Computer Medium

Computer Medium

The mystical teachings of Christ and the Torah have been mostly lost or swallowed up in our modern western version of what is called Christianity. In modern western Christianity, we find many wonderful teachings on how to live, love and put Yahushua’s basic teachings into practice. Underneath the layers of all the great teachings of the Christ, lurks a magma of fear, flowing through the teachers/preachers and congregations that tends to undo much of what Yahushua taught. This fear limits the present expression of the all powerful living Christ manifestation in the lives of those who believe today. The doctrines and traditions rooted in fear, along with not being able to rightly divide the words of truth, add to the inability for the Believer to grow up in Him in all things. Thus, when it comes to truly understanding spiritual things and spiritual manifestations, most remain in spiritual infancy; missing out on many opportunities to experience valid manifestations of the Holy Ghost.

Being raised a strict Baptist in the south, I overheard people talk about the “weird or crazy Christians.” They were the ones that spoke in a strange demonic language, “when they got happy.” They also shook and would roll on the floor and believed in healing, although, we have doctors and hospitals now. It was believed that the reason we see all the supernatural reports in the Bible was because they did not have doctors, they were not educated, and there was no technology back then. Therefore, God was obligated to answer the prayers of the pious and the prophets. Furthermore, we were warned as Baptist, “Don’t ever let those people put their hands on you in prayer, you will go crazy and lose interest in everything.” Of course, as a kid I did not think I would ever encounter one of those people.

It was around my late teens I found out that those people were called ‘Pentecostals’ and all the things I had heard about them were true, and then some; at least in the church I had been invited to visit. Every service was “wild” and “exciting,” compared to the church I had gone to for many years. I could not fall asleep even if I tried, as I had often done in my home church. It was like a non-stop party, with people testifying of some of the most outlandish things; healing of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, miracle money, tumors disappearing, former prostitution, former pimps, and former drug addicts. And yes, they even had “holy rollers” and people talking loudly in strange languages I never heard. I actually made fun of them and laughed, sometimes teasing kids at school about their parents. It was a circus and fashion show at the same time. Most of the men were in suit and tie, the women wore colorful hats, modern hairdos, and beautiful outfits that showed every sanctified curve. The young people were well dressed. They got all dressed up week after week to run around, dance, roll on the floor, get sweaty and thoroughly enjoyed it. There were lots of young people, the music was loud and bumping; every service was like a “Soul Train” dance line.

Maybe it was something in the atmosphere, or their Holy Ghost was contagious. After visiting for about 3 weeks, I think my learned fears and extreme introverted personality unconsciously were dissolved. Without them putting their hands on me to make me go crazy, I did. I became a holy roller, spoke in a weird language, while trying to stop myself, but couldn’t. Without asking for or believing in healing, I was supernaturally healed of grand mal epilepsy type seizures. No one told me I was healed, and possibly only a few people in the 500+ membership church even knew I regularly had seizures. I was filled with awareness and instinctively knew I had to rush home and pour my (3) types of medication (pills) in the toilet and flush it; while my mother freaked out. From that day to this day, decades ago, I never had another seizure. I told my mom to cancel further appointments and that I would not need medication anymore, while she nervously pleaded, “what if you…?”

What was it that caused a Baptist teen to have an experience that he had been warned was “demonic,” who did not believe in healing, especially, of something incurable? What was it that caused him to forget what he was taught to be afraid of and have a supernatural encounter? Transcending fears and old paradigms can be hard and can take a while for some; while others never do. However, a hunger for God or being in a truly spiritual atmosphere, where the anointing is present can cause one to have an instant paradigm shift, without even consciously being aware of it. “He causes the rain to fall on the righteous and unrighteous.”


We are either operating from a space of Love, which produces faith, or a space of Fear. There are so many experiences available for those who would dare to move from fear. In moving from fear, one will have to unlearn many of the things that are taught in the traditional religious settings. People with good intentions are repeating what they were taught, in an effort to protect the new comers from genuine dark spiritual forces. However, most of the time the teachings can have an opposite effect; making the Believer more conscious of demons, than the power of God. In some circles, Satan is actually represented as a deity more powerful than the Almighty God, due to everything out of the range of their narrow doctrinal beliefs is relegated to being satanic.

