Capricorn Rising Effect

Capricorn Rising Effect

We have arrived at a very auspicious time and the heavens are declaring what shall be. Capricorn is Rising and all eyes are on him. Here we are approaching 2 Eclipses. On December 25/26 there will be an Annular Solar Eclipse (ring of fire), it is the last Eclipse of the year and decade. January 10/11, 2020 there will be a Lunar Eclipse. We are rapidly coming to space between the 2 Eclipses. We have been sharing about the importance of these Eclipses throughout the year since January 2019.

Eclipses are about transformation, they are like time stamps, markers and even like a punctuation at the end of a sentence. They represent something coming to an end and something beginning. Solar Eclipses hide the light, and at the same time brings things out of darkness. Lunar Eclipses exposes the shadow, the things that appear real but are not. Eclipses are about alignments, focusing and directing subtle energies and magnifying them. They signify portals being open, cosmic signs and symbols waiting to be interpreted. The influences of Eclipses last for at least 6 months. However, with these soon coming powerful events, there has been a strong build-up leading to the dates.

Based on Tropical Astrology, the Sun is in Capricorn, the Solar Eclipse of December 25/26, 2019 (depending on where you live) will take place in Capricorn. Besides being the final Eclipse of the year and decade, what makes this Eclipse so important? 6 Planets (celestial bodies) are amassing in Capricorn; the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, South Node (Ketu) there are 6 planets.

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9

One of the ways I read and prophesy into astrological/astronomical events is by researching what was happening on the planet when this exact event in the heavens last happened or a similar one. Then, using the guidance of the Holy Spirit, angels and intuition I can get a clearer picture of what shall be. Due to the amount of planets conjuncting in Capricorn and the 2 Eclipses being two weeks apart, we can extrapolate an amazing amount of prophetic data. However, for the sake of time, I will only give power points of some of the most relevant historic and prophetic information.

“The heavens declare the glory of God…Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.” Psalms 19


Capricorn is the Sea-Goat in divine astrology. He has a fish lower body and a goat upper body. The lower part of his body is in water. Water is symbolic of momentum, movement, instability, life, etc. Water also represents the Emotional Body.

Capricornus the Sea-Goat is partially in the water, but the element for the sign of Capricorn is Earth. This means everything that pertains to the earth plane is rules by this sign. There are 3-Earth element signs; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Capricorn in mid-heaven is the House of materialism, finances, real estate, agriculture, work social status, government, corporations, banking, business – this is the authoritarian, the father figure. Capricorn represents structure, security and karma. Capricorn is the sign of TRANSFORMATION, the sea animal (fish) becoming a earth/land animal (goat).

For several years we have been mentioning the movements of Pluto and Saturn as they moved through the heavens announcing Change, transformation is coming. The events of December 26 and January 10-12, 2020 is the period (.), exclamation mark (!) for this build-up.

So far we have mentioned mostly the 2 Eclipses – December 26, 2019 and January 10, 2020 and the 6 planetary bodies amassing in Capricorn. January 12, 2020 is the conjunct between Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn.


Pluto moved into Capricorn in January 2008, he retrograded back to Sagittarius and went direct to Capricorn again November 2008. Pluto will remain in Capricorn til around year 2024. Pluto’s cycle is around 248 years.

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, it is the revealer of all that is hidden, it Uncovers the Truth. Pluto is also called the god of the underworld. Plutonian energy will bring everything to the surface and force transformation. His energy is also called creative destruction. Whatever that’s not serving your highest good must be destroyed.

** What major event happened in 2008 that affected the world when Pluto moved into Capricorn? In 2008, the Housing Bubble Burst and by autumn we were entering into a Recession with the Banks Collapsing and had to be bailed out. The Stock Market Crashed, people lost lots of money, their retirement and many things.

Pluto was last in Capricorn from 1762-1779. Keep in mind Capricorn represents government, politics, power and structure among other things. Plutonian energy shook up the political structure globally.

** What major event happened from 1762-1779? The American Revolution (The Revolutionary War) started 1775, the revolution spread across Europe for the next decade. While at the same time, Blacks were fighting for freedom in America.

Saturn joined Pluto in Capricorn year 1518. (Saturn is the great teacher, the taskmaster, and father of time. His energy reminds us of our limitations and sometimes shows us the parts of our-self we forget or don’t want to see. His home is Capricorn).

