Death Is An Option…

Death Is An Option…

I must have been around 19-20 human years, when I received a powerful revelation on Immortality that changed my life. It was a Sunday evening and it had been very busy as usual. My family had come home from church, my mother and I were preparing a big Sunday meal, several young people that frequently came over had followed us home. Sundays were filled with food, fun and more fellowship.

At this point in my journey I had never eaten a salad and would take the lettuce and tomatoes off of my hamburger. Vegetables were not my friends, nor did I even want to be acquainted with them. It was meat and potatoes for this skinny kid. I remember that Sunday menu as if it were yesterday, at least what was on my plate. We cooked a huge steak, spaghetti with huge spicy meatballs, corn bread, potatoes and there was probably another vegetable not on my plate, because I did not eat it.

After overeating, I couldn’t wait until my friends left so I could go and “lay before the LORD.” This was a phrase we jokingly used to mean, “I have eaten so much I need to just go and lie down and repent for being a glutton,” or something like that.

Whew! all the guests were gone and I barely made it upstairs and crashed on my bottom bunk bed. Lying there thankful and uncomfortable from overeating, I went into a trance-type vision. Many things were told to me at that time, but I will only share here what is relevant to the subject.

I saw people that I did not know and saw myself in front. They appeared in formation like an army. They appeared all lean and physically fit. (This was not a dream, I was completely awake and watching it unfold as a movie.) The Spirit said, “I will return a people to the perfection of Eden. The end will become the beginning… People will stop dying and live forever… You are ageless, immortal and eternal…”

That was my last animal flesh meal that Sunday evening. I knew no vegetarians, knew nothing about physical immortality and had never heard about reversing or stopping the aging process.

All taste for meat left me – In a prayer meeting later that night, close to midnight, Spirit made a declaration, a prophetic word out of my belly. As I stood in the circle, after about an hour of intense prayer with about 4-5 other young people…Spirit spoke out of me without me being consciously aware of what I would say. I felt it come out of my innermost being (belly) – “From this night forth, I shall never eat meat again. Everyone looked at me strangely, I even questioned myself and wondered why would I say such. The Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts, with a hand gesture of declaration I repeated, “From this night forth, I shall never eat meat again.”

I think I might have been more surprised than anyone else and baffled. However, I knew I could not go back, plus there was no desire for animal flesh anymore. Some time later, I began to confess and affirm what I heard Spirit say in the vision. “I am ageless, immortal and eternal.”

It’s been many years that I have preached and taught on the message of Physical Immortality, Reversing the Aging Process, and shared the vision I had on that overly stuffed Sunday evening. Since then there have been many more revelation, but it is also exciting to see modern science catching up with Spirit. Unfortunately, the secular and scientific communities believe more in Physical Immortality and Reversing the Aging process than most Christians or spiritual people.

As you see these breakthroughs are happening in the science world, know they are also happening in the spiritual world. Immortality is coming from within-the treasure hidden in earthly vessels. The activation of cells, genes and our DNA can be done by science, frequencies and of course by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Stop Dying today! You don’t have to wait. Read the article below and be inspired.

“Humans will only die in accidents, never of natural causes or illness, by around the year 2045, say Cordeiro and Wood, who say it is ‘crucial’ that old age starts to be classified as an ‘illness’ so that publicly-funded research into its ‘cure’ can extend.

Aging is the result of DNA ‘tails’, known as ‘telomeres’, in chromosomes – of which every cell except red blood and sex cells has 23 pairs – becoming shorter, and reversing aging involves lengthening the telomeres.”


Order of Melchizedek


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  1. Hey Prophet, Are you saying that eternal life is possible to those who have never accepted the atoned blood of Jesus for their sins?

    • Death is an Option and has always been an option even before Jesus. Unfortunately, that’s not taught in modern day Christianity. “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19 “Oh house of Israel why do you choose to die?” Ezekiel 33:11 Did Enoch, Elijah or Melchizedek consciously experience the atoning blood of Jesus? What about many other none biblical references of people? What is eternal life?


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