High Masters Are Coming

High Masters Are Coming

I was probably around 14 years old when I had my first knowingly, awake, open-eyed angelic encounter. I shall never forget that night, it was so real, exciting, fascinating and after I realized what I had actually seen; a bit scary. My mom had sent me to the corner store for something. The family owned neighborhood Convenient Store was about 3 blocks or so away and it was just before closing time and dark. Often if I went to the store at night and I took a longer than the expected time making my way back home, my mother would be standing in the backyard or on the porch. (Technology had not evolved to the point of cell phones.) She would be anxiously looking up the street, toward the corner that I would have to turn to get back to our street. There were no delays that night. I didn’t see a friend or neighbor to stop and get carried away talking with, forgetting I was expected to return home right away. The order was, “Go and come straight back home.”

As I turned the corner to come down the narrow dark street that we lived on, I saw something clearly from afar. From a distant, I thought it was my mom, but she was not dressed in sleeping, or night clothes when I left the house. So I hurried up the long narrow street, intrigued how the garment of this being, which I first thought was my mothers’ was moving so gracefully and beautifully in the wind… but there was no wind. It kind of reminded me of my mothers’ thin flowing, loose fitting, bell bottom sleeved, sleeping outfit/housecoat garment, but hers was not that color.


I was feeling a bit confused and sensing something I wasn’t familiar with as I got closer. The figure of a slender body and long dark flowing hair was as my mother’s. She had on a beautiful white garment; now moving as if there was a strong wind…I knew this was not my mother. She did not have a night garment that color and with all the seemingly frills. Furthermore, there was barely any wind blowing, but her garment moved excessively, yet beautifully or perfectly; if there is such a thing. When I got close enough to see her face clearly, she turned her head to the side and her hair was blown across her face. In my 14 year old mind, I was trying to figure out how her hair was blowing in that manner and her clothing, when there was barely a breeze. Furthermore, it was a dark street and our porch light did not create the degree of illumination to see her that clearly that far away. Walking faster, I heard a car turned on to the street behind me, and I took a quick glance behind me before crossing to the side my house was on. When I turned my head back, maybe only a second later, she was gone and the normal medium lit backyard that I was familiar with was there. I quickly ran the possibly 50ft or so to the gate into the backyard, opening it, and running into the house. My mother was dressed as I had left her. I frantically told her what I had seen, asking her if she was outside in the yard watching and waiting for me, or did she change her clothes. She repeatedly answered, “no.” I brought my mother to the spot where I saw her, knowing that it was not her, but trying to wrap my mind around what I had seen and felt for several minutes walking up my street.

I knew, but was afraid to say it, my mom also knew. We came to the conclusion it was my angel watching out for me and making sure I arrived home safely. She was beautiful and graceful, although, I could not see her face clearly-I could feel her. It was the way her garment with frills moved, when there was little to no wind that yet replays itself in my mind until this day.

That experience was the beginning of many encounters, visions and dreams of the angelic over the years. Some of you that have known me for a long time, or used to be on our mailing list, when we sent out hard copy prophetic newsletters – might remember this. At the beginning of each year, while in fasting and prayer, angels that were assigned to various countries would come to me and give me specific information to pray about, or what would be happening in their assigned nation that years. I’d sent it out in the mail and we’d see each event manifest, in politics, finance or natural disasters.

A friend of mine in Washington (Johnny S.) called me earlier this evening and began to read to me stories about angels. My spirit was so stirred and I felt to share this experience that I just shared above. Also, to pull out a message and vision I received in 2013. Expect to have angelic encounters after reading this and meditating on it…and possibly while your are reading it.

APRIL 3, 2013

I was in my garage cleaning out our vehicle today, getting it prepared for hopefully a quick sale, and to purchase another vehicle. Somewhere between cleaning the front seat and dashboard, I felt a presence filling the vehicle. Eye heard the Voice say, “The High Masters Are Coming, They Will Soon Appear.” I knew right away what that meant.

The Presence continued to fill the vehicle, as I was drawn into a short daydream like vision with my cleaning rags yet in my hands. It seems as though Eye was watching a film and became a part of the scene. Eye saw people going about their daily routine and all at once, they started to appear in our reality. It was as if many just stepped into our world amidst our busyness and cares of this life. Eye saw them, the ancient ones, dressed in biblical types of garments. Eye saw them, the ancient ones, appearing in various races and skin colors in their culture dress. Eye saw them, seemingly contemporary ones, dressed in modern style. Eye saw them, seemingly futuristic ones and those from other far away places; dressed in sleek garments – They were mostly males and some females, walking among us and conversing with us. These were the beings the Voice called, “the High Masters.” [I am sure this would be the same as what some call the Overcomers, Cloud of Witnesses from the other-side or Angels].