** What were some of the major world events? A few months prior Martin Luther had nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral – Protestantism was born. The Reformation started.

** The Dancing Plague of France where literally hundreds of people could not stop dancing wildly for weeks as the Sun moved into Leo (the party-pleasure zodiac sign). Some literally danced themselves to death with bleeding feet, having strokes, heart attacks or dying from exhaustion. (This is where the phrases Dance or Boogie Fever comes from).

** Treaty of London 1518 – Britain and some European nations agreed to not attack each other and to aid each other in advent of attack.

** African Slave Trade began – August 15,28 1518 – the King of Spain, Charles I, issued a charter authorizing the transportation of black people direct from Africa to the Americas.

** 1518 was also time of Oppression/Enslaving a race of people, New Economics, Trade with the East, Art and Exploration.

The Pluto, Saturn Jupiter conjunct in Capricorn of year 1284. (Jupiter is the great god of the planets, representing expansion, spirituality, prosperity, etc). The January 12, 2020 event will be nearly exactly as the events in planetary degrees as the conjunction in Capricorn of 1284. What are some of the events of 1284?

** The Knights Templar (Warrior Monks) introduced Private Banking, own by the Pope. It was a new way of doing business, instead of carrying gold or silver (real money), people were given a paper letter of credit stating the amount the paper was worth. It was an IOU, Bill of Exchange. A new financial system was birth and lead to what we now call ‘fiat currency.’

** The Chinese during the Tang Dynasty of China had done the same thing, they used “feiquan” or “flying money” it developed to banking during the conjunction of Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn around the 10th century.

** 1284 – Republic of Venice created the ducata gold coin which became the standard for European Currency for the next 600 years.

** 1284-1285 The Eastern Orthodox Church refuses to agree to a Union with the Roman Catholic Church.

** 1284 – The true story of the Piped Piper of Hamelin, Germany. The Piper lured 130 children away with his mesmerizing music; never to be seen again. He had appear on the scene in colorful clothing and promised to rid the town of the rat infestation for a fee. He used his enchanting music to rid the town of rats, but the towns people refused to pay him. He later returned July 26 (Sun in Leo), according to most history and lured 130 children through an underground portal. Some history say a mountain wall opened and closed after them. Other writings suggest it happened June 26 (Sun in Cancer).

Now that we can see certain patterns that the heavens declare which are clearly laid out, we can move further. Pluto has the effect of shattering the established orders of the time when it appears in Capricorn, if those orders are no longer suitable to human progress. Pluto will destroy the lies and uncover the harsh truth, forcing transformation.


Pluto will remain in Capricorn until 2024. The December 26, 2019, January 10, 2020 & January 12, 2020 celestial events are showing us what to expect over the next 4 years.

INDIVIDUALLY – We are closing out a 29 year cycle of Saturn and Capricorn. The negative emotions, energies of regret, bitterness, hurt, hatred, fear, unforgiveness, unresolved feelings that have not been overcome is being sealed for another 29 years. This means, those who have not “let go” and are hoarding these lower vibrations will most like be recreating the same scenarios that brought hurt and pain. The energetic baggage will be carried into future romantic relationships, business, friendships and with family members. The heavens are giving us from December 26 – January 12 to clear out all the garbage or be stuck with it repeating itself in different forms until Saturn returns. Clear out everything you have accumulated over the past several years to prevent it from settling in various parts of your body as diseases.

Some of you need to think about where you were in 1988 -1991 during Saturn’s transit through Capricorn. Do you need to bring closure to any things? Saturn and Jupiter are also the Judges of the solar system. Saturn will make sure you reap what you have sown. For most of you who were adults during that time frame, there were major shake-ups in your life (divorce, new marriage, loss of loved ones, loss of career, ministry change, loss of resources, major changes, physical or emotional challenges, etc). Could there be some residuals of that crisis you yet carry? If there is anything that needs to be dealt with, address it now, so those lower vibrations wont be stamped and seal deeper into your emotions. This is a time of closing out all karmic cycles – use it.

Saturn along with Pluto is forcing us to address the lies we have told our-self about our-self. They will continue to uncover areas of your life until you see it clearly. 2020 is about seeing everything as it really is. Be Authentic!! It is also about exposing lies you may have told about others or others told about you. This is a psychological purge get it out.