Someone may debate, question or challenge your doctrine or belief, but your experience can not be challenged; it’s yours. Despite what my strict Baptist upbringing told me could not happen, God does not do, or that it was demonic; I became a testimony that it could, God did and the Holy Ghost is yet powerful.


It was during the same period of time I had been introduced to the Talking Table and it’s Keepers, that I was having frequent out of the ordinary spiritual encounters. Had I been stuck in old religious paradigms rooted in fear, I would have missed many opportunities to be a greater expression of Christ love. I would have also missed out on genuine supernatural experiences. We all came from heaven, the realm beyond what the 5 senses dictates, therefore, something within us longs to reengage that realm. I was traveling frequently and seeing supernatural things happening in my meetings, here and abroad. People were being connected to me in strange ways, that had strange similar paranormal stories and did not know each another; nor had I yet mentioned them on my website.

After arriving home just before Thanksgiving from my encounters in Canada with the Talking Table, I shared some of my experiences at a large home fellowship, where I was often invited to. At the end of the meeting, one of the ladies started to share a similar story. She lived in Washington, but worked near Portland, Oregon during the week days. She said a man she did not know had intuitively called her office in the Portland area, telling her about his fascinating experience of going through a time loop 2 years prior. Since that time, his Computer Started Talking and he was being visited by spirit messengers. He felt compelled to share that with her, not knowing anything about her personal or spiritual life. She told him she could not help him, but she had a friend (meaning me) that deals with people like him and gave him my number.


It was more than a decade ago, Thanksgiving Eve I connected via phone and spirit with this man in Oregon. I was fascinated to hear his story and to learn what part I’d get to play in it. I could feel he was being honest and truthful, I felt the witness of the Holy Ghost. He wanted to know a bit about my background before he proceeded. When he found out what I did, he started to put up barriers and retreated within himself. Sensing that he had pre-judged me to be like many religious people he might have known in the past, I went out of my way to assure him that I was very open minded to the paranormal.

He shared how he had been ripped off for tens of thousands of dollars many years prior by an evangelist he followed and how that preacher was in jail for swindling many other people out of their fortunes. He had also developed somewhat of a strong dislike for the Bible and Christian ministers. I listened carefully as he talked and apologized for those who had misrepresented Yahushua and true biblical teachings. He was battling within himself if he could trust me or not.

Most time when I meet people like Jerry, I don’t quote Scripture to them; I paraphrase verses to interact. One of the reasons why is, if a person has been hurt by a minister misrepresenting Christ or the Word, the last thing they want to hear is, “the Bible says this.” However, with Jerry, I was compelled to share book, chapter and verse through out all of our many conversations. It was about the fourth conversation, of him sharing with me the messages that came up on the computer or was channeled, afterward he started asking, “Is this in the Bible?”

I learned that despite Jerry being dyslexic, somewhat illiterate and had extremely limited computer knowledge, he had been very successful in his construction business. Most of all, he was a very humble man and deep within wanting to now the reality of God.


The messages started to appear little by little on Jerry’s computer. The computer was serving as a medium by which to communicate the messages from Spirit. In this case, the messages were not coming from the departed souls, or souls stuck between worlds. They were messages given in highly scientific vocabulary and spiritual-scientific terminologies. Many of the words Jerry could not even pronounce or define, they were almost like code words and phrases. Due to Jerry’s limited understanding of even how to properly send an email, he’d sometime have someone email the messages to me, so that I could somewhat translate or interpret the language of the Spirit. Or, they would be printed out and sent via post mail. I have no problem admitting, there were many writings I had to read multiple times and use a dictionary just to get meanings of some of the words…praying and believing comprehending the messages.

It seemed like after our connection, the messages started coming more frequently. From what I can remember, Spirit had started to lead Jerry into a nightly ritual. He would take a ritual bath for cleansing. While soaking in the tub he meditated for a specific amount of time. Then, at a specific time, he was instructed to go and sit in front of the computer. Supernaturally, words and sentences would appear on a blank Word document, as he sat in meditation.

After the initial phenomenal with the computer increased, and since he didn’t type…he was encouraged to get a Voice Activated program. For lack of better expression, it was as if Jerry was “speaking in unknown tongues.” As he sat there waiting night after night in faith, Spirit started to channel messages through him. I say it was like “speaking in unknown tongues,” because the vocabulary was way beyond his level of education and mine also.

