by Order Of Melchizedek | Dec 5, 2020 | Uncategorized |
I must have been around 19-20 human years, when I received a powerful revelation on Immortality that changed my life. It was a Sunday evening and it had been very busy as usual. My family had come home from church, my mother and I were preparing a big Sunday meal, several young people that frequently came over had followed us home. Sundays were filled with food, fun and more fellowship. At this point in my journey I had never eaten a salad and would take the lettuce and tomatoes off of my hamburger. Vegetables were not my friends, nor did I even want to be acquainted with them. It was meat and potatoes for this skinny kid. I remember that Sunday menu as if it were yesterday, at least what was on my plate. We cooked a huge steak, spaghetti with huge spicy meatballs, corn bread, potatoes and there was probably another vegetable not on my plate, because I did not eat it. After overeating, I couldn’t wait until my friends left so I could go and “lay before the LORD.” This was a phrase we jokingly used to mean, “I have eaten so much I need to just go and lie down and repent for being a glutton,” or something like that. Whew! all the guests were gone and I barely made it upstairs and crashed on my bottom bunk bed. Lying there thankful and uncomfortable from overeating, I went into a trance-type vision. Many things were told to me at that time, but I will only share here what is relevant to the subject. I saw people...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 8, 2020 | Astrology, Eye See, Uncategorized |
On January 1, 2020 this is what I wrote in my Astro-Predictions for 2020: “ELECTION 2020 – There is a huge possibility that Trump will lose the popular vote again, perhaps even by wider margin, but yet becomes president. How? There is the outdated Electoral College & Gerrymandering (cheating) techniques that assures Republican contestants to be appointed/selected, even if they lose the popular vote from the people. (Google Gerrymandering) Not to mention the outside interference that’s been invited again. Corruption is no longer hidden in the USA. Trump was born June 14, 1946, during a Total Lunar Eclipse – Sun in Tropical Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius. Election date is November 3, 2020 (Mercury the ruling planet of Gemini goes Direct), this appears to go in Trump’s favor. Then, there is the Total Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020, Eclipsing Trump’s Moon in Sagittarius. Whoops! It’s like everything is going as planned, then things are turned sideways. This is suggesting the coming Election may be heavily Contested, Recounts, Unrest or perhaps something preventing him from being sworn in at the set time…” Year of the Rat 1/1/20 Joe Biden is the Projected President of the USA and Kamala Harris the Projected Vice President. Can’t you feel that something is amiss? The atmosphere in this nation is pregnant with the fraternal twins of Potential & Chaos. These twins are due and the water has been breaking for some time. The birth pangs of contractions are here now. I don’t think it can be delayed any longer. Both will be birth, but only one will be allowed to survive and live out...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Nov 8, 2020 | Uncategorized |
People of the Most High, I realize that I have been missed here, thanks for all the emails, concerns, and inquiries; I also miss writing. I have been extremely busy with Advancing the Kingdom of the Most High God. Let’s Catch Up with John. 1) As for me and my household, we have been blessed to not be ill in any way all year. I AM declaring everyday that Covid-19 and any of their other plans have no jurisdiction over me or in my household..It can not come through the gate, the door, the air or any other form in the name of Yahshua. I visualize our auric field expanded when we go out and declare that nothing can penetrate it. (This might be a good exercise for some of you to practice) 2) We have a TV Show on the New NBJrTV Network. It is a Subscription based New Network with aim to glorify the Most High God. It has about 20 channels, already bigger than Netflix, but of course not the viewership yet. It has the capacity of 144,000,000 viewers worldwide. (Notice the number 144) The Vice President NBJrTV was invited to my International Daily Zoom Gathering of Rising Mystics -Toilet Revelations, by another actor whose a part of our ministry. She happened to come on a Thursday that’s set aside for about 3 hours of Prophetic Prayer & Intercession-Spirit Ministry. Spirit ministered to her, she told me, “I was even speaking in tongues.” She further said, “I have never seen anything like this where the Spirit is allowed to take control and I could feel the...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 16, 2020 | Uncategorized |