This auspicious time is about Making Clear Decisions. Between December 26 – January 12, 2020 – Be Clear on what you want, who you want in your life and what you expect to offer the world. The intent you set in motion during this time will be set. The angels of Capricorn will help to solidify your decisions, write them down. Jupiter will expand them.
“God is able to do more than you think or desire.”

This massing and conjuncting of planets in Capricorn is declaring that 2020 you will begin to see the fruit of your labor. If you were born under the sign of Capricorn, especially early Capricorns, there is a lot of energetic and angelic help. If you are not spiritual, you will find yourself being drawn toward spirituality. If you are on the Path, there is an increase and acceleration taking place within you. Dreams, ideas, visions, books being presented to read, there is a stirring deep within for Capricorns.

You will find uncommon favor that’s been building for the past few month, recognition, promotion, financial opportunities are on the horizon for the near future. Of course, all of us can receive that word, due the amassing of planets influencing all of us.


Ending the old Financial System
Change in Banking System
Change in Currency
Creating a Level Playing Field
Transfer of wealth -Abundance

Uranus moved into Taurus May 2018 (the house of Finance, Material tings) another Earth element sign and will remain there until April 2026. We have spoken about this in the past and shared that this is prophesying about a Change in the financial world. It was over 80 years ago Uranus entered Taurus – What happened? The Stock Market failed, we had the Great Depression and were taken off the gold standard and given paper money. There was a Change in the standard currency.

Capricorn element is Earth and rules banking, corporations, finance, housing, material things. It was nearly 800 years ago (year 1284) the planets conjunct in Capricorn as they will January 12, 2020. The ducata gold coin was minted for Europe as their currency. The Knights Templar created the Private Banking system and issued IOU’s to replace real money/currency.

Early part of 2020 you will see the Financial Markets shaken up. The Real Estate Market will take some hits and some major corporations and businesses will go under. There will be lots of fear and panic…but that wont be the Big One…yet. These are like small earthquakes warning you of what will come. Again, around the middle of the year, while the Sun is moving from Taurus to Cancer, there will be more scares.

The powers that be will rush to repair and patch up things to further create the deception that all is well. (You will need 2020 vision to see through the lies). This will go on into year 2022 and unfortunately, many people will have convinced themselves that all is well. It does not matter who sits in the Oval Office, those hidden hands that align themselves with the stars have long ago decided when the next major crash will come. There are no coincidences, they put those in office who will do their bidding to make sure it happens. The Council of the Heavens have already declared it. We get to choose how to use the information.

Years 2023-2024 the deception will be undeniable. During this process the need for another currency to replace the ‘fiat currency’ will become more acceptable and popular. (It is my belief that the main option will be Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin. I am not financial giving financial advice).


The build up of planets in Capricorn, the conjunct, along with Uranus in Taurus are warning us that the material world is about to be shaken pretty hard. If you are trusting in the material world and money, you will be devastated. On the other hand, the planets are telling us about new money, new currency, new ways of banking and prospering. In other words, the heavens are shouting to us to become responsibility for our own prosperity. Realize you are the bank. You are the creator of wealth, tap into your spiritual abilities and create. The new currency could also represent the RV of of certain foreign currencies finally happening.

During the Depression and the events that led up to it there was extreme poverty, but there was also extreme wealth. Choose what your portion will be. Begin to think about moving out of ‘fiat currency.’ The heavens are shouting, “Think Outside the Box!” The Bible teaches that we should develop 7-8 streams of passive income.
“Divide your portion among seven, or even eight, for you do not know what disaster may befall the land.” Ecclesiastes 11:2


Ending the Old Paradigms of Governing
Exposing the Lies
Changing of the Guards
What You See Aint Real
Power To the People

Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is bringing about massive changes and will Expose the LIES. Unfortunately, many who are used to the daily doses of lies and deceptions can no longer discern between lies and truth. They’ve become quite satisfied with ‘alternative facts.’ 2020 will uncover the truth and cause those who choose to see, to see everything clearly.

Capricorn represents structure. The very structure of western government is being challenged and will collapse and be re-structured. Pluto will bring about Transformation and uncover everything hidden. The South Node (Ketu) is the god of creative destruction. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken down to be rebuild.

