Christians Conservatives Promise Civil War…

Christians Conservatives Promise Civil War…

In America, we have seen the true face of much of Western Christianity since the “selection” of Trump by the Electoral College. It is clear that the practice of AmeriChristianity is far from what the Believers of the Way practiced in the 1st century, who were labeled “Christians.” Much of it looks nothing like the all inclusive message of Jesus (Yahshua) and his modern so called ‘followers’ have literally become “anti-Christ.” Their lust for perceived political power, have created a grossly deformed version of Christianity. Obsessing on and imagining how once in control; they could force their unChrist-like beliefs onto others. The hate, racism, bigotry, intolerance, violence and anger in many ways surpasses a majority of descent people in our society that don’t claim to be Christians. As a result, it has enable and emboldened an onslaught of “Christian Terrorism” targeting other Christians who are of a different race, ethnicity, non-English speaking and perceived to be undocumented; as well as acts of terror against other religions.

The Trump era has exposed and given permission to many closeted Christian racists to come out of the closet. It has also caused the world to know who supports this anti-Christ behavior, by the silence that’s been heard throughout the evangelical world.

With today’s news of Trump’s collusion with the Ukrainians to dig up or make up dirty stories on Biden and his son…extortion of the Ukrainian president and other crimes…will they be able to impeach Trump and remove him? Before he lost the popular vote and was selected by the Electoral College, Trump threatened he would not concede if he lost and there would be blood in the streets. The people who love this nation did not want to see that happen, so they overlooked many things that would disqualify him from the Oval Office; including the many sexual allegations against him and his own admission to sexually abusing.

During the Mueller investigation, the word “Impeachment” was circulating; against he and others threatened or alluded to to creating civil war. This time, we are sure he will play the same “Civil War” card. They know that all he has to do is send out one tweet and a host of his psychopathic, fear driven, mentally unstable followers will go crazier.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of these people carry bibles and go to church mostly every Sunday and claim to know and love Jesus. But they don’t… They have confused and mixed up radical ideological beliefs and a sense of false patriotism with extreme religious views not akin to what Jesus (Yahshua) taught. This has become Radical Christian Terrorism. This is why Christian White Supremacist young men feel emboldened to walk into a Mall, and commit Mass Murder, targeting a Hispanics…despite they being Christian…into a Waffle House opening fire targeting Blacks, or into a Mosque, or a Black Church, etc etc. There have been at least 154 Mass Shooting this year and not one was done by a Black man or Illegal Alien. The majority of these men claim Christian as their religion and held white supremacist beliefs.

(We are very much aware of the years long killings of blacks in Chicago that seem to increase around holidays. As I have stated for years much of those killings are done by a “death squad,” rogue police officers and other white supremacists, driving through black neighborhoods, many times in “blackface.”)

Will Trump Tweet a Civil War or a Race War? Will he start a war with Iran as a distraction? Will he signal his blind christian leaders to create ‘civil unrest?” Or, will the Democrats coward down for the sake of saving the nation from extreme unnecessary innocent bloodshed in the streets?

Read this article below:


Order of Melchizedek

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