martial Law, and make you take the mark of the Beast (chip). Aint it funny, the guy they voted for and defend with everything within them is the one to fulfill everything they predicted? What’s even more funnier, they are not resisting at all.

I recently did a live radio show, the host asked me what did I think about what’s going on with the Church not being able to meet. I said, “I have 6 words to describe it, The Church has left the building.” The true church (called out) has never been a building, although, some seem to have thought it was.

RESET. The true church (bride of Christ) is being redefined, they will be known by their LOVE, not by what they hate or stand against. They will not be known by limited doctrinal beliefs and childish theology. The evil wolves in sheep clothing that have been lords over God’s heritage are being dethroned. When they do go back to a building, the control and manipulation will be greatly weakened. You are being disconnect from the false ideas of “church” which is dead religion. We must move from church mentality to Kingdom Consciousness-Spirituality.

5) Education: The Almighty will use this CoVid-19 event to create a paradigm shift in humanity. Education and the Miss-Education (dumbing down) of the masses is changing. As we move on into Year 0 and beyond, we will let go of all the Invented & Revised History created to serve the colonial paradigm. Hidden history, true science will become more accessible.

What is School? Will there be a need for it as we were use to? Prestigious Occult Universities (Yale, Harvard, etc) will fade away in the light of the new day.

Literally, overnight almost every parent was forced to home-school their children. It is very difficult for families with multiple younger children, but it can be done. Parents should be the first educator for their kids.

(On a side note: You once could escape to work to avoid being with your spouse and children, now you are forced to “be there.” Perhaps, you will rekindle love and romance again in that relationship? For some, maybe they will learn how to be a parent. All things works together for the good.)

6) Technology Upgrade: The “Keep yo butt at home” quarantine is also a cover for global Upgrade of Technology. Your computers, devices, phones, TV’s, etc. Technology is being installed while you are in the house. They are launching thousands of satellites into space and activating thousands more which were already launched.

Q Anon said Trump was fighting against 5G tech. That was not true. About 5 days ago, Trump signed off on the 5G law. TRUMP SIGNS 5G LAW MAPPING THE PLANET

Is this just so you can have better internet speed? No. This is about Jade Helm 15. Plus, they are literally mapping the planet with satellites, creating an invisible net. Have you every watched SKYNET (Terminator)? It was about AI – Artificial Intelligence becoming “self-aware” and decides humans are not needed. John Connor (JC=Jesus Christ) forms a resistance force (sons of God) to defeat AI. Watch the movie and you will see where we are headed in some ways. There are always challenges and transitions when creating a new world.

The bible gives us an idea of what will happen with AI. You will have to learn to read the bible as a book of codes also. Joshua chapters 8-9 talks about the battle of what? AI!! Yep right there in your Bible, the book some think was just man-made or irrelevant. The battle of Ai.

About 6 years ago I did a message called, “Conquering Eye (Ai)” Due to me speaking in an environment where people’s beliefs varied, I used language where all could grasp the jist of the message. However, I clearly spoke prophetically about the day we have come to and how AI would be launched and eventually defeated. There will be supernatural or super-technological help from above.

When you are loading new software or programs to your devices or computer, it is sometimes REQUIRED to Shut Off your computer and reopen it for the new programs to sync and work properly. Since they are UPGRADING the TECHNOLOGY ON THE PLANET and testing new AI abilities…

How would it affect you to have no internet for several days? How would it affect you to have limited or disrupted cellular phone service for a while? How would you deal with a total media blackout?

It is possible that in the coming days these scenarios might happen. When they hit the button, no one knows how it will affect the planet or our current technology. It has never been done before.

This technology that Trump has signed into law will be able to track every person on the planet in real time, especially, after we are chipped with the Mandatory Vaccine that has a chip. Everything about you will be accessible and downloadable within minutes or seconds. You will not be able to travel and eventually buy or sell without it.

Year 0 has it pros and cons. We are in the infancy of that overlapping period and everything is moving super fast. In this age of super technology, we will see many returning to the basics of growing our own food and returning more healthier eating.

What a wonderful time to be ALIVE & AWAKE. Be Still and know I AM God. Bathed yourself in the Stillness of Him, as the Light of His glory fills you. No fear. The Beginning is Near!!

Order of Melchizedek


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