December, 2020 | Atam.Org
Prophetic Astrological Season-Age of Aquarius

Prophetic Astrological Season-Age of Aquarius

ShalomPeople of the Most High, It is the end of 2020 Gregorian year. Did you really See (20/20) clearly what is happening and what is going to happen? Here below is a LIVE Recording from our daily International Rising Mystics Institute on Zoom (Toilet Revelations Edition)- Due to trigger words and phrases in this prophetic message, it was censored, banned on Youtube. Follow the link on Youtube and hear what they did not want you to hear. Be Blessed! Go to Youtube and follow the link on the Description Box or first comment. The DOWNLOAD SPEED IS FASTER WHEN USING GOOGLE CHROME BROWSER. Experience the Power of Astro-Prophecy. Link: Order of Melchizedek WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
Aliens Are Here And Hiding Until…

Aliens Are Here And Hiding Until…

Tell me something new. For decades we have been announcing that full disclosure is coming and “every eye will see.” What an exciting time we are living in. Can you imagine the ex-head of the Israeli Space Program saying, “Space aliens have reached an agreement with the US government to stay mum on the experiments they conduct on Earth — as well as their secret base on Mars — until mankind is ready to accept them, the former head of Israel’s space program claimed in a new interview. “The aliens have asked not to announce that they are here [because] humanity is not ready yet,” Haim Eshed told Israeli paper Yedioth Aharonoth… As on planet Earth so it is many places throughout the Cosmos. There are good people and there are evil people. I am not so sure these aliens that’s been during experiments on Earth for decadeS are all good. Over the years, I have stated that many of the millions of people that go missing each year will never be found because of a secret agreement with the governments of this world. Part of that agreement for some of the races of aliens are to allow humans to be used for food and genetic experiments. “As it was in the days of Noah.” Read this article: ALIENS IN HIDING UNTIL MANKIND IS READY Order of Melchizedek WE ACCEPT ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS & DEBIT CARD AT THIS SECURE ACCOUNT. Sharing is...
Death Is An Option…

Death Is An Option…

I must have been around 19-20 human years, when I received a powerful revelation on Immortality that changed my life. It was a Sunday evening and it had been very busy as usual. My family had come home from church, my mother and I were preparing a big Sunday meal, several young people that frequently came over had followed us home. Sundays were filled with food, fun and more fellowship. At this point in my journey I had never eaten a salad and would take the lettuce and tomatoes off of my hamburger. Vegetables were not my friends, nor did I even want to be acquainted with them. It was meat and potatoes for this skinny kid. I remember that Sunday menu as if it were yesterday, at least what was on my plate. We cooked a huge steak, spaghetti with huge spicy meatballs, corn bread, potatoes and there was probably another vegetable not on my plate, because I did not eat it. After overeating, I couldn’t wait until my friends left so I could go and “lay before the LORD.” This was a phrase we jokingly used to mean, “I have eaten so much I need to just go and lie down and repent for being a glutton,” or something like that. Whew! all the guests were gone and I barely made it upstairs and crashed on my bottom bunk bed. Lying there thankful and uncomfortable from overeating, I went into a trance-type vision. Many things were told to me at that time, but I will only share here what is relevant to the subject. I saw people...