Frequent Ringing In Ears…Sign Of Higher Spiritual Awareness

Frequent Ringing In Ears…Sign Of Higher Spiritual Awareness

At first glance of this article, Frequent Ringing In Ears Is a Sign Of Higher Spiritual Awareness, I so resonated with it, expecting it would share and confirm some things I already knew. There are so many subtle ways Spirit communicates with us. It’s a wonderful article.

Perhaps, over 15 years ago, I noticed the high pitched ringing in my ears. At first I thought and questioned, is this blood pressure related, or tinnitus? Deep within I knew it was something more. The odd high pitch ringing continued intermittently or just randomly, sometimes a bit disturbing, but never frightening. There is barely a day that go by that I don’t notice it at some point, some times louder than other times.

After moving to Arizona, I’d notice it more usually at night or early morning when it was quiet, I could heard faint music and static along with the high pitch. It was like from a radio station trying to pick up the signal, but very faint. I was the only one in the house that could hear it. There was no radio in the room and many times I was lying down when I first started hearing beyond the high pitch. One night I actually went through the house unplugging TV’s, computers, everything electrical and turning the AC off. I could yet hear this faint music that seem to become less faint in my bedroom. After thoroughly investigating where the faint music and noise was coming from and realizing it was not anywhere in my house or from another house, it was evident that I was tuning in to another realm.

The music became clearer and clearer, sometimes it was almost like old ball room style music, other times like a choir of soprano voices, or just a bass line or rhythm, and other times so faint I had to strain to hear. I could never make out the words, even til this day I am barely able to make out the voices most times and I am cautious to not just make up words I want to hear. Then, there was the news shows from a faint distance that started to come through.

The high pitch ringing became more frequent and like a daily experience that would happen before or during this “radio station type of music or news shows” would faintly manifest. I knew I was hearing and tapping into another dimension or time, whether it was the past or future, but I couldn’t get the signal clear enough to hear audibly clear words and I did not want to contaminate the experience by making them up or fantasying.

It started to happen, just before I was asleep or just as I was waking. I could hear the radio news broadcasting events that had happened and sometimes, it would also appear as TV news. Unfortunately, all the events being broadcasted to me were natural or man-made disasters, terror attacks, loss of live, earthquakes, air crashes etc. that would soon take place. Eye started posting some of the events to this website stating that the information came from the faint TV news or radio shows Eye was hearing.

So what was happening? This high pitch ringing in my ears was somehow further opening up the realm of clairaudience (clear hearing) and sometime activated a higher level of clairvoyance (clear seeing). The ringing in my ears was like one was searching for the proper dial on a radio to catch the strongest signal for a clear broadcast. During those days I seemed to be more tuned in and was having frequent encounters as Eye was able to hear and pick up radio signals from future news events, as I spent more time in meditation.

The late night experiences became so reminiscence of when I was a child. We hard a large long-wave radio in the living room. The dial could be set for more than 20 nations around the world. I would sneak downstairs late night and listen to the sometime high pitches and statically music and radio shows from around the world. There were also times when the signal was crystal clear – I’d sometime fall asleep listening. I could not understand the languages, but I could “feel” the words, musics, and songs. It was during that time I knew I would one day travel to the nations of the world.

If you are experiencing the frequent ringing in your ears, take time to listen. Be Still and Know I AM God. Consciously try to tune in to a frequency and hear what was, what is or what will be. The signals of past, present and future are all around us. Raise your hands, arms and become an antennae to receive. Open your hands palms upward, with your tongue tip curled to the roof of your mouth in that space, breathing deeply and receive. You are a human transmitter and receiver, a receiver of universal frequencies. The transmissions are bombarding you 24/7…receive.

On Monday nights I conduct a LIVE Mystics Class where we teach, demonstrate and share out of the box spirituality. It is interfaith (all welcome) and it is international. We use the Zoom Platform. If you are interested in experiencing some of the past teachings of Phase One, Two & Three –

Check this out. RISING MYSTICS INSTITUTE Contact us here, if you are interested joining the Free LIVE Monday evening 6:00 pm PST USA class:

Order of Melchizedek

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  1. Thank you so much for this message. I started hearing this sound on my left ear in October 2018. In February 2019 I was admitted for a week in hospital with the doctors trying to figure out what could be causing. It’s been such a painful experience coz only I can hear the sound. I came out of the hospital nothing that could tell me why I have the sound in my ears after all the tests and MRI. It gets so bad at night or in quiet places, I don’t know what to do.

    • Thanks for sharing. Praying for your breakthrough into clairaudience.


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