It’s 2020, but many of us are beginning to realize it feels more like what was expected in 2012. According to the Ethiopian Calendar it is 2012 based on the Mayan Calendar. Somehow those interpreting the Mayan Calendar were 8 years off. Was it intentional to change the times and seasons, so we would not know? Was it a mistake? Seems like what was expected then is happening now. We have an invented Virus, CoVid-19 made in and by USA along with others. We are yet somewhat in a Global Quarantine, Mass House Arrest since March, psychologically most have accepted it as the norm. We have Bill Gates & others talking Mandatory Chipped Vaccine, without that mark (chip) you wont be able to travel, buy or sell. We have had Extreme weather globally. Riots and Protest are happening globally. The globally Economy is crashing and burning right before our eyes. Now we have Trump signing a Peace Treated between the Arabs & Israelis. Is anyone watching the hybrid Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law? Kushner is a practicing Jew and Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism in 2009. For some time it had been rumored that Trump has converted to Judaism also. Trump and Kushner both would like to see themselves as a Jewish messiah figure – anti-Christ. I’ll have to take time to talk about Jared later. Is he not the mastermind behind this Peace Treaty – Abraham Accord? Oh, look they are not standing 6 feet apart and none of these leaders are wearing mask, as they talk releasing spittle told each other. The Occupiers of Palestine, renamed Israel are...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Aug 7, 2020 | Astrology, Eye See, Uncategorized |
Welcome, you have come to the Lion’s Gate – 2020. This is the portal or Stargate to propel you into your next reality. This is also the portal that brings things into our reality. Sirius has risen and given you the Light codes of the ancients to direct your path. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. It is a Fixed Star at 14 degrees of Cancer and 26 times brighter than our Sun. Sirius is also known as the Star of Harvest, due to its brightness. The Egyptians saw Sirius as the great accelerator of Harvest, causing the crops to grow and mature for harvest quickly. Sirius is also associate with the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt, however, due to periods of time, the stars slightly shift back and forth. The 3 Pyramids of Giza, Egypt is aligned with the 3 stars of Orion’s Belt. As of August 8, 2020 Orion’s Belt has shifted back into alignment with the 8-8 Lion’s Gate Sirian energy. “Can you loosen the Belt of Orion?” Job 38:31 Here is what the heavens are saying, “Everything must become faster and louder. This energy is being dispersed throughout the earth and the cosmos. This is a process that will last and intensify over the next 6-7 years as Uranus entering Gemini in 2025 and there will be major revelations about many things in the media and unsealed documents before Uranus goes back to Taurus and finally exists. The code 8:8 will activate and unlock the blessings, prosperity and abundance for your whole being and give you more access to the etheric body. However,...
by Order Of Melchizedek | Jul 20, 2020 | Uncategorized |
Shalom People of the Most High. Lots of people have been asking why I have not written anything in over a month. There have been various speculations circulating and theories about my where about. I am excellent as always and having FUN. No, I have not had Corona Virus or been ill, thank God. No, I was not ordered not to make anymore prophetic post to this website. Since March 29, 2020, Monday thru Friday around 8:00 am PST until, I have been conducting a full-blown international, interfaith service/gathering on Zoom, in addition to our Rising Mystics Master Class on Monday evening @ 6:00 pm PST. Just when I thought my plate was full with ministry, parenting, home-schooling, etc., Spirit saw that I had the capacity to be stretched even more. On top of that, we are developing a Gifting Co Op within the Rising Mystics Family and those who want to experience the power of prosperity. We are successfully using ancient principles that generate $4000.00 Residual Income. This is not a wish it is a reality that’s happening now for many of us. (Could you use an extra $4000.00 a month? See the link below.) Unfortunately, this has taken time away from writing here and also getting my new book finished. I am not complaining, this is a “good busy,” doing things I already have a passion for. Despite the Plandemic, in my world the kingdom of God is flourishing. The spiritually blind are seeing, spiritually deaf are hearing and the spiritually lame are walking, leaping and praising the Most High. Because I choose to live in and...
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