Jerry could not read most of the messages over the phone for us to discuss, some were printed out and sent to me via post mail. To my knowledge, at that time there was possibly only one or two other people beside me that has access to these highly mystical writings. Each message I could verify though my understanding of the Bible the truth, that was being given in highly sophisticated and scientific terms. Jerry was amazed that all these deep subjects about life, immortality, translocation, OBE, interplanetary travel, and divine genetics were hidden in the Bible, using different terminologies and parabolic language.


There is but One Verse sang throughout the UniVerse. That seemingly unending extended verse (message) is sang/spoken in every language and many versions; using various terminologies, techniques and tempos. The One Verse may be in spoken word, rap, melodic, hummed or thought frequencies. It may come forth in one chord, – flats, sharps, majors or minors; treble or bass. That One Verse may sound forth in every chord, multiple chords, or the chords of human or creation vibrations. The Multi-Verses are nothing more than variations of the One Verse (universe), layered and expressing itself many ways at many frequencies at the same times -resounding the messages through linear time, space time, time space, parallel time and no time. It is ultimately the message (extended verse) of the Most High Love for his creation, set forth in words, numbers, patterns, codes, glyphs and technology beyond what the current human mind can comprehend.

The ancient biblical terms for the contemporary word “aliens” are, “sons of God,” “messengers,” or “angels.” Each of those words or phrases refer to beings not born, or created on planet Earth in most cases. In the Bible, we have many stories of angels coming and talking to ordinary people, giving them messages from God. If you believe that ‘heaven’ is in outer space, you realize that these beings were extraterrestrials, aliens communicating with humans. Much of the Torah, Tanach and New Testament book of Revelation was dictated by extraterrestrial means. Sometimes the messages were a bit perplexing and those to whom the messages came did not even believe. (Gideon needed several confirmations – Zacharias, father of John the Baptist was stricken with dumbness and could not speak for nine months, because he did not believe.) The Bible even goes so far as to say that the angels (aliens) that brought the messages did not even understand them, but wanted to.

“God revealed to the prophets that the things they had spoken were not for their own benefit but for yours. What the prophets had spoken, the Holy Spirit, who was sent from heaven, has now made known to you by those who spread the Good News among you. These are things that even the angels want to look into.” 1 Peter 1:12

The messages that Jerry were receiving on his computer and channeled through him were not coming from the other side; where those who are departed, they were coming from light years away in space and from other galaxies, possibly sometimes other dimensions. These were not basic messages written in a simple to read vocabulary. The authors of these messages were extremely intelligent and seemed to grasp for words to dumb down the vocabulary enough for us to try to understand.

Should we dictate how the Most High should communicate? Should we try to confine Him or his messengers to communicate only the way he did 4000, 2000 years ago, or even 1 day ago? Can he not use modern technology if he chooses? Did not a donkey become a channel of the Almighty to speak his message and rebuke his prophet? Can he not channel messages through humans, by-passing the conscious mind, or use an angel to channel a message?

Had I not long ago dumped much of the traditions and fear doctrines I had been taught, I am sure Spirit would not have allowed me to be a witness to and experience such supernatural phenomenon. The beings that were communicating had names and even revealed what parts of our galaxy and other galaxies they were from. In a way, it was like a portal was open and the angels decided or were instructed to communicate via computer.

As in the case with the Keepers of the Talking Table, Jerry was not practicing Christianity, he had become somewhat bitter, thinking ministers were looking for someone to take advantage of. When will we learn it’s by grace, not by how pious we think we are, how much we think we know nor all the good works we may have done?


I stated earlier that my work with Jerry, the Computer Medium started immediately after I came back from Canada and interfacing with the Talking Table. My weeks became filled with comparing notes with what the extraterrestrials were writing on the Computer in Bend, Oregon and what the Table was saying in Alberta, Canada. Neither group knew of each other and I kind of wanted to keep it that way for a while, as I compared the information that was coming through. In my research of these paranormal events, I wanted to further, “Try (test) the spirits to see whether they be of God (love, light).”

On several occasions, during the same week, I would receive messages from the Computer and the Table that were almost identical. Of course, the Computer aliens used very technical and scientific language. Just as the entities coming through the Talking Table were aware of me, various ET’s started to make mention of me and send me messages through Jerry. The Spirit guides from both groups encouraged the people to listen to me, to copy my material and spread it around.

