Christians Conservatives Promise Civil War…

Christians Conservatives Promise Civil War…

In America, we have seen the true face of much of Western Christianity since the “selection” of Trump by the Electoral College. It is clear that the practice of AmeriChristianity is far from what the Believers of the Way practiced in the 1st century, who were labeled “Christians.” Much of it looks nothing like the all inclusive message of Jesus (Yahshua) and his modern so called ‘followers’ have literally become “anti-Christ.” Their lust for perceived political power, have created a grossly deformed version of Christianity. Obsessing on and imagining how once in control; they could force their unChrist-like beliefs onto others. The hate, racism, bigotry, intolerance, violence and anger in many ways surpasses a majority of descent people in our society that don’t claim to be Christians. As a result, it has enable and emboldened an onslaught of “Christian Terrorism” targeting other Christians who are of a different race, ethnicity, non-English speaking and perceived to be undocumented; as well as acts of terror against other religions. The Trump era has exposed and given permission to many closeted Christian racists to come out of the closet. It has also caused the world to know who supports this anti-Christ behavior, by the silence that’s been heard throughout the evangelical world. With today’s news of Trump’s collusion with the Ukrainians to dig up or make up dirty stories on Biden and his son…extortion of the Ukrainian president and other crimes…will they be able to impeach Trump and remove him? Before he lost the popular vote and was selected by the Electoral College, Trump threatened he would not concede if he lost and...
Bigfoot Is Part Human…How?

Bigfoot Is Part Human…How?

This message was written November 27, 2012. It is one of the many yet stuck in our old defunct website on an inaccessible server or in the Vault – waiting to be brought here. This message will help you to innerstand scientifically how Yahshua was able to be born of a virgin.) The headline news today reads, “BIGFOOT IS PART HUMAN…,” based on a 5 year DNA study of hair samples. Not a surprise to some of us, nor Native Americans. What a shock and blow to the scientific community? How will the evolutionist fit this into their theory? What a shock and blow to parts of the religious community. How will the creationist handle their 6000 year old Earth and human theory? DNA testing shows that Sasquatch mitochondria DNA is from a modern female human that existed about 15,000 years ago. That means there was some “hanky-panky” going on between cryptids (ancient hidden undocumented creatures which were more animal like) and humans. Also, it could suggest that highly advance beings on the planet introduce various strains of their DNA into humans. Much of BigFoot DNA can not be found anywhere on the planet. So where did it come from? Before we answer that question, let’s look at a prophetic word given by me January 1, 2012 – This was one of my weird prophecies for the year. CRYPTOZOOLOGY WEIRD PROPHECY & MORE – Given January 1, 2012 “Eye see the Dragon energy is revealing that over the next 2 years there will be a lot of emphasis on cryptozoology and other prehistoric creatures. There will be hard evidence...
July Eclipses 2019 Cancer/Capricorn

July Eclipses 2019 Cancer/Capricorn

“And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years.” Genesis 1:14 “And I will show signs in the heavens.” Joel 2:30 “In those days the sun shall be darkened (solar eclipses), and the moon (lunar eclipses) shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven (meteor showers-comets-asteroids), and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” Matt 24:29 “The sons of Issachar knew the times and seasons and what Israel should do.” 1 Chronicles 12:32 The tribe of Issachar were the scientists and magi tribe of the ancient Hebrew people. They understood and were gifted in the prophetic ancient esoteric sciences and used Magi Technology of reading the stars to guide the nation. Break out the shofar, blow up the shofar in the New Moon and for the Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer. This is the first part of a 2 stage blast of energy and shifts that sets everything up for new beginnings. Stage 1 – July 2-3, 2019 Solar Eclipse in Cancer – Stage 2 – Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn July 16-17, 2019. JUST A QUICK READING OF WHAT THE HEAVENS ARE TELLING US The knowledge of the heavens is too vast to try to read or understand it all, from moment to moment the language is developing and the story is being written and re-written. It is declaring His story, her story, your story, and our story; because everybody has got a story. The Angel...
Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration

Harvard University uncovers DNA switch that controls genes for whole-body regeneration

DNA is the blueprint for life, it is also called the Book of Life. This double helix material coiled in our cells is over 6 ft long and filled with information about literally everything. It is the most complex data storage piece of technology in the universe. Human DNA is so complex that scientist say that only one gram of this genetic material can store up to 1 Zettabytes of information. 1 Zettabytes is equivalent to 1 trillion Gigabytes, which would require millions of laptops storage data, for one gram of DNA. How awesome and wonderfully are we made. Science has been able to only successfully map 3% of the human genome, there is 97% yet unknown and alien to them. Out of the 3% they have discovered an elaborate system of codes and switches which are controlled by the highly complex language of DNA. This language is based on 4 letter, ACGT (adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine). These are the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand. The metaphysical or spiritual bases for ACGT are YHWH. This is the complex coded name of the Creator. Just as ACGT base letters are used in many combinations to create protein, chemical and everything needed to build a body, grow limbs and cause it to function, so it is with the multifaceted many names in one of God. The DNA ladder has Codons that ascend up and down, they are the messengers/angels as on Jacob’s Ladder. Codon simply means, Code On. There are thousands or millions of code or switches to turn thing on and off in the body. For example, a...
Technology To See Multidimensional Beings

Technology To See Multidimensional Beings

What do you see around you? You are in your living room, office, kitchen, car or outside somewhere. What do you see? Is that all you see? Look closely, is all that you think you see all that is truly there? What if there’s more, much more? What if there is unbelievable activity of past, present and future taking place all around you? What if somehow you could see some of the invisible activity around you in various forms; silhouettes, shadows, lights, orbs, or actual images, would you like to? Quantum physics tell us that the human body is 99.9999% empty space or energy and that there is less that 1% of us that’s really matter or appears as solid. This is also true for the planet and everything on it and also the universe. In all this open space there are unseen worlds closely layered one on top of the other. These worlds are called “planes” or “dimensions.” They are all existing simultaneously in the same space, side by side and what would appear as on top of each other. In these worlds are other humans, those we think of as dead, animals, creatures, angelic orbs, angels, aliens, demons, gods, nature and material things. Each of these worlds vibrate at a specific frequency, thus, making it difficult to see, hear, smell, taste or touch the many worlds existing all around us, if we’re not on that frequency. (It kinda like a dog, whose hearing is designed to hear at a pitch or frequency outside what is normal for humans.) The frequency barriers tightly lock up and set apart...