by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 15, 2019 | Aliens & UFO's, Uncategorized |
Is Russia fighting a war against Nephilim and or aliens? What do the Russians know about aliens? The previous president of Russia in 2012, Dmitry Medvedev after his tenure did say something very interesting at the end of an interview, supposedly not realizing his mic was yet on. Another of the journalists asked whether the president is handed secret files on aliens when receiving the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal. “Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet…I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic” he says. After his off mic interview raised many questions in the West, he was force to retract his statement and say he was only joking. It wasn’t a joke, it was a clever disclosure. His tenure over and he had nothing to lose. DROPPING LOTS OF KNOWLEDGE & INFO WITHOUT GOING INTO GREAT DETAILS – ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU THINK & RESEARCH Wars are being fought across the planet continuously, but not all these wars are against other humans. Of course this would sound strange to many people today, especially Americans. These wars don’t make the news in America, or they are disguised as wars on terror. From time to time they do make foreign news, independent media outlets and Whistle Blowers leak info. If you have been following our ministry for some time or reading this website, you know we occasionally talk and write about things that...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 11, 2019 | Uncategorized |
(This message has been slightly edited, update for today’s relevance. It was originally written 11:11:11) WAKE UP!!! THE UNIVERSE IS SHOUTING!!! WAKE UP!! 11:11:11 is the activation code for AWAKENING. Numbers as you should know by now are not just given to us for no reason. The 4th Book of the Bible is called Numbers, because in there is hidden the deep treasures of Divine Numerology. Everything in the universe revolves around numbers and there are a clear messages once we learn how to read them. Jesus said the hairs of your head are even numbered. Did you realize that each strand of hair is coded with information about your life and can be prophetically read. For example, hair number 27, 111 or 698 comes out of a place in you acting as an antennae or connection to the invisible realm. For example, that sacred place is yet there, where hair #333 came from, even if you become bald. The yearly 11:11 date or 11:11:11 sequence (date) serves as a reminder – is the vibratory activation code for higher consciousness. 11:11 is the activation code for AWAKENING to the next level of consciousness. Many of us have been receiving telepathic messages for some time now that draws our attention to the clock at precisely 11:11 and even waking out of sleep at that time. It is not coincidence, this is divinely directed as a ‘Wake Up Call‘ on all levels, including the cellular level. Before we get further into this, lets give the Bible reading skeptics some Scriptures from the Bible. When was the first time eleven (11) was...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Oct 21, 2019 | Uncategorized |
At first glance of this article, Frequent Ringing In Ears Is a Sign Of Higher Spiritual Awareness, I so resonated with it, expecting it would share and confirm some things I already knew. There are so many subtle ways Spirit communicates with us. It’s a wonderful article. Perhaps, over 15 years ago, I noticed the high pitched ringing in my ears. At first I thought and questioned, is this blood pressure related, or tinnitus? Deep within I knew it was something more. The odd high pitch ringing continued intermittently or just randomly, sometimes a bit disturbing, but never frightening. There is barely a day that go by that I don’t notice it at some point, some times louder than other times. After moving to Arizona, I’d notice it more usually at night or early morning when it was quiet, I could heard faint music and static along with the high pitch. It was like from a radio station trying to pick up the signal, but very faint. I was the only one in the house that could hear it. There was no radio in the room and many times I was lying down when I first started hearing beyond the high pitch. One night I actually went through the house unplugging TV’s, computers, everything electrical and turning the AC off. I could yet hear this faint music that seem to become less faint in my bedroom. After thoroughly investigating where the faint music and noise was coming from and realizing it was not anywhere in my house or from another house, it was evident that I was tuning in...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 25, 2019 | Uncategorized |
In America, we have seen the true face of much of Western Christianity since the “selection” of Trump by the Electoral College. It is clear that the practice of AmeriChristianity is far from what the Believers of the Way practiced in the 1st century, who were labeled “Christians.” Much of it looks nothing like the all inclusive message of Jesus (Yahshua) and his modern so called ‘followers’ have literally become “anti-Christ.” Their lust for perceived political power, have created a grossly deformed version of Christianity. Obsessing on and imagining how once in control; they could force their unChrist-like beliefs onto others. The hate, racism, bigotry, intolerance, violence and anger in many ways surpasses a majority of descent people in our society that don’t claim to be Christians. As a result, it has enable and emboldened an onslaught of “Christian Terrorism” targeting other Christians who are of a different race, ethnicity, non-English speaking and perceived to be undocumented; as well as acts of terror against other religions. The Trump era has exposed and given permission to many closeted Christian racists to come out of the closet. It has also caused the world to know who supports this anti-Christ behavior, by the silence that’s been heard throughout the evangelical world. With today’s news of Trump’s collusion with the Ukrainians to dig up or make up dirty stories on Biden and his son…extortion of the Ukrainian president and other crimes…will they be able to impeach Trump and remove him? Before he lost the popular vote and was selected by the Electoral College, Trump threatened he would not concede if he lost and...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Sep 24, 2019 | Aliens & UFO's, DNA & Science |
This message was written November 27, 2012. It is one of the many yet stuck in our old defunct website on an inaccessible server or in the Vault – waiting to be brought here. This message will help you to innerstand scientifically how Yahshua was able to be born of a virgin.) The headline news today reads, “BIGFOOT IS PART HUMAN…,” based on a 5 year DNA study of hair samples. Not a surprise to some of us, nor Native Americans. What a shock and blow to the scientific community? How will the evolutionist fit this into their theory? What a shock and blow to parts of the religious community. How will the creationist handle their 6000 year old Earth and human theory? DNA testing shows that Sasquatch mitochondria DNA is from a modern female human that existed about 15,000 years ago. That means there was some “hanky-panky” going on between cryptids (ancient hidden undocumented creatures which were more animal like) and humans. Also, it could suggest that highly advance beings on the planet introduce various strains of their DNA into humans. Much of BigFoot DNA can not be found anywhere on the planet. So where did it come from? Before we answer that question, let’s look at a prophetic word given by me January 1, 2012 – This was one of my weird prophecies for the year. CRYPTOZOOLOGY WEIRD PROPHECY & MORE – Given January 1, 2012 “Eye see the Dragon energy is revealing that over the next 2 years there will be a lot of emphasis on cryptozoology and other prehistoric creatures. There will be hard evidence...
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