ISIS – CIA & Mossad Creation

ISIS – CIA & Mossad Creation

August 19, 2014 we posted an article called,  Mystery of ISIS & Beheadings Prophetic Clues.  Eye shared some insight that Eye had been sharing with others that asked me since the name ISIS, ISIL or IS began to make headlines news.  Eye felt that Spirit had shown me who ISIS really was and what their goal was.  Here is what Eye wrote  August 19:

“My answer  has been, “things are not as what they seem, ISIS is a creation of the rogue elements of our CIA, British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) and Israeli Mossad Zionist…

The Zionists want to engulf the whole region in war, kill off as many of the Arabs/Muslims as possible and take their resources.  The next step toward the Zionist plan for global domination is for “Greater Israel”.  Didn’t you realize that their greed will not be satisfied with just stealing Palestine and renaming it Israel?   Greater Israel will include much of Syria, part of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, much of Iraq and all of Jordan.  The conflict in these countries instigated and led by Zionist CIA & Israeli Mossad is to further destabilize these nations, demonize and assassinate their leaders (as with Gaddafi of Libya, Saddam Hussein of Iraq), set up a puppet government and take their resources.”   8/14/14


As usual some of the precious bleeding heart Christian Zionist thought the article was defending Islam, anti-Semitic, hateful and that the idea of a “Greater Israel” was a bit melodramatic.  People are so used to entertaining lies and deceptions that truth seems strange and foreign.  I find that when the desire for TRUTH is greater than the need to be right, theologically or politically correct; one is less likely to be deceived or will break free from deception sooner.  The greatest deception that modern Christianity need deliverance from, is the belief that the Zionist  occupying Palestine, renamed Israel are actually blood relatives to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus.  (Israelis disguised as Muslims to commit acts of terror in nothing new, it has been well documented.)


According to the American Free Press & Edward Snowden 8/28/14 –  Based on leaked documents:


The Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to “protect Israel.” According to the documents, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.” – See more at:

“The Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to “protect Israel.” According to the documents, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.

IS is intended to be a provocative agent, which gives the West the justification to enter countries that are considered a threat to Israel in order to destroy them.  This would then five Israel the opening it needs to take over a large swath of the Middle East and establish the Zionist dream of “GREATER ISRAEL” from the Nile to the Euphrates.”  Read more here ~~~~  AMERICAN PRESS      Also check out this media link~~~

Father is always faithful to validate and confirm His word. 

Here is a Prophetic Word Eye shared on Face Book – September 9, 2014

“Eye See the Zionist New World Order is behind schedule, they have taken out Hassan Hussein (Iraq), Hosni Mubarak & Morsi (Egypt), Muammar Gaddafi (Libya), They have had a hard time killing Assad of (Syria), so they can eventually go into Iran take their resources. They are about 2 years behind in their plan.
They created ISIS, now the NeoCon Hawks are pushing for USA airstrikes inside Syria. Who are they really after? It is President Assad, Syria is the gateway to open a war front on IRAN. Eye tell you the plan is to take out Assad. Behold Eye show you a mystery: The puppet Government of Egypt was installed in June 2014. What is the name of the President? Abdel Fatta el-Sisi. Sisi is ISIS spelled backwards. Do you think that is coincidence or a prophetic clue? Was not ISIS one of the goddess of Egypt? Are You Awake Yet?!! WATCH, Listen and don’t be deceived by most of the Christian & Secular Media-they are controlled by the same Zionist source.” 9/9/14
Prophetic Validation –  September 14-  Obama threatens to Overthrow President Assad if his military shots at American plans violating Syrian airspace.  Assad has been the target all along-
The new Egyptian Zionist controlled President Puppet Abdel Fatta el-Sisi graduated from the U.S. Army War College.

While writing this article, I just heard on radio news that President Obama has approved for Airstrikes in Syria.  As I listened to the news report, Eye heard, “This decision comes under great duress and this Fall season will be a very vulnerable time for President Obama with many dangers around he and his family…Pray for them.” 

(This is a sign to the Word of the Lord) -Man Jumps Fence and Breaks Into the White House with a Knife & 800 Rounds of Ammunition In His Car- 9/19/14


There is a strong possibility that there will be a news leak, probably in foreign or alternative news, before or during winter regarding this.  Watch!


IS is intended to be a provocative agent, which gives the West the justification to enter countries that are considered a threat to Israel in order to destroy them. This would then give Israel the opening it needs to take over a large swath of the Middle East and establish the Zionist dream of “Greater Israel” from the Nile to the Euphrates. – See more at:
The Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to “protect Israel.” According to the documents, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.” – See more at:
The Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to “protect Israel.” According to the documents, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.” – See more at:

When the next attack takes place on American soil and it is blamed on ISIS or any other Muslim group, you can rest assured it is the handiwork of the NAZIonist (Zionist) – Israeli Mossad & CIA.

“There are a lot of Christians who want to help Israel become established, so some people refer to them “Christian Zionists”. However, I doubt that Theodor Herzl and the other Jews who started the Zionist movement had any intention of allowing Christians, Muslims, or other goyim (beast) to be equal members of Israel. Therefore, I would not describe the goyim (beast) who support Israel as “Zionists”. Instead, I think a more accurate description for them is useful idiots.” Eric Hufschmid – Ashkenazi Jew


PS. Someone just sent me some news that the Israeli Jewish man seen in the photo above disguised as a bearded Muslim, the Leader of ISIS, ISIL, IS may have been killed.  There are others to replace him.  Check out this article: 


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