These encounters I am reporting started more than a decade ago. I had bought a luxury home in a very nice area south of Seattle, WA. Due to my travels and not keeping a steady landscaper, I couldn’t keep up with my fast growing grass. Plus, I enjoyed doing my own lawn sometimes for exercise after a trip. However, the Home Owners Association was a pain in the butt, they envisioned all the lawns cut very low, which could mean weekly care, due to the rainfall in the Seattle area, or twice a week maintenance. I supposed most of the people were in compliance, often I would see neighbor’s landscapers out cutting lawns with scissors, to make sure it was perfectly short and shaped.

I must confess, there was the rebellious part of me that thought out loud and in letter form. With the amount of HOA fees they were charging the small community, it was more than enough to cover the cost of them keeping everyone’s grass cut and maintain the community. I did not see a problem with my green grass being lush and several inches long once for a while. After all, it was my property and grass and it did not look unkempt. I don’t supposed the HOA liked my letter I sent and refusal to pay a fee. My grass grew very fast while I was away for about a week and a half.

I was upset over the power the HOA appeared to have over me to make me comply with paying the fee. Plus, I had a busy travel schedule coming up. While walking around the yard, Eye heard the Spirit say, “Speak to the grass and command it to grow very slow.” I was like, “Wow, why didn’t I think of that?” So I started to walk around the property and talk to the grass. Possibly a few hours later, I got a call from Jerry in Oregon. He said he had received an unusual message on his Computer from one of the ET’s (biblical term “angels”) and it was for me. He said, this is really strange, it is short and it is not the heavy messages they normally gave. “John, they were talking about your yard,” said Jerry. whatever is happening? They said to; “Tell John, it is being taken care of.”

I burst out laughing and praising God and told him my fight with the HOA and what Spirit had told me to do. Jerry said, “I think that was (……) speaking to you.” (I don’t recall the name of this specific messenger/alien – I will have to dig through boxes in my garage to find notes, as well as letters/messages I hope to be able to share in the near future).

Yahweh is my witness, as I sit here writing this, with no exaggerations or embellishments; the rest of my time in that home before I moved, the grass stayed green, but hardly grew. I can not recollect exactly how many times I had to cut the grass or have it cut, but it went from a weekly or nearly every two weeks to possibly monthly or more. I used to jokingly say, “I have aliens taking care of my lawn for me.”

“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not be troubled or afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:7

Father cares about the details. As our relationship evolves and become more intimate with Him, even the things that may seem insignificant or trivial gets the attention of heaven.

“All the angels are ministering spirits, sent forth to attend to those who are heirs of salvation.” Hebrews 1:14


I used to love Math in school, I was an A & B student in Math and Algebra in high school; until I took Geometry. Out of all my teachers, I can only remember a few of their names and faces. Mrs. Barber is one of them, she was the geometry teacher from hell. At least that’s what several others and I thought. She spoke extremely fast, very little emotions, matter of fact, very little explanation and rarely repeated herself. My grades dropped to C’s and D’s for the first time in Math. I lost all interest in Math and scratched my plans for Algebra II or later Trigonometry in the next grade. I can still see her now at the blackboard, back toward the students, with her yard stick pointing, plaid skirt, white blouse, talking a hundred miles a minutes; leaving most of the class with dropped jaws. It was a miracle I passed that class.

As time progressed, our friends from far away began to download technical geometric healing symbols. Jerry had also received instruction to build a Healing Dome with specific geometric angles and measurements. He felt Spirit telling him to give up his lucrative business and devote himself to this very important work. Mrs. Barber had made sure many years prior that I would not have too much interest or be of much help at this level. Hearing the word “geometry” gave me flashbacks of her monotone voice, speaking so fast, she’d be almost out of breath.

There were many synchronicities, Bear and the Talking Table people were frequenting a Dome shaped Sweat Lodge as the Table was encouraging them to. This is the same one I had several awesome encounters in. Jerry was excited about building this small Healing Dome, based on the intelligence and technology given by messengers/angels/aliens. I remember after I moved to Arizona, he told me it was finished and they were having great success with healing.

Due to the geometric symbols, size and shape of the dome given, it could fit possibly 10 or more (sorry I don’t remember the exact number), people often came to sit in meditation or prayer and were healed of various ailments. Healing energy was channeled through the sacred symbols and shapes, those who connected with this in faith were healed.

“Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal… to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit…” 1 Corinthians 12:4-9

We see by this Scripture that there are “Gifts” of healing. There are many ways the Creator can use to bring healing and miracles. It can happen in a Church, tent, tee pee, home, dome or wherever faith is released or one can plug in to the anointing. Whether it is oil, holy water, salt, vitamin, medicine, laying on of hands, thought distant healing, spoken word distant healing, or proper eating; it is all God.


I have seen their crafts (chariots) on many occasions since I was a teenager. On every occasion, there were others with me that also witnessed them. Once many years ago while traveling across Montana, I camped out on the beach at Flathead Lake. While staring into the night sky talking to friends about UFO’s/aliens, I had an inner knowing that I could summon them and they would appear. I told my friends and called upon them. Within minutes, far above us many began to appear. It was almost as if they were preforming across the black night sky, displaying ability to defy laws in our world. We watched until we all fell asleep.

In modern western Christianity, we are taught that aliens are demons flying in spaceships-the prince of the power of the air. Actually, the demons are spirit beings that issued from the flesh of dead Nephilim. Demons don’t need a material craft. As on this planet, there are good people and evil people, so it is with the many planets that are yet evolving. We see from Genesis chapters 6 & 19 and other places that there were angels/aliens, some decided to break Cosmic Laws by sexually interacting with lower species (humans). They became fallen or evil angels.

The truth is, you have most likely already been contacted by ET’s/angels many times. Contact is made through dreams, telepathy, strangers, vision, voices, intuition, etc. Ways to discern a being of light from one who is transforming himself as one – Get Rid of Fear. We have been given a foundation and gauge to determine or test the spirits, it is the Word of God. Yep, literally everything is in the Bible. (I have no doubt that the Author of the OneVerse or MultiVerses is also recorded in other holy books). The problem with Christianity is, most Christians are not students of the Word, therefore, it is easy to become deceived regarding many things. Unfortunately, most Pastors don’t study either. They have about 40-50 sermons written that they preach each years – remixing the same dead letter of the word year after year, further dumbing down a bunch of people in a progressive state of spiritual retardation. Therefore, most are not qualified to discern between good or evil and opt to classify anything beyond their extremely limited knowledge and experiences as evil.

When the ego or carnal mind no longer have preeminence, the mind of the spirit or higher consciousness is given access to Universal Intelligence. The Spirit-information super highway knows no boundaries and the connection is becoming faster and faster. We have access to the universe (multiverses), connected by simple thought frequencies. “In the year king Uzziah (Ego) died, I saw the LORD at a higher frequency, exalted…” Isaiah 6:1


Father, Creator of All. I know that I came from Spirit. I long to consciously live in the Spirit at all times and not fulfill the drives of my flesh or ego. I know it is my inherited right as your son/daughter to explore the mysteries of the universe without fear. I know you want me to encounter and engage the Spirit realm, the angelic/aliens and cloud of witness daily. I let go of all fears and everything within me known and unknown that would keep me confined to this limited 3 dimensional world understanding of spiritual things. I denounce and release myself from all fear driven doctrines and traditions of men I have received and believed about the supernatural. I untangle myself from any and all pseudo-spiritual beliefs and things I have learned based in false humility and ignorance.

In true humility and divine love, I now arise and break free from all mental and spiritual bondages. I now open my mind and spirit to the Great Holy Spirit. I am one with the Universe and Multiverses as you are One. Open my Eye to see what I could not see. Open my ears to hear what I could not before. Make me sensitive to every subtle move of Spirit, as I learn to still and quieten myself in your Presence. I expect from this moment on to have an activation of dreams, to see visions, encounter angels, discern spirits, to do what I am called to do to help restore all creation. I yield all my electronic devices over to Spirit – you have permission to communicate through them. I ask and declare these things to be so, in the matchless name of Yahushua (Jesus). Amen.

(Feel free to pray this activation prayer daily with emotions and faith. I will be posting more true stories of my paranormal experiences in upcoming postings, as I retrieve them from our old defunct website)

GET THIS BOOK TODAY!! ~~~~ SERPENT BRAIN -TRANSFORMING THE CARNAL MIND – – Learn how to operate out from the where Christ sits at the Right (hand) Brain Hemisphere of God.




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