For the next 6 month, it will seem like shock and awe, even more than it’s been for the last 3 years. This is not just the American government. The USA was created under the Zodiac sign of Cancer, the UK zodiac sign is Capricorn. That is exactly 180 degrees astrologically or 6 months apart. (The January 10 Lunar Eclipse will be in Cancer). In astrology, there is the Cancer-Capricorn axis. This is the inner (emotional) and outer (structural) dependency and independence. This is one of the reasons why, if you look at British politics, you will see a nearly mirror image in American politics. Don’t allow the flowery British English to deceive you.

Just take a look at the similarities between Boris Johnson and Donald Trump politics, even they physically resemble each other. I call them the Twins. They are both Gemini’s and born 5 days apart different years. Trump was born June 14, 1946 – Boris Johnson June 19, 1964. (Can you see the numbers 46 and 64 in reverse?) There are no coincidences. (Based on Tropical Astrology the axis would be Gemini – Sagittarius, that’s another revelation we can not get into here…highlighting their birth sign. Just know, the powers that be has a plan and it does not have your best interest in mind).

Nevertheless, the South Node (Ketu) will work to destroy the kingdoms of men and oppression and assist with establishing Truth.

This is word Eye released January 20, 2019- interpreting the celestial events of January 12, 2020.
“There will be a Major Change in government leadership. This will come in the form of world leaders dying, being assassinated or being removed from office. Also, CEO’s of major corporation will be removed legally, stepping down, by death, mergers or hostile takeovers.

Pluto & Saturn are putting an END to a cycle, old paradigms and leaders who control them. The Annular Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 and the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 will empower the influences of Saturn and Pluto to force change. By year 2022 many of the world leaders and leaders of major corporations will be a faint memory, as a new energy and progressive political policies that benefit all humans and the planet began to be implemented.” 1/20/19 PROPHETIC INSIGHT & PREDICTIONS 2019





(Forgotten paragraph added 12/29/19 – Watch Dates January 9-14, 2020 – Due to the amount of activities in the heavens we will most likely see some drama played out in the Financial World and volatility and some Political Maneuvering & Posturing with the Government regarding the Trump Impeachment Trial. This could include More Evidence. Watch the Headlines.)

Between May 2020 – July 2020 – Due to many strange revelations, pressure and more people seeing clearly (2020) – This could be an extremely vulnerable time for Trump. Some things I will not say in this space.

1518 during the Pluto, Saturn Capricorn conjunct the Treaty of London 1518 – a simplified version of NATO was formed. Will Boris Johnson be able to do the Brexit during this planetary configuration? He plans to get it done by January 31, 2020. I am sure he has consulted with an astrologer to chose that time frame.

The energy in the heavens are available to make it possibly. If it does happen, there will be lots of regrets by June 2020 and supporters turning against him.


Eye see chaos across the European Union as nation states fall apart politically, economically and morally. These shall become seeds for a spiritual revival, in the midst of a drug epidemic beyond what has been seen before.


Leaving Western Christianity but keeping Christ
Devolving of American Christianity
Ending the Era of the Mega Churches
Reformation – Revival – Renewal
Return to Ancestral Roots & True Spirituality


It’s time for another Reformation. The heavens have declared it. Where are the Protestants that will protest against what has happened to the Western Evangelical Protestant Church?? Where are the Elijah’s that will summon the Jezebel/Ahad religious-political system to challenge them? Where are the Elijah’s that’s willing to decapitate the religious heads (not literally?) that have caused the people to go a whoring after political power, mammon and worldliness?

Come out from among them and be separate. The planets are aligned as they were for Martin Luther. There will be a mass exodus from the system church (religion). If you are a Pastor that’s trying to be politically correct, appeasing the people, patterning your ministry after those you think successful and not led by the Spirit…Ichabod will be the name for your ministry/church. If you are among those too afraid to speak the truth, and want to be the cool minister (apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teach), worried about your reputation, and salary – Ichabod will be your portion.

East (new thought progressive all inclusive theology) will refuse the union with Western American Christianity rooted in white supremacy, just as the Eastern Orthodox refused to join with the Western Roman Catholic Church 1284-1285 @ the Council of Lyon during the same planetary configuration. This celestial event marks the end of religion as usual. Those who love truth are being empowered to stand up against the apostate religious whore riding the political beast dressed in red hats. Revelation 18 She is drunk with the wine of delusion, expectation of political power and greed.