In this short-film like vision that only lasted a few moments, Eye saw them appear as few here and there across the globe. Then more, and yet more, then there were so many mixed among us everywhere. It was as if two totally different and separate civilizations had merged and become one.

As the vision faded, the Presence yet lingered and Eye knew that a High Master was there, although, I could not see him. As I continued cleaning the car, the Word of the LORD came to me.

“They will be seen and encountered by ordinary people, those perceived to be spiritual and those perceived not. There will be sightings of strange human-like beings in ancient clothing and strange outfits that have not been seen. They will be filmed coming and going, appearing and seemingly disappearing. Soon there will be reports from different parts of the world – the media and governments will not be able to cover it up, because the videos and images will go viral.

They will come with teachings, information, knowledge and goodwill; they will be as angels on assignments helping those in distress. Over time more will appear and interact with this world. Then, the time will come when multitudes will walk side by side with humans to restore all things.”

As the presence lifted, I resumed cleaning the vehicle and thanking the Fathers for showing up in my garage. Four months later Father began to confirm this word that was given April 3, 2013. Read this amazing story, out of 70 pictures taken at the scene of a horrible car crash – he works a miracle and does not show up on the film, but he is seen.


(After publishing this message, we got tons of feedback in 2013 within two days. There were many testimonials of people having encounters, seeing lights, orbs and other things; along with some sharing more information. Expect it. I feel I am being led to re-publish this because miraculous news events are going to soon be reported again Since there was such a stir, I did a Follow-up message. Here it is below. Get ready to have your mind further blown – If you have thoroughly dissolved and incorporated the frequency from the message above…Move forward and be stretched to incorporate more.)


APRIL 5, 2013

A few Days ago I shared a short vision and word that seems to have resonated with lots of people based on the feedback we received- THE HIGH MASTERS ARE COMING. Thank God for all the confirmations and input. I had never used the term, “high masters” before, but I am sure most of us are acquainted with the term “ascended masters.” I would think they can be used interchangeably (Earth born and non Earth born spiritual ones with a physical form).

Apostle Winston from Atlanta, GA sent me this fascinating information below that also seem to further confirm what we are sensing and will be experiencing. We’ll get to that in a moment.

I had never heard of Dr. Frank Stranges, a one time Private Investigator, turned Evangelist and Pastor. In the video clips below he uses some of the same language/phrases the Spirit shared with me a few days ago.

Dr. Stranges shares his experience of meeting a strange human-like being that has the ability to appear and disappear at will. He calls him an angel that came from the Bright and Morning Star (the planet Venus). He appeared on planet Earth with a Divine Design for mankind that was offered to then President Eisenhower and officials to implement throughout the USA and the world. It would totally eradicate famine, poverty, sickness, disease and even death. This being lived at the Pentagon from March 16, 1957 – March 16, 1960. The name he uses is Val Thor. Sadly, President Eisenhower rejected the divine plan to restore creation and said it would destroy the National Economy. Val Thor’s appearance did not change for the nearly 3 decades that Dr. Stranges was in contact with him until 2008.

This High Master, Val Thor from Venus says that all the planets in our solar system are inhabited – the beings mostly live underground. In a blog we did March 14, 2011 called, ANOMALIES, I questioned who might be living under the 7 Huge White Dome Cities on Venus. In mid-1980’s, a Soviet space probe was able to penetrate the thick cloud that covers the planet Venus and filmed 7 White Dome Cities. I have seen the images, but they are repeatedly scrubbed from the internet when someone re-post them.

Keep in mind, the Gospels calls the planet Venus, Yahshua’s (Jesus’) star. “We have seen his star”, the divine astrologers/wise men said. The Book of Revelation says the Overcomers will inherit Venus, the Bright and Morning Star. Val Thor and others came on Divine missions, claiming they were from Venus. These are just thoughts. As we have stated for many years, we will soon find out that science and much of what we have been taught about space, the solar system and even our planet has been false. The leaders of our world have gone through great lengths to hide the truth to remain in control, nevertheless, the truth must be revealed.

Watch these video clips and keep in mind that the angels in the Bible were flesh and bone, they could eat, engage in combat and many other things. We must divorce ourselves from the idea that what is termed angelic is only “etheric” or “spirit” beings.

In this video clip Rev. Frank Stranges uses the term “Mastership” and talks about the Masters @ 56 minutes and 40 seconds. At 59:32 he shares a story about a stranger that appears and disappears.

This information is coming to us at this time to confirm, encourage us and prepare us for this wonderful time we have moved into. Expect it. (Keep in mind the image at the top is only an example)

Order of Melchizedek

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