The Science of Fasting

The Science of Fasting

The Science and Art of Fasting has been lost by much of the western Evangelical Christian Church, however, there is a revival of fasting surging in the scientific and secular communities. When I speak of fasting, I mean “abstaining from food.” Unfortunately, due to the strong addiction to food and toxic material disguised as food; genuine fasting has been watered down and reduced to nothing akin to fasting. Modern religious leaders encourage their congregations to fast from social media, wine, alcohol, deserts, cigarettes and basically everything for several days, except food.

The definition of ‘Fasting’ from the Old Middle English word means, Fasten, to hold fast, Strong, strengthen; observe, and abstain from food.

In the definition of the word, we find that fasting actually makes one physically strong (healthy) and increases mental clarity (observe). Hippocrates, the father of Western Medicine prescribed fasting for healing of the human body. Plutarch said, “Instead of medicine, better fast a day.” Paracelsus said, “Fasting is the greatest remedy.”

Throughout the Bible we are encouraged to fast, however, religious people who seek to make their belly their god, usually say that fasting is under the law. Others, distort fasting to mean that it is an effort to twist God’s arm or to achieve God’s favor. Nevertheless, in all religions we find the teachings of fasting and the wonderful benefits.

Isaiah 58:6-14 clearly explains the outcome and benefits of fasting for spiritual purposes, giving us a list of what to expect: spiritual enlightenment, breaking addictions, emotional healing, physical healing, mental clarity, compassion for others, longevity and attracting wealth. To achieve these types of outcome, one would have to go beyond missing one or two meals a day. These types of breakthroughs come when the body is fasted at least 3 consecutive days with water only. Among those in the church, there is a growing number addicted to street drugs, pharmaceutical drugs and alcohol. Some of your deliverance and healing will ONLY manifest through you becoming a disciple (discipline one) – “This kind does not go out except by Fasting and prayer.” Matthew 17:21 KJV

Fasting literally changes the DNA expression and codes, rewriting it to produce whatever the intent or prayer is. For example, if your intent is healing of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, kidney failure, asthma, heart trouble, mental illness, even schizophrenia, the genetic codes can be rewritten through fasting and prayer. The same goes for alcohol, caffeine, drugs, sex and food addiction. The body will manifest healing, when the chemical toxins or energetic/emotional toxins have been cleared out through fasting. It is shameful that the places where people gather to worship are filled with extremely obese, sickly, dying people under 50 years old from the pulpit to the back door, when we have in our hands the simple solution. Do you need another “Happy Meal” or a meal that will make your body happy? This is not condemnation, just facts and truth.

“I have come that you might have life and that more abundantly.” John 10:10 “O house of Israel, why do you want to die?” Proverbs 18:31 “When you fast…” Matthew 6

In the past, we have done “Fasting Clinics,” “Fasting Shut-In,” “Group Fasting,” and I personally have done 21 days (24 hrs day/night) fast, my goal is to eventually do 40 days/nights. Fasting has been a lifestyle for me most of my life. (Dieting is different from Fasting). Start fasting by missing 2 meals and eating once a day, you wont die. Then, work your way into 24hrs, then 48 hours, 72 hours, later 7 days and beyond. However, some may be able to flow into a 3 days or more without the build up. (Follow your heart and listen to the video clip below to know how to break your fast properly if this is new for you.)


I conduct an international online private Mystery School – we call it Rising Mystics Master Class. Every Monday evening for about an hour to an hour and half I am teaching, demonstrating and imparting lifestyles of the Mystic. A few months ago, I taught a series called “Quantum Fasting.” As a result, people who never fasted before began to fast, others who had not fasted in decades fasted. There were testimonies of blood pressure problems healed, diabetes, one man stopped wearing glasses, another man in Canada told me this morning he has been forgetting to take his diabetic medication and his sugar levels are normal again after fasting 2 days a week…Others are testifying of weight loss, emotional healing, and of course a big spiritual boost, etc. One young man just finished 18 days/nights of fasting with water only.

We are developing a community of people from different parts of the world, all walks of life, even the medical profession…we are fasting together, praying together and posting our fasting dates on our Private Face Book page for others in the community to fast with us in support. Many are agreeing to develop a lifestyle of fasting. If you are interested in joining this growing Mystic Monday evening class – follow this link RISING MYSTICS MASTER CLASS – Next Monday we will have a guest speaker, a brilliant medical doctors who has practiced medicine on 3 continents. I might add, he is a Messianic Hebrew and very spiritual.

For those of you that have a fear of fasting, or think you will die if you don’t get 3 healthy servings of mostly poisons disguised as food, I have included a powerful video for your education based on science. This video comes from the scientific perspective, yet validates what all holy Scripture teaches.

Order of Melchizedek

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  1. Man of God, It is no doubt, the Lord is restoring to his people, this old art of fasting again. Fasting in no doubt is a powerful weapon on all 3 levels of mankind:spiritual, emotional and physical level. I devote part of my life to fasting and it brings spiritual strength , mental sharpness and clarity in both my pastoral ministry and my practice of medicine. There are many things I can confirm about fastings , and my recommendation to the entire world especially the Christian church today is to get away from the “supper room” and move to the “upper room” through fastings and prayers.
    If you really want to total unleashing of the unlimited power of Ruach hakodesh aka the Holy Spirit in your life, ministry, family, then you must live a fasted life. Shalom!

    • Yes & Amen Dr. Fraser. It is always so good to have an out of the box scientist and practicing physician confirm what we are doing. Thank you.

  2. could you please inform me if you have another class starting.I am in uk.

    • Shalom Susan, Rising Mystics Phase Two starts Monday. You can jump in any time and get caught up with the Master Class. You can also take Phase One – probably over 25 hours. Follow this link to know how:

  3. Its fascinating how I have felt an inward desire to fast this year.I dont know how the Divine Holy Spirit works to connect us to our desires and our Teacher.However,this is where I am right now.The information regarding fasting is right on time.Confirmation and enlightenment to guide me forward.I am so grateful for being shepherded to the Truth.Thankyou so very much.


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