Let’s Debunk Some Lies

Let’s Debunk Some Lies

People panic when there are sudden changes in the way of life they are used to. The Serpent Brain kicks in and all logic, reasoning and common sense is shut down.

I have been bombarded with wonderful videos and links that provided excellent information, most of which I had already researched. however, what I found in the videos and information was a lot of MISINFORMATION. Some I believe was purposely placed there, others it was just people repeating what they had heard. Then, there are those behind the scenes that have the power to make information or misinformation go viral. Unfortunately, these theories and lies have gone viral in the Christian community.

Take a 2nd look at what you are hearing, seeing and reading. Prove All Things.


LIE: The Quarantine is because Trump is arresting Deep State, Pedophiles & Illuminati. They have circulated that lie for at least 10 years about massive arrests and you have not seen an arrest of top people and wont. Believe it when they start to arrest people living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC – Evangelicals and others, get over your Obsession of seeing people arrested.

TRUTH: This is a TEST to see which type of slaves they are dealing with. You are being prepared for more coming exercises. This one may be prolonged for months. You are being conditioned to Accept Quarantine, Restrictions, Curfews and eventually FEMA Camps. You will soon become such a willing sheeple filled with Fear, you will give up all your rights that’s already been taken-while you are praising the “Con Man.” And they will take your precious “guns.” What you expected to come from the “left” will come from the “right” over the next few years. Many of you have willingly participated in a CIA Psyops Experiment aka Q Cult and you’ve become addicted.

LIE: Q said there would be 10 days of darkness, then some suggest 3 days. They told you that the purpose was so they could Drain the Swamp, Flush out the Rats, Destroy the Deep State, Arrest the Pedophiles, etc. That is a Lie.

TRUTH: The use all the talking point, cliches’ you have been mind-controlled to trigger acceptance and belief in. They give you a bit of truth with a whole lots of lies. The shutdown, darkness or rolling blackouts, WILL NOT BE DUE TO ARRESTS or SWAMP DRAINING. They will have to Reboot the planet. When you add software to your computer, you need to shut it down and Reboot, Restart it so it works properly. They plan to Fully Activate 5G, Jade Helm and other AI technologies you don’t know about this week. It is the next big step to enslave the planet and bring about a new world order.

LIE: There is no Corona Virus CoVID-19. It is all 5G, no virus at all and they are just creating Fear. People are actually dying from 5G with virus like symptoms. Lie.

TRUTH: There is a real CoVid-19. People are dying from this CoVid-19 effects. It has 3 components (SARS, MERS & HIV) They will not mention HIV in the media, because everyone will know that it was engineered. It has 4 strains of HIV that create HIV types of symptoms in some people. The virus is engineered to attack the body with MERS, then if you get it again SARS, if you get it again HIV. However, attacks are not in that order. Study this~~COVID-19 LACED WITH HIV STRAINS

Furthermore, half of Italy, the major cities (Turin, Rome, Naples, Milan, etc) launched 5G in the Spring-Summer of 2019. There were no reports of massive deaths til early this year 2020. Iran was not scheduled to launch 5G til the end of March 2020, yet they had massive deaths in February-early March 2020. I watch satellite images of them digging acres of land to keep up with the deaths and burying the dead. (Iran has not reported an accurate number of deaths due to embarrassment. China is believed to have had possibly close to 10 million deaths).

There are videos trending that’s spreading misinformation and partial truth, especially among Christians. Yes, 5G is radioactive and can cause flu like symptoms, but if it is as the misinformation states it, everyone should be dead before April ends or at least by Fall season. Why? Because the 50,000 satellites will have been launched and 5G will be turned on.

Why is this Misinformation Trending? It is a distraction. They don’t want America to be seen in a bad light, although, we have a documented history of using biological weapons to kill people. Many people realize that America is mostly responsible for engineering CoVid-19, Bill Gates funds the organization that hold patents on strains of Corona Viruses. Iran, Russia, and China put the blame America and Israel using this as a biological weapon.

(On a side note, to prove information on the trending Christian video blaming 5G for all the deaths is a LIE, hear this. I have gotten word from Nigeria that Masks were sent there that have tested Positive for CoVod-19. Videos are being made warning Nigerian and other Africans not to accept the testing or mask. Bill Gates a few months ago predicted that Africa would be hit very hard. Why? Because he knew the plan was to infect the continent, kill millions, so the West could further plunder the vast untapped resources of the continent. French doctors suggested testing vaccines on Africans. They are infecting people with CoVid-19 with their Test Kits and Masks. I would not doubt they are doing the same here.)


Most of you have not heard of 6G, 7G and especially 8G technology. If all of what they are saying about 5G, (5th generation) internet technology is true, why isn’t 7G causing MASS DEATH?

Here are some countries that’s been using limited ultra fast 7G technology and have not experienced Mass Death. Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, South Korea, Hong Kong and even USA. Of course, this technology is not made available to the public at large abroad and here in the USA yet.

BE Safe & Aware.

Order of Melchizedek


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  1. I believe that some imformation is false but I dont see everyone dying from 5G no worked at al but trying to be safe

    • Yes, we must be safe. Truth is mixed in with lies. A big Misinformation Campaign. It is like eating fish (which I don’t), carefully eat the meat, leave the sharp bones.

  2. Thanks for throwing light on these lies. In fact , I don’t have the time to read and listen to these information.It is the truth that will set us free, not mis-information.
    I choose to stay in the WORD and in the SPIRIT! When we do, our frequency of vibration increases and we are UNTOUCH-ABLE.

  3. Thanks for your insight.


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