Encountering the Supernatural – video

Encountering the Supernatural – video

Why do you have an interest in the supernatural? Why do some of you long to have supernatural encounters? Is this something that’s relevant or even possible in this hi-tech 21st century?

What about seeing angels, teleportation, the abilities to manipulate and create weather or natural events? What about consciousness (mind/spirit) moving objects?

Over the years, I have demonstrated power over elements (earth, wind, water, fire), posting “signs” on this website and speaking in live meetings in various places around the world. The purposes were solely to increase faith, glorify the Creator and demonstrate the authority given to the sons of God. Many times it was just spontaneous and knowing at that moment whatever I spoke had to become.

In most cases, when I state, “Eye give you a sign…” That is a demonstration of me exercising an ability to create or manipulate the elements or targeting electrical equipment, etc. Some years ago, I frequently was able to create signs in space 93 million miles away on the Sun. I would often post dates of coming Solar Storms – Coronal Mass Ejections (CME), on the website. That is a form of Plasmakinesis, the ability to manipulate plasma; akin to pyrokinesis, which is the ability to create or manipulate fire. Prophet Elijah was adept at Pyrokinesis, as well as other kinetic abilities. He called down fire to consume soldiers coming to arrest him several times. 2 Kings 1

Elijah was also adept at Atmokinesis and Hydrokinesis – he could control the weather- rain fall. “According to my word it shall not rain..” 1 Kings 18 – then over 3 years later he commanded it to rain…according to his word. That’s supernatural!

Eye prophesy to you that we are about to see a return of the Kinetic Abilities that will be displayed publicly. Of course, many evangelical Christians not understanding or knowing the ‘powers of God,” will call it demonic. Most of those displaying these abilities wont be regular church-goers. The pressure to stay low-keyed not attracting attention is being lifted, as well as fear of government agencies. The “Kinetic Abilities” mostly fall under the spiritual gift “working of miracles.” 1 Corinthians 12

In our upcoming Rising Mystics Master Class – Eye will teach on Psychokinesis – the mind’s (consciousness) ability to affect movement near or far, even in space. Eye expect to possibly do some demonstrations between Phase 1 or Phase 2, maybe both. For sure, the many Kinetic (Kinesis) abilities will be taught.

In this video below, I slightly touch on some experiences. Allow your faith to rise, get rid of fear and expand your consciousness. You long for the supernatural and to display abilities because this is where you came from. It was once natural for you/us. Let’s allow it to be again.



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Order of Melchizedek

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  1. The encountering the supernatural video is awesome! I hunger for the things of God and I want to have supernatural encounters with God. I am enrolled in the upcoming Mystics class. Thank you

    • They that hunger shall be filled. You will have many experiences. Looking forward for the Master Class. 🙂


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