Journey To Loving Self

Journey To Loving Self

What is Love? We live in a world and culture that does not know how to love others, disrespects others and does not value human or animal life. There are so many trapped in toxic relationships with family members, clergy, friends or spouse; allowing themselves to be abused and manipulated on a daily basis. Why? It is the same reason many remain for years and sometimes decades bound to addictions; drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, people, religion, politics, ignorance, hate and many other things. It is simply because they have not taken the Journey To Loving Self. Experience this 10 Step Journey To Loving Self this changing, inspiring, and empowering lives: Take Your JOURNEY TO LOVING SELF ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK Sharing is...
Number 22 & Christ Church Chromosome

Number 22 & Christ Church Chromosome

Quite a number of years ago, I was led to read and study Medical Encyclopedias and Dictionaries. I had no interest in studying medicine or practicing it. However, through revelation knowledge, have been able to receive many spiritual messages that have changed my life and the lives of many others. I guess we could call it Spritual-Science. I believe that most of the time when scientists were naming various parts of the human anatomy, they were guided by the Holy Spirit unknowingly. It does not matter if they were atheist, agnostic or a believer of one of the many religions that people practice today. I believe this also to be true to the ancient scientists of Africa, Greece, and Asia; that named various parts of the human anatomy that we find in encyclopedias to this very day. Why do I believe such? Hidden in those names given long ago and in our lifetime are clues, prophetic clues that would further unravel the mystery of our being. The numbers and names given for chromosomes, organs, cells, bones, nerves, acids, proteins and every part of the body temple is a confirmation of what’s in holy Scripture and give prophetic insight into what shall be. Chromosome means, Colored Body. You are a 7 colored body of energy, with the ability to manifest as pure white light. Chromosome 22 was thought to be the smallest of the chromosomes and it was chosen to be used to decipher the human genome (DNA). However, later it was realized that Chromosome 21 was possibly the smallest. Chromosome 22 was initially named, Christ Church Chromosome, as in...
High Masters Are Coming

High Masters Are Coming

I was probably around 14 years old when I had my first knowingly, awake, open-eyed angelic encounter. I shall never forget that night, it was so real, exciting, fascinating and after I realized what I had actually seen; a bit scary. My mom had sent me to the corner store for something. The family owned neighborhood Convenient Store was about 3 blocks or so away and it was just before closing time and dark. Often if I went to the store at night and I took a longer than the expected time making my way back home, my mother would be standing in the backyard or on the porch. (Technology had not evolved to the point of cell phones.) She would be anxiously looking up the street, toward the corner that I would have to turn to get back to our street. There were no delays that night. I didn’t see a friend or neighbor to stop and get carried away talking with, forgetting I was expected to return home right away. The order was, “Go and come straight back home.” As I turned the corner to come down the narrow dark street that we lived on, I saw something clearly from afar. From a distant, I thought it was my mom, but she was not dressed in sleeping, or night clothes when I left the house. So I hurried up the long narrow street, intrigued how the garment of this being, which I first thought was my mothers’ was moving so gracefully and beautifully in the wind… but there was no wind. It kind of reminded me of...
The 1st Black Queen of England

The 1st Black Queen of England

This was a surprise for most of us, the wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle, an American black woman? Despite well-known Irish psychics and others predicting/prophesying that it would not happen, it happened. Prophecies can fail. Speaking of prophecy, in this article, I want to re-visit some prophetic words Eye shared between 2012-2014 about the changes coming to the Royal Family. Also, let’s look to some hidden history about the Royals and other parts of Europe. I was unaware that England had already had a Black Queen before, weren’t you? A few days ago, my brother in Christ, Akins texted me and asked me to verify the validity of information someone had sent to him. As I read, my mind began to go back to prophetic words I had posted between 2012-2014 regarding the Pope and the Royal Family, here is one of them below. (The year before Pope Benedict resigned, Eye had released a Prophetic Decree – “The Pope Must Go!” and posted a time frame by which it would happen…A shock and surprise for everyone, it happened, according to my word. THE POPE MUST GO!! — &– VATI-LEAKS ) Here’s the word regarding the Royals: “Will the Queen appoint Prince Harry to some unprecedented position? What happened to Prince William, he is 2nd in line after his father Prince Charles? Nothing is happening as one would think. Who would have thought the Pope would suddenly resign? This is the first time in 598 years such an event as taken place. DON’T EXPECT WHAT IS NORMAL OR LOGICAL ANYMORE. Very little will make sense over the next...
Discovery of Pyramids in  Antarctica…

Discovery of Pyramids in Antarctica…

It was September 4, 2012 when we first reported on this fascinating subjection of giant Pyramids in Antarctica in our old website, which is no longer functional. Jesus told us that, everything which has been hidden would be revealed, that which is covered will be uncovered. We are in the time of full disclosure of All things. It was June 26, 2012 that we reported in our Blog on the discovery of a Giant Crystal Pyramid sitting on the ocean floors off the coast of Bermuda. This is the area where airplanes have disappeared out of the sky and ships have vanished without a trace from the ocean for many decades. The area is believed to be some type of portal to another world or another dimension. Where would humans have gotten the technology to build a giant pyramid made out of crystal underwater? Or, on land, that could have sunk into the ocean? Where would they have gotten the crystal? Where did the technology of ancient lost civilizations come from? Were they humans as we know of today or much more? Although, treasure hunters discovered the Crystal Pyramid decades ago, while seeking for hidden treasures; those who control mass media have done everything possible to discredit it. Yet, there is a documentary on the History Channel about it. Some believe this to be evidence of the ancient Island Continent of Atlantis, which was made up of multiple islands. This could have been an advance Pre-Adamic Genesis chapter 2 creation, of highly advance beings on the planet, which were destroyed in a Pre-Noahic Flood. There is also the possibility...