This will lead to a greater divide and religious wars amongst the 40,000 denominations of Christianity during the coming decade. The shaking will take place until the purity of Christ Consciousness is restored. The heavens don’t lie!

In this new decade, many will be seeking out and returning to ancestral spirituality, coupled with the true message Yahshua (Jesus) taught.

The religion of Islam will be visited mightily in the coming decade. A revival of the supernatural. The plans to recreate the Crusades of 1284 with lies and deception will fail. A purer, spiritual version of what is called Islam will emerge.


Increase Kidnaps/Abduction
Kids Murdering
Pedophilia Becoming More Acceptable
Drug Epidemic
Young People Hungry for True Spirituality

In 1284, the year of the same planetary configuration we will have January 12, 2020, the Pied Piper appeared. 130 children disappeared mysteriously in Hamelin, Germany. There was something supernatural involved, were they used in ritual sacrifices? Were they used in a sex cult?

The same energy is manifesting and has been building all year. There are about 2000 children or more that’s still missing after being taking from their parent by border agents. These were asylum seeking families crossing the border legally and separated from their parents.

This year pedophilia has come more to the forefront in the media. Let me interpret what the heavens and history repeating itself is telling us.

The heavens are declaring that there is a sinister plan in place and it has to do with black magic negative occult (dark arts, witchcraft) possibly using advanced sound technology that will affect children younger than 17 years old. This technology can be embedded into soundtracks of music, videos, movies, TV, and other media devices. The purpose of this technology is to lure children, and young people away from home and into vulnerable positions.

It will be mesmerizing, hypnotic and cause abnormal irrational behavior. Perhaps, causing children to run away from home at an alarming rate, activate hyper-sexuality, violence and suicide.

This is something that must be prayed about and against. If this energy and plan of the enemy is not disrupted, by the time the Sun moves into Cancer and Leo, things will be out of control. The headline news globally will be reporting extreme cases of the effects I mentioned.

I disrupt and destroy the plans of the evil ones to further destroy the children and youth of this generation. By the powers of Saturn, the Father of Time, I turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their father. I call on the angels of Capricorn to bring security, structure and safety. By the powers of Pluto everything hidden will be exposed and devour by Ratu. So Be It.


Love, Power, Self Realization
The Last shall be First
Pulling Down & Building Up
East Rising – West Descending

1518 the charter was written for kidnapping people from Africa, enslaving them and bringing them to the Americas. Using the same planetary energetic configuration of 2020 that manifested in 1518 – Eye reverse what was done.

Eye call forth black people of African descent to RISE and ‘take’ your position worldwide as the head and not the tail. By the powers of Saturn the Karmic Teacher, I break off, cancel and absorb all karmic debts. By the powers of Pluto the Revealer of what is Hidden and the Destroyer of Lies, I release people of African descent to see in 2020 clearly who they really are and not the lies they have believed. By the powers of Jupiter, the Cosmic God of gods, the one that blesses and expands – I decree and declare the blessings of Deuteronomy 28, removing the curses of Deuteronomy 28 and cause an Expansion of consciousness and an enlargement on every level.

By the powers of Ketu and Rahu, I unsettle, uncover and destroy the schemes, politics, and laws created to further enslave mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. May Rahu devour them now, as the tail of Ketu pull them down.

Eye release this decree and declaration for all people of color, indigenous people, and all who are oppressed. By the powers of Capricorn, the host of the 6 planets in heavenly counsel I do this. I call Sun and Moon as witnesses of these things. So Be It.

Use this time to heal relationships with fathers or father-figures. This could come in the form ministers, teachers, or a boss. There will be challenges over the next 6 months and possible misunderstandings that can cause a break in relationships.

The Cosmic balance of power is shifting from West to East as empires fall and rise. Many Silk Roads will be discovered.

I must bring this message to a close. There is so much the heavens are speaking through the Eclipses and conjuncts in Capricorn. Perhaps we will revisit this subject of further interpreting the heavens later this coming year. Have a wonderful year of seeing things as they really are and 5780 (Pe) declaring what Spirit says.

Order of Melchizedek


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1 Comment

  1. Amen. Meat for the sons 🙏 . I touch and agree with that prayer ❤️❤️